Free movies in Muirhouse

Looking for something to do with the kids on Saturdays?

Well look no further, North Edinburgh Arts and Link Up Muirhouse are to host free family film days. Starting Saturday 3 November from 12.30 you’re welcome to come along and enjoy the film of the day in North Edinburgh Arts Centre’s fantastic cinema!

Films will be shown from 1pm, but children are more than welcome to arrive early and purchase goodies for the film from the tuck-shop. When the film finishes everyone is welcome to head into the library as they staff will be holding a film relevant fun session.

Sat 3rd November – 1pm                               Top Cat

Sat 10th November – 1pm                             The Muppets

Sat 17th November – 1pm                             Shrek 4

Sat 24th November – 1pm                             Brave

These films are totally free and we hope to see many families enjoying them, Parents and carers are more than welcome to come to the Arts centre if they wish and sit in the modern café area whilst younger children watch the film.

So rather than spend time on the streets when it’s cold and miserable why not come to the centre and enjoy the film?

More information please call in to the Arts centre or telephone: 0131 315 2151 or visit

Robert Pearson


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