A Holyrood Committee has raised concerns about a lack of detail in a Bill which proposes a move away from a crisis management approach to a preventative approach to homelessness in Scotland.
The Social Justice and Social Security Committee has been scrutinising the homelessness and domestic violence aspects of the Housing (Scotland) Bill. While the Committee supports the principles of the proposals in the Bill, it wants the Scottish Government to outline how the measures will work in practice.
The practicalities of the “ask and act” duty, which calls on relevant public bodies to ask a person about their housing situation and to take action to prevent homelessness, were one aspect the Committee would like to understand in greater detail.
The Committee’s report asks how the Scottish Government will ensure that relevant bodies do not just refer people to the homelessness officers in their local authority.
The report also notes that there are problems with the Bill’s costings, as laid out in the Financial Memorandum. The Committee calls for this to be updated.

Collette Stevenson MSP, Convener of the Social Justice and Social Security Committee, said: “Our Committee agrees with this Bill’s goal of shifting Scotland’s approach to homelessness away from crisis intervention towards prevention.
“However, we do share witnesses’ concerns about the lack of detail in the Scottish Government’s plans. In particular, we would like to see more detail about how the ‘ask and act’ duty will operate in practice.
“We also acknowledge concerns raised about the Financial Memorandum. Our report recommends that the Scottish Government consult with stakeholders again and update costings as appropriate ahead of the Stage 1 debate on the Bill.”

The Committee also backed proposals in the Bill to support people affected by domestic abuse, although its report requests more information about the measures in the Bill will interact with other relevant policy and legislation.
In particular, the Committee heard that the Bill is linked to the Domestic Abuse (Protection) (Scotland) Act 2021. As the Act has not commenced in full, the Committee calls for a detailed plan and timeline to confirm when the laws in the Act will come into force.