Family Fun Day at Central Library

SATURDAY 25 JANUARY from 10am – 5pm

Come and join us on Saturday 25th January for our Family Fun Day! We’ll have lots of exciting things happening:

For children:

📖 Storytime – enjoy a selection of fun stories at the session’s brand new time

For ages 3-5, 11-11.30am in the Children’s Library

🧱 Lego Club – unleash your creativity and make fabulous Lego creations!

For ages 7-11, 3pm in the Children’s Library

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🗺 Burns Treasure Hunt – celebrate Burns Night with this special treasure hunt in the Children’s Library.

Speak to a member of staff for an entry form

For adults:

🖌 Artists’ books workshop with Susie Wilson – create your own tunnel book in this Miniature Theatres session

10.30am-1pm in the George Washington Browne Room.

Booking is essential

For all ages:

🎶 Scottish traditional singing workshop with Joss Cameron – learn a selection of songs with the award-winning singer

2.30-4.30pm in the George Washington Browne Room

Booking is essential

🧶 Knit & Natter – bring along your project and join this extra Saturday session

2-4pm on the Mezzanine

In the foyer:

💬 Information, advice and support stalls

On the Mezzanine:

☕ Tea, coffee, and light refreshments will be available from 12pm

To book your place on one of the workshops, please visit our Ticketsource page:

Please speak to a member of staff if you have any questions. We hope to see you there!

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Edinburgh reporter and photographer