Edinburgh MSP warns of looming deadline for Winter Fuel Payment

SNP MSP Gordon Macdonald has encouraged those across the city of Edinburgh who have not already applied for pension credit to do so by 22nd September to ensure they receive the Winter Fuel Payment this year.  

Across the UK, 37% of those eligible do not claim pension credit, which is now a prerequisite for receiving the Winter Fuel Payment of £300 after the UK Labour government cut its universal provision as part of its austerity agenda.

16th – 22nd September 2024 is qualifying week for those who are eligible for the payment this year, however over 800,000 pensioners across Scotland are now set to lose out.

Commenting, Gordon Macdonald said: “The abhorrent decision by the Labour UK government to cut the Winter Fuel payment has put thousands of pensioners in an unimaginable situation.

“As a result, 67,555 across Edinburgh will miss out on the payment altogether whilst some who are eligible are also in danger of missing out.

“The SNP are clear;  this is a cruel and inexplicable decision by the Labour government that leaves pensioners across the city worse off.

“If you have not already done so, please check your eligibility and apply for pension credit by the end of this week to ensure you don’t miss out on vital support this winter.”

Gracemount assault: Do you know these men?

Police have released images of two men who may be able to assist with enquiries into an assault in Edinburgh that occurred on Gracemount Drive around 10pm on Tuesday, 27 August, 2024.

A 53-year-old man was taken to hospital for treatment.

The first man is described as white, around 30-years-old, tall and of slim build. He was wearing a dark coloured baseball cap, black zip up hoodie and black Adidas trainers with white sole and stripes.

He spoke with a local Scottish accent and has potential links to Bonnyrigg.

The second man is described as white, aged between 30 and 45-years-old, of heavy build and short brown hair.

He was wearing a red/orange hooded top with white draw strings, blue jeans and white trainers.

Detective Constable Richmond of Edinburgh CID said: “I would urge the men pictured, or anyone who has information relating to him, to contact police as soon as possible.

“You can contact Police Scotland via 101 quoting reference number 4231 of 27 August, 2024 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”

Eye Pavilion to close for six months for urgent plumbing repairs


Urgent repair work will have to be carried out at the Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion at the end of October.

Extensive work is required on the plumbing system, meaning that all patient appointments which were scheduled to take place from October 28 will now be moved to other NHS Lothian facilities.

It is anticipated that the PAEP building will be vacated for around six months while contractors replace two waste pipes and remove asbestos material from a sealed cavity where the pipework is located.

The decision to move to other locations temporarily while the work takes place is designed to protect patients, staff and visitors.

Jim Crombie, Deputy Chief Executive, NHS Lothian, said: “We are very sorry for the inconvenience this will cause our patients and it is not a decision we have taken lightly. 

“Whilst patients and staff are not at risk, the work is essential and the advice we have received from our contractors is that this can be done more speedily and safely if the building is temporarily vacated.

“Patient and staff safety are always our chief consideration. Our teams are working hard to minimise disruption and to ensure patients continue to be seen and treated throughout this period.”

Teams are currently developing plans to ensure that inpatient and outpatient appointments continue throughout this period and it is expected that all appointments will be held in NHS Lothian facilities.

Patients do not need to do anything differently.

The vast majority of patients due to be seen at the PAEP between now and Friday October 26are unaffected. A very small number of appointments scheduled to take place before then may need to be rescheduled. These patients do not need to do anything as they will be contacted individually by their clinical teams at least two weeks in advance.

Those who already have appointments booked for dates from Monday October 28 will be contacted by letter, text or both in good time to arrange their new appointments, starting with patients who have appointments in the week beginning October 28. 

Mr Crombie added: “We are really grateful to all of our patients for their patience and understanding.

“I would like to reassure them they do not need to do anything. All affected patients will be being contacted with details of the new location of their appointment.

“Our staff and teams throughout PAEP are working really hard to make the move as smooth as possible at short notice and I can’t thank them enough.”

Lothian MSP urges residents to make their voices heard over unacceptable lack of a replacement Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion

Lothian MSP, Miles Briggs, has called on Edinburgh and Lothian residents to send a clear message to SNP Ministers and the Scottish Government that the failure to deliver a replacement Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion is unacceptable.

On Tuesday NHS Lothian announced that the eye hospital would be closing for six months due to urgent plumbing repairs (see above).

Previous FOIs to NHS Lothian showed a list of 125 outstanding items of maintenance work, totalling £2.3 million, that needed carried out at the hospital.

Since April 2022 the list of outstanding maintenance work has remained the same, with MSP Miles Briggs, calling the building “unfit for purpose”.

A scheduled visit to the hospital with Lothian MSPs and the Cabinet Secretary for Health is scheduled for next month to see the extent of work required at the hospital and the urgent need for a replacement Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion.

Figures from Sight Scotland show that over the last ten years there has been a 230% increase in ongoing waits for ophthalmology outpatients in NHS Lothian. The number of people waiting over sixteen weeks has increased by 5600% and those waiting over 12 weeks has increased by 2752%.

This closure to the Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion is only going to worsen ophthalmology waits in NHS Lothian.

Lothian MSP, Miles Briggs, said: “Residents in Edinburgh and the Lothian’s must let SNP Ministers know how angry they are with the lack of funding being delivered for a replacement Edinburgh Eye hospital

“Waits for Ophthalmology services in NHS Lothian have grown dramatically, especially over the last 3 to 5 years and people are having to wait excessive lengths of time for treatment.

“As with any medical treatment, the sooner that you are seen the better the expected outcome and this is especially the case for ophthalmology.

“People who want to make their voices heard can sign my petition online to restore funding for a new Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion.”

If you would like to support Mr Brigg’s petition to reinstate funding for a replacement Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion, you can find the petition here:
