Granton leading the way on low carbon housing, says Greens 


The Scottish Government has published their consultation paper on planned Heat in Buildings legislation which sets out a path for how best to deliver greener, warmer homes for Scotland. 

The Minister for Zero Carbon Buildings, Active Travel and Tenant’s Rights, Patrick Harvie, recently visited Granton to see heat networks being set up for the new developments on the Waterfront. 

The systems and homes being built in Granton are examples of what could be rolled out across Scotland – greener energy, lower bills and no fossil fuels.

Green Councillor for Forth Ward, Kayleigh O’Neill said: “This is another major milestone in the Granton Waterfront project. Over £1 billion has gone into helping a community become well connected and no longer reliant on fossil fuels. This is a massive step towards tacking climate change and transitioning the city, and country, to net-zero.” 

Cllr. O’Neill added: “Over the next ten years we will also see more affordable housing being built and care taken towards our urban coastal green spaces. We have to be ambitious and put people and planet first in all future developments.

“This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to transition towards a greener economy. Granton Waterfront will set the standard for sustainable growth and show how we can live without fossil fuels.” 

The consultation will run until 8 March 2024, then responses will be scrutinised and a final decision made on when to publish a Bill in the Scottish Parliament to pass in 2025. 

You can take part in the consultation here: 

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