Anti-bullying week is an annual event in Scotland and across the UK that aims to raise awareness of bullying of children and young people and highlights ways of preventing and responding to it.
The week is co-ordinated by respectme in Scotland and this year’s theme is: ‘Listen Up! (Respect our Rights)’.
Childline data
- From April 2021 to March 2022, Childline delivered 374 counselling sessions to children and young people in Scotland about bullying.
- 331 of these counselling sessions were about bullying in-person, a 39% increase compared to the year before when there was the national covid lockdown.
- 43 counselling sessions were about online bullying.
- Across the UK, the top three concerns where a child spoke to Childline about in-person bullying included: insults, taunts, name calling; bullying about difference and violence.
- For counselling sessions on online bullying the top three concerns included: nasty comments, threats, and intimidation.
One 17-year-old girl from Scotland said: “I am being bullied by a girl in my class. She always says nasty things to me, such as calling me names, swearing at me, and telling me I should die. She also pushes me at school.
“Some of my teachers know about it and they are supportive with how I feel, but no-one ever talks to her about what she is doing and how she is treating me. That is what I want to happen. I experience panic attacks and have anxiety, which have been getting worse since the bullying.”

Shaun Friel, Childline Director said: “Bullying continues to remain a top issue that children turn to Childline about on a daily basis.
“Ever since we moved out of the national lockdown and children returned to school, we have continued to see a rise in the number of contacts to Childline about in-person bullying.
“Those who have called the service about this have spoken to our trained counsellors about experiencing name calling, being excluded and physical violence.
“Whilst many others have turned to the service about being bullied online. Some of those who have contacted our counsellors about this have said that they’ve been threatened online, had rumours spread about them on social media platforms and others have had been made fun of on online chatrooms.
“Regardless of how or where a child is bullied, we know it can have a detrimental impact if they don’t get the support they need. These children often sad, overwhelmed and lonely.
“This Anti Bullying Week at Childline, we want to remind all children and young people that if they are being bullied that this is not their fault and they can always reach out to Childline for immediate support.
“Our counsellors are here to help and can be contacted confidentially, day or night, online or on the phone.”

Advice for children
- Share how you are feeling with other young people. Childline’s online message board is a non-judgemental space where you can speak to other children who are in a similar situation to you about your experiences and feelings. This can help you feel less alone and will give you an online support network that you can turn to.
- Talk to an adult you trust about the bullying you are experiencing so you feel less alone and so that adult can support you. This could be a parent, teacher or you can speak to a Childline counsellor on 0800 1111 or online at childline.org.uk
- Take a break from your device if you are being bullied online and do something you enjoy such as sport, listening to music or art.
- Remember the bullying is not your fault.
- Report and block someone if they are sending you messages online that upset you.
For Adults:
Signs to spot that your child may be being bullied online:
- Not wanting to go to school or take part in normal activities.
- Getting anxious or angry if you go near their device. Feeling withdrawn, upset or angry at home.
- Problems sleeping or eating.
- Having angry outbursts that seem out of character.
- Spending more or less time online than normal.
Signs to spot that your child may be being bullied in-person
- Belongings are getting lost or damaged.
- Physical injuries such as unexplained bruises.
- Being afraid to go to school.
- Not doing as well at school.
- Being nervous, losing confidence, or becoming distressed and withdrawn.
- Problems with eating or sleeping.
- Bullying others.
What to do if you think your child is being bullied
- Talk to your child and remind them to come to you with anything that might be making them feel anxious or sad. If your child speaks to you about an experience of bullying that they’ve had online or in person, try to remain calm and don’t overwhelm them with questions and reassure them that it will be ok, and that you’re always there for them.
- Show them how to report or block a message that they’ve received from someone online that upsets or worries them.
- Don’t take their device away if they’ve had a negative experience online. Although you may want to do this if they are upset, this may make them feel like whatever has happened is their fault. Instead, suggest they take some time away from the app they received the messages on and do another online activity they enjoy like playing a game.
- Know where you can get further support. Adults can call the NSPCC helpline for advice on 0808 800 5000. There is also further advice on the NSPCC website.
Responding to news of a 400% increase in reported bullying at Edinburgh schools, Foysol Choudhury MSP said: “While it is great that young people are now confident enough to report bullying, it is also worrying to see a truer picture of the levels of bullying in our schools revealed.
“Bullying has been a major concern in many schools, and not enough is being done to tackle it.
“The fact that this new reporting system has highlighted 537 racist incidents is shocking, but not surprising. We were all aware that racism was an issue in schools and while it is good that this is now being reported and the data is finally being collected, it is incumbent upon schools to ensure that racist and other discriminatory bullying is rooted out.

“It is saddening to see young people targeted by such behaviour which often continues to affect people well into later life. Nobody should be made to feel belittled or discriminated against in our society, let alone at such a young age.
“I want the Learning Directorate to take action immediately and offer schools the support they need to tackle these issues as well as to help parents take more responsibility of how their children behave.
“The mental wellbeing of children and young people is key to their educational progress and everyone should feel safe in our schools.”