Craigmillar’s Walk-Up Avenue project welcomes first visitors

An innovative new outdoor space for people to meet and spend time has opened to the public in Craigmillar.

The newly named Walk-Up Avenue project has transformed a previously unused site in the heart of Craigmillar into a multi-purpose place that can be enjoyed by local people and visitors alike.

Visitors have had a first taste of the new space, which was used as a venue for this year’s Craigmillar and Niddrie Community Festival. It is linked to the existing play park via a sculptural entranceway. It provides a new commercial unit set within a wider green space – designed as a raingarden to support biodiversity – alongside outdoor seating, informal play and an events space with a stage pavilion.

The site was developed with the intention of providing a new outdoor space for people to meet and spend time, supporting small businesses and increasing footfall to this local centre.

The project has been delivered by the City of Edinburgh Council with support from the Town Centres Fund, Place Based Investment Programme, Scotland Loves Local, Nature Restoration Fund and Cycling Friendly & Social Housing Fund.

The Council owns the site and will oversee the management of future occupation and maintenance.

Walk-Up Avenue aims to support the wider regeneration investment in the Craigmillar area, and will contribute to Edinburgh’s 20-minute neighbourhood strategy for people across the city to live well locally with amenities available within a short walk, wheel or cycle from their homes.

The 20-minute neighbourhood approach is being developed with a focus on quality natural spaces for recreation and social activities that support physical and mental wellbeing for everyone, and places with their own identity and purpose, where everyone feels part of their local community.

Councillor Jane Meagher, Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Convener said: “Walk-Up Avenue presents a clear vision for the future of outdoor recreation and social spaces in Edinburgh.

“Linked to our 194-home Craigmillar Town Centre development, the site is a prime example of our 20-minute neighbourhood approach in action. It’s not just about building homes, it’s about creating communities that help to end poverty and isolation in Edinburgh.

“Craigmillar is also an important trial in our work to support projects that bring local food growing back into everyday spaces and improve green spaces in local areas. This is vital for creating more opportunities for people across the city to have better access to nature and open space, such as play parks and places to exercise or meet friends, which can support physical and mental wellbeing for everyone.”

Children’s service providers warn of mental health emergency caused by cost-of-living crisis

The Scottish Children’s Services Coalition (SCSC), an alliance of leading providers of specialist children’s services, has warned of a child mental health emergency caused by the cost-of-living crisis, driven by increasing energy costs.

With inflation, energy costs and shopping bills now outstripping wage levels, this has replaced Covid and lockdown restrictions as the primary cause of poor mental health for children and young people

The coalition has called for an urgent co-ordinated response by both the Scottish and UK Governments to address the crisis and avoid a potential “lost generation” of children and young people with mental health problems, such as anxiety, depression and self-harm. It has also called for greatly increased investment in mental health services.

Poverty is a major contributor to mental ill health, and children living in low-income households are three times more likely to suffer mental health problems than their more affluent peers. So more young people will experience worse mental health as a result of the current cost-of-living crisis and as families fall behind with their bills, causing increased anxiety.

Even before the pandemic, cases of poor mental health were at unprecedented levels with services in crisis, and there are a growing number of vulnerable children who cannot access adequate support.

The pandemic and cost-of-living crisis have exacerbated this, with more children and young people driven into poverty, with the resulting impact on their mental health. This has led to unprecedented demand and backlogs, with services struggling to keep up.

Figures published by Public Health Scotland in June indicate that over the quarter covering January to March 2022, 9,672 children and young people were referred to CAMHS for treatment, a staggering 22.4 per cent increase in numbers from the same quarter of the previous year when the equivalent figure was 7,902.2 The cost-of-living crisis is set to further worsen this. At the end of March 2022, a staggering total of 1,322 children and young people had been waiting for over a year for treatment.3

A spokesperson for the SCSC commented: “Millions of our children and young are at breaking point, with stress and anxiety reaching alarming levels because of the effect of the cost-of-living crisis.

“Since the pandemic, referrals have increased and the cost-of-living crisis is only going to make it worse, creating a potential lost generation of vulnerable children and young people.

“If we don’t give young people the support they need, when they need it, the consequences can be catastrophic.

“By minimising the drivers of mental health problems – such as poverty – we can reduce the impact on services and we would urge the Scottish Government and UK Government to work together and address this.”

Smoking banned outside hospitals

New legislation comes into force from tomorrow

Patients and healthcare staff will no longer face second-hand smoke at hospital doors as a nationwide ban comes into effect tomorrow (Monday 5 September).

The new legislation means anyone found lighting up within fifteen metres of a hospital building could face a fixed penalty notice of £50 or a fine of up to £1,000 if the case goes to court.

This is the latest step in the Scottish Government’s plan to create a tobacco free Scotland by 2034 and supports the voluntary smoke-free hospital grounds policy introduced in 2015.    

The new law will apply to NHS hospital settings used for the treatment and care of patients and includes a ban on lighting up beneath overhanging structures.

Public Health Minister Maree Todd said: “Everyone knows that smoking is bad for our health and hospital patients in particular should be protected from the harmful effects of second-hand smoke.

“This new law is the latest step in our bold plan to make Scotland tobacco-free by 2034 – building on our dedicated stop-smoking services and early intervention measures to stop youngsters picking up the habit altogether.

“Anyone looking to quit can contact the NHS QuitYourWay Helpline or speak to their local pharmacy to discuss the range of help available.”

ASH Scotland Chief Executive Sheila Duffy said: “Extending current legislation to include outdoor areas will have the positive impact of protecting people from the harmful effects of breathing in toxic tobacco smoke through vents, windows or doorways while they are being treated and recovering in hospital. 

“We urge people who smoke to be considerate in remaining outside the 15-metre perimeter, ensuring hospital patients do not face unnecessary additional risks to their health caused by inhaling harmful substances.

“This is particularly important as Scotland challenges the normalisation of smoking on our journey towards becoming tobacco-free.” 

NHS QuitYourWay Helpline  0800 84 84 84

Appeal after pedestrian dies on Edinburgh City Bypass

A pedestrian has died following a collision involving a car on the A720 Edinburgh City Bypass yesterday.

The incident happened around 5.10am on Saturday, 3 September eastbound near the Straiton junction.

The 25-year-old male pedestrian was pronounced dead at the scene.

The 39-year-old male driver of the BMW 3 Series car involved was uninjured.

The road was closed until around 12.40pm to allow for an investigation at the scene.

Sergeant Barry Sommerville of Police Scotland’s Road Policing Unit said: “Our thoughts are with the man’s family and friend at this difficult time.

“Our enquiries are ongoing to establish the full circumstances and I would ask anyone with information which could help to get in touch.

“We would also be keen to speak to anyone who may have dashcam footage which could help our investigation.

“Anyone with information can call 101, quoting reference 0714 of 3 September.”

US Chief of Space Operations visits British rocket company Skyrora

Last week, the first Chief of Space Operations for the United States, General John W. “Jay” Raymond, toured the facilities of Skyrora as US interest grows in the British rocket company.

The landmark visit will bolster the key space relationship between the UK and US ahead of Skyrora’s plans to be the first UK company to complete a vertical launch from home soil in 2023.

As a four-star general and the most senior military leader in charge of the US Space Force, General Raymond serves as a military advisor to the US Secretary of Defence, National Security Council, and President.

The position of Chief of Space Operations was created in December 2019, with General Raymond announced as the inaugural postholder. General Raymond’s visit took place shortly after Skyrora’s successful second stage static fire test of its orbital launch vehicle, Skyrora XL.

The test was one of the key momentum-building milestones discussed during the visit as Skyrora continues its journey to establish sovereign launch capabilities for the UK. While on site, General Raymond was able to witness the UK’s launch industry capabilities first hand.

General John Raymond, US Space Force Chief of Space Operations General, said: “Now, more than ever, international cooperation in space is critically important.

“And the proliferation of commercial space efforts helps all spacefaring nations by driving costs down. I appreciate the fantastic tour of the Skyrora facilities and the opportunity to spend time with the impressive team there.”

The UK Government’s recently released Defence Space Strategy identifies launch as a core capability within the Government’s vision to position the domestic defence sector as a global actor in the space domain. Britain has historically relied on the US’s extensive launch heritage to provide assured launch capabilities to the nation’s defence sector.

With the recent announcement from the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) that Launch Collision Avoidance Analysis (LCOLA) will be carried out by the US Space Force’s 18th Space Defense Squadron, General Raymond’s visit also encourages contiguity between UK space players and the US to prioritise safe launch activity.

General Raymond visited Skyrora’s new rocket facility in Cumbernauld, the largest of its kind in the UK, where three launch vehicles are currently in production. Housing the largest hybrid 3D printer in Europe, Skyprint 2, the facility enables Skyrora to undertake more of the manufacturing of its rocket parts in the UK.

Lee Rosen, Chief Operations Officer at Skyrora, said: “General Raymond’s visit on behalf of the US Space Force has been a valuable opportunity to provide insight into Skyrora’s rapid, responsive technical capabilities – such as our mobile launch complex and third stage technology, which can contribute to several key space applications, including in-orbit spacecraft servicing and space domain awareness.

“These, combined with Skyrora’s sustainably minded focus, will enable key defence activities within space for the benefit of all.”

Volodymyr Levykin, CEO at Skyrora, said: “This visit comes at a pivotal time as we come to learn the importance of sovereign launch from the first commercial space war in Ukraine.

“Skyrora looks forward to working with the UK Government to further this alliance and achieve greater levels of investment and support for the UK space sector as we continue our laser focus of being the first UK company to conduct a vertical launch to orbit from British soil.”

Mary’s Meals urges people to speak up for Ethiopia

International school feeding charity shares devastating update from Tigray

School feeding charity Mary’s Meals is urging people to take notice of the atrocities unfolding in Ethiopia and to become the voice for those living there in terror and deprivation.

A recent update from the charity’s long-standing partner in Tigray outlining unimaginable horrors – including the murder of children and rape as a weapon of war – has led Mary’s Meals’ founder, Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow, to appeal to the world on their behalf.

Magnus says: “The relative peace of recent months was both a breath of fresh air and an answer to prayer and we are shocked and saddened by this recent letter detailing yet more horror and suffering as violence has once again broken out.

“Since November 2020, updates from our partner in Tigray have been characterised by gut-wrenching stories of inconceivable brutality and suffering, along with assurances that our colleagues there are trying their best, under horrendous circumstances, to bring relief to the most vulnerable.

“The resumption of fighting is making it almost impossible for our partner to get aid to those in need, but we must not make the mistake of thinking there is nothing we can do. We have a voice, and we must speak up for the people of Ethiopia now.”

Mary’s Meals has been serving meals in Tigray since 2017 and before the war, was feeding 24,320 children every school day. When the conflict flared up in Ethiopia in November 2020, schools closed and access to some areas proved impossible.

Working with its local partner, the charity began providing food and support to help thousands of displaced families driven out of their rural towns and villages who were seeking sheltering in the capital Mekelle in hastily constructed refugee camps.

Fighting erupted again in northern Ethiopia again last week, shattering a four-month ceasefire.

Mary’s Meals has received a devastating update from the charity’s partner which outlines the diabolical situation the people of Tigray now find themselves in which says: “Since the dawn of 24 August, dark clouds loom over Tigray because war has broken out once again.

“As you know, there had been countless reports of atrocious violations on human rights after the war that broke out since 3rd November 2020. In silence, months have passed with each day bringing new horrors, forever marking the minds of innocent civilians who got caught up in the tide of such a hate-filled attack.”

In the message from its partner, who can’t be named for security reasons, Magnus was told: “In silence, months have passed with each day bringing new horrors, forever marking the minds of innocent civilians who got caught up in the tide of such a hate-filled attack.

“It was not enough that some of the most vulnerable communities had been starving for months on end, it was not enough that the children born and raised with so much love and hope had been murdered with their bodies left to the elements, and it was not enough that families saw the bright vitality of their daughters and wives dim and be replaced with sheer terror laying witness to the horrors they endured.

“Now, war seems to have been ignited once again, undoubtedly rearing to claim the lives of many young souls who could have contributed for the betterment of humanity.”

Magnus continues: “I hope we do not look back in years to come with a heavy feeling of shame and regret because we failed to stand up for our brothers and sisters in their time of need. We cannot look away while this continues.

“I cannot ignore the pleas from our colleagues to pray for them, speak up for them, and advocate on their behalf and I am asking that you please join me. If you pray, pray about Ethiopia. And, importantly, make Ethiopia and the situation in Tigray a topic of conversation. Make sure people know what is going on because it cannot be allowed to continue. And tell anyone with the power to influence exactly what our partner is telling us; we must show how humanity can prevail over injustice and cruelty.”

Mary’s Meals normally provides a nutritious daily meal in school to 2,279,941 children every school day, working in 20 countries around the world, including Ethiopia, Haiti and South Sudan.

Visit to find out more.

Damning carbon capture report exposes ‘significant risk’ of Peterhead Power Station plans

Environmental campaigners have said that a new report into carbon capture and storage (CCS) exposes the technology as little more than greenwash for the fossil fuel industry.

‘The Carbon Capture Crux: Lessons Learned’ report author said that CCS was “wildly unrealistic as a climate solution” and found that “using carbon capture as a greenlight to extend the life of fossil fuel power plants is a significant financial and technical risk”

The report by the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis looked at 13 carbon capture projects  – over half of total global capacity – highlighting how many had failed and critically underperformed. They found the majority of carbon captured globally had actually been pumped underground to force out more fossil fuels in a practice known as ‘Enhanced Oil Recovery’.

The research adds to mounting scientific evidence that CCS should not be relied upon to cut carbon emissions and casts increasing doubt on the recent planning application by SSE and oil giant Equinor to build a new gas fired power plant at Peterhead. The developers plan on adding CCS to the plant at an unspecified later date.

The planning application is with Aberdeenshire Council currently but the final decision on whether the plant will go ahead will be taken by the Scottish Government’s Energy Consent Unit.

The Scottish Government’s Climate Change Plan Monitoring Report in May 2022 admitted that carbon capture and hydrogen technologies cannot deliver “at the pace assumed in the Climate Change Plan update” leaving a huge hole in their efforts to meet climate targets.

Friends of the Earth Scotland’s Climate Campaigner Alex Lee said: “This report is yet another exposure of carbon capture technology as nothing more than greenwash for the oil and gas industry’s business as usual.

“This research paints a grim picture of failure, underperformance and climate pollution right across the world.

“The evidence is clear that carbon capture cannot be relied upon and is being used by fossil fuel companies to extend the lifetime of oil and gas. Even the Scottish Government has backtracked on its own predictions about CCS in its climate change plans.

“With full power to determine whether the new Peterhead gas plant should go ahead or not, the Scottish Government should show real climate leadership by rejecting it when the time comes, and committing instead to the decisions that need to be made for a just and rapid transition away from fossil fuels.“

In the IEEFA press release, the report author Bruce Robertson said: “CCS technology has been going for 50 years and many projects have failed and continued to fail, with only a handful working.

“Many international bodies and national governments are relying on carbon capture in the fossil fuel sector to get to Net Zero, and it simply won’t work.”

Scottish Government commits £500,000 to Pakistan flood relief

Disasters Emergency Committee launches appeal

Funding of £500,000 is being provided by the Scottish Government to help with relief efforts in Pakistan after devastating floods left millions of people homeless and vast swathes of the country under water.

The funding will be split between the Disasters Emergency Committee’s Pakistan Floods Appeal and members of the Scottish Government’s Humanitarian Emergency Fund Panel.

International Development Minister Neil Gray said: “More than 1,000 people, including hundreds of children, have lost their lives and 33 million people in total have been affected by the devastating floods that have left a third of their country under water. This Scottish Government funding will go directly towards supporting the humanitarian efforts to help all those affected.

“Our thoughts are very much with all of the people directly affected by the floods as well as the Pakistani community in Scotland who will be worried about their families and friends in Pakistan. I have written to the Pakistan Consul General outlining the Scottish Government’s support for Scotland’s Pakistani community, ensuring that where we can, we support what the community here will be doing to support friends and family in Pakistan.

“I would encourage people who are able to offer support to donate through the Disasters Emergency Committee’s Pakistan Floods Appeal.”

Floods in Pakistan: letter to Pakistan Consul General – (

Of the £500,000 funding for Pakistan, £250,000 will support the Disasters Emergency Committee’s Pakistan Floods Appeal. The Disasters Emergency Committee is made up of 14 major UK aid agencies: Action Against Hunger, ActionAid UK, Age International, British Red Cross, CAFOD, CARE International UK, Christian Aid, Concern Worldwide UK, Islamic Relief Worldwide, Oxfam GB, Plan International UK, Save the Children UK, Tearfund and World Vision UK.

The remaining £250,000 will go to members of the Scottish Government’s Humanitarian Emergency Fund Panel.

To make a donation to the Pakistan Floods Appeal visit the Disasters Emergency Committee website (

HMRC: Cost of Living payments begin for tax credits claimants

HMRC recently confirmed that HMRC’s first Cost of Living Payment to 1.1 million claimant families receiving tax credits will be made between 2 and 7 September 2022. The first HMRC payments will total around £360 million.

We are now letting you know that we have started to issue these payments.

If tax credits customers believe they are eligible but have not received a £326 payment between the published payment dates, they should wait until 16 September to contact HMRC. This is to allow time for their bank, building society or credit union to process the payment.

The UK Government is offering help for households. Customers should check GOV.UK to find out what cost of living support they could be eligible for. 


  • Details of HMRC’s first Cost of Living Payment to tax credit-only customers, with quotes and scam warning advice, can be found here:
  • Cost of Living payments were announced in May 2022. Details of DWP and HMRC payments were also publicised in June, July and August 2022. The latest payment schedule information is available here.

As well as the Cost of Living Payment, other government support includes:

  • £400 discount from the UK Government to help with the cost of energy bills from October onwards     
  • £300 Pensioner Cost of Living Payment that will be paid alongside Winter Fuel Payments  
  • £150 Disability Cost of Living Payment from 20 September for those receiving an eligible UK disability benefit.

This is in addition to changes to the Universal Credit taper rate and work allowances worth £1,000 a year on average for 1.7 million working claimants; a rise in the National Living Wage to £9.50 an hour; and a tax cut for around 30 million workers through a rise in National Insurance contribution thresholds.

Fencing for Wellbeing

Adult Education course starts Tuesday 27th 

Bring yourself and comfy clothes. All kit will be provided. Everyone is welcome, whether keen to learn simple fencing rules, or just to exercise and stretch out after too much sitting at a computer or watching TV or even just to get out and meet people. You do not need to be fit to attend the class.  

Fencing for Wellbeing sessions are here to give you time and space to look after yourself with structured exercises to work out desk aches and pains and use some mindfulness to help you reduce stress.

There will also be free online access to video guides for all the exercises in the sessions, along with cool down and injury prevention exercises you can do at home.  We are inclusive for people of any ability level and will adapt sessions and exercise to be fun and challenging for everyone.  

Choose a course near you: 

Ratho Community Centre  Tuesday mornings 10.30-12.30pm

Brunstane Primary School Thursday evenings 6.30-8.30pm

Queensferry Rosebery Hall Friday afternoons  2.30-4.30pm

These 10 week courses start from Tuesday 27th September 

Enrolling now on 

Or ring 0131 556 7978 or 0131 469 3003

Standard fees £87.00 – Senior / student fees £43.50 – Benefits fees £17.20