Dinosaurs roam free in Musselburgh!

Jurassic Encounter follows sell-out tour with visit to Musselburgh in July 

NEWHAILES House has stood firm through four centuries by the Musselburgh Coast, but this July its Gardens will experience something  completely new: An invasion of DINOSAURS, as the UK’s most roarsome family event thunders into town! 

Jurassic Encounter will see 50+ animatronic creatures from the  Jurassic, Triassic and Cretaceous periods resurface in parks in  London, Buxton, Edinburgh and Bristol, as well as making their  way across the sea for a stint in Rotterdam.  

Roaring into Musselburgh on July 2nd, the event will feature TWO,  life-sized T-Rex beasts, which roar and snarl at passers by. Other  family favourites include Pterosaurs that shriek from the trees and a  15m tall Brachiosaurus guarding her eggs.  

The event makes for  the perfect family day out, just a few miles along from the ever  popular Portobello Beach. 

Naz Kabir, spokesperson for Jurassic Encounter, says: “Last year,  thousands of visitors all over the UK enjoyed a day out with our  prehistoric beasts, and we’re delighted to return for another tour in  2022.  

“This year we’ll have new dinosaurs, even more interactive exhibits  including a VR experience and an education cinema where families  will be able to learn more about these incredible creatures.”  

The animatronic installations will feature information panels,  containing interesting facts about each dinosaur, ensuring a visit to  Jurassic Encounter will be as educational as it is exciting. And  guests will be invited to watch documentaries about the period in the Education Cinema Marquee along the route, bringing the  beasts to life and showing how they roamed the earth. 

An excavation sand pit will allow children to dig for their dinosaur  skeletons and fossils, and learn how archaeologists discovered the  extinct species of past eras. And a VR experience will offer the  chance to escape into a different world.  

Food and refreshments will be available along the route and a  merchandise trailer at the end of the route for children to purchase  a souvenir. Guests are free to roam the park as they wish, and  discover the animals lurking behind bushes and creeping through  the undergrowth.  

Tickets start at £9.50 and earlybird tickets are available now for the  Edinburgh event. For a 20% discount,  visit www.jurassicencounters.uk and use the code EARLYBIRD20.

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