The voluntary sector continues to face a range of challenges resulting in many staff & volunteers experiencing anxiety/sleep problems, etc.
Join us to find out about the digital therapeutics that @wearebighealth have created to help tackle these issues! Register:
Join us to learn about digital help and support for your staff, board and volunteers, as well as the people and communities you support.
About this event
This event is hosted by EVOC, delivered in partnership with Big Health, the NHS Lothian Digital Interventions team and the Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership.
The community and voluntary sector continues to face a range of challenges resulting in many staff, board members and volunteers experiencing anxiety, worry, low mood, sleep problems or stress – often while supporting people who are themselves experiencing poor mental health.
In this session you can find out more about digital therapeutics that are free to use and open to anyone, without the need for a referral:
- Sleepio is a 6 week online program designed by sleep experts and based on cognitive and behavioral techniques.
- Daylight is a clinically proven digital therapeutic that helps people gain control over their anxiety. After a two-minute quiz to discover their Anxiety Type, individuals receive personalized techniques to help manage it.
- Silvercloud provides a range of psychoeducational modules on various topics, including managing stress, and supporting an anxious child or young person.
The event will take place on Zoom.
A reminder and the event link will be sent out after registration closes at 10am on Tue 21 Jun.