Care Inspectorate launches Unpaid Carers survey

The Care Inspectorate has launched a survey to understand unpaid carers experience of adult social work and social care services.

Please take part and share.

You can find the survey at:

Why are we doing this survey? 

We are undertaking this survey because we want to understand carer’s experiences of adult social work and social care services and how they are supported in the following areas:

  1. Knowing and understanding their rights;
  2. Maintaining or improving their health and wellbeing and quality of life; and 
  3. Being supported to continue in their caring role, or to move on from their caring role where this is the best option.  

From this we aim to learn how the future support of carers can be developed and improved. The findings from this inquiry will be a key resource for organisations both locally and nationally in doing this work. 

We would like to hear from you if you are an adult currently caring for a spouse/partner, relative over the age of 18 years, a neighbour, friend, or someone else. We would be grateful if you could take some time to tell us about your experience by completing this survey. This survey closes on 3rd June 2022.

It should take about 10-15 minutes to complete. 

You will be able to save it and go back to it at a later time, so you do not have to complete it in one go. 

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