Letters: Pet-friendly renting

Dear Editor,

During the pandemic, many of us have benefited from the companionship, fun and comfort that comes from owning a cat. However, for many people in Scotland who rent rather than own their own home, cat ownership isn’t an option.

Blanket ‘no-pet’ policies and limited cat-friendly rented homes can make it difficult for some people to ever experience the pleasure of owning a cat. In other cases, owners are placed in the heartbreaking situation of having to rehome a much-loved cat if they need to move and can’t find another pet-friendly rental.

Cats Protection has been working to help more renters experience the joy cat ownership, and we need the help of cat lovers in Scotland. The Scottish Government is currently consulting on proposals to allow tenants to keep pets in rented accommodation, potentially giving responsible renters greater rights to cat ownership. We need your help to back these proposals and send a message that renters in Scotland deserve the chance to have a cat.

You can add your support for the proposals by using Cats Protection’s simple online form – it takes only a couple of minutes to complete.

Find out more by visiting: www.cats.org.uk/scottish-renters

Alice Palombo

Advocacy & Government Relations Officer (Scotland), Cats Protection

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