Granton:hub is taking part in an exciting European funded research project on the evolving heritages of Edinburgh’s shifting coastline.
A group of Edinburgh College of Art academics and their students would like to meet with the Granton community young and old, to reflect on the following themes / questions:
- What is the wider geographical context of the Granton area?
- How has the area evolved over time, physically, socially, and economically?
- Who governs cultural heritage in Granton, and how?
- How have local groups and stakeholders developed a sense of the heritage value of Granton?
We would like to invite you to discuss these themes, through interviews, either over Zoom, by phone or in person. Each slot will take around 30-45 minutes but this is flexible. Activities will take place on 3 separate days.
On the final day (Friday) the researchers will present a summary of their findings in the Hub and invite discussion on the future of cultural heritage in Granton. This event will give a chance to chat over a cup of tea/coffee and view the posters that the ECA studenst will have made.
To take part, please book the relevant day(s) on Evenbrite. A researcher from ECA will contact you to arrange a suitable time slot.
- Monday 21 February – individual meeting slots available between 13.00-19.00 (over Zoom, by phone or in person) – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/monday-21-feb-cute-cultural-heritage-at-the-edge-in-granton-tickets-247335295527
- Tuesday 22 February – individual meeting slots available between 10.00-18.00 (over Zoom, by phone or in person) – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/tuesday-22-feb-cute-cultural-heritage-at-the-edge-in-granton-tickets-247339548247
- Friday 25 February – poster exhibition, welcome talk and chat – open between 15.00-19.00, with catering – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/cute-workshop-cultural-heritage-at-the-edge-in-granton-tickets-239438325477
All in-person meetings and the Friday event will follow current government COVID guidelines.
After the event, ECA will produce a document outlining their findings, for presentation at Una Europe, hosted by Universite Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne. Your input would therefore shape a collaborative generated dossier of information about Granton to be presented at European level.
If you have any questions please contact artingranton@grantonhub.org
Address: Madelvic House, Granton Park Avenue, Edinburgh EH5 1HS
Madelvic House is just off the cycle path, has a dedicated car park and is a 2 minute walk from the number 19, 16 and 200 bus stop.
Image credit: Ed Hollis