Spending plans to ‘set Scotland on a new path’

The 2022-2023 Scottish Budget will help transition Scotland to becoming more prosperous, fairer and greener, Finance Secretary Kate Forbes has said.
Speaking ahead of delivering the Budget to Parliament today, Ms Forbes said the Scottish Government will deliver a bold and ambitious package of public investment that delivers on the priorities which matter most to the people of Scotland.
Ms Forbes said: “The Scottish Budget will provide taxpayers with stability and support, set out clearly how we will accelerate our Covid recovery, and crucially, how our spending plans will set Scotland on a new ambitious path.
“It has been a challenging Budget due to the continuing impact of the pandemic, and the uncertainty and worry that Covid poses for us all. This has been confounded by the UK Government’s decision to remove necessary Covid consequential funding at a time when we undeniably need to help our public services.
“The Scottish Government has taken spending decisions that prioritise supporting people and our vital public services through the twin crises of Covid and the cost of living. It is a budget for Scotland’s future – one that will help us secure a fairer, greener and more prosperous country.”
Responding to the Scottish Budget, Tracy Black, CBI Scotland Director, said: “While the Finance Secretary has outlined some helpful interventions for business, firms that have been working tirelessly to get back on their feet after two miserable years will be left with little to get excited about.
“The removal of the business rates cliff edge in April for hospitality, retail and tourism firms will be welcomed, however many will be disappointed that the government hasn’t gone further – particularly as uncertainty around Omicron gathers pace.
“Increased funding for employability is clearly a step in the right direction but much more detail is needed on how skills funding will help firms address immediate challenges. Ultimately, greater ambition is needed on upskilling and retraining if we’re to ensure workers are equipped with the skills they need for a modern economy.
“On green investment there were some welcome announcements around green jobs and just transition. However, failing to use the non-domestic rates system to incentivise private sector investment in low carbon infrastructure feels like a missed opportunity that could have helped Scotland push-on towards its net zero target.
“Overall, business shares the Scottish Government’s vision for a fairer, greener and more prosperous economy. Firms will be keen to see how the forthcoming National Economic Transformation Strategy turns ambition into action; setting Scotland on a path towards competitiveness, dynamism and productivity growth – which is the only sustainable route to higher living standards.”

Scottish workers bitterly disappointed by pay deal as STUC insists ‘budget will result in robbing Peter to pay Paul’
The Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) acknowledged the increase in public sector pay floor to £10.50 and insisted that pay rises must be fully funded by Scottish Government to avoid cash strapped councils having to make other cuts to pay the increased rate.
STUC General Secretary Roz Foyer said: “Workers across Scotland will be bitterly disappointed as they hear about the pay cuts announced today. Below inflation pay increases do nothing to help people deal with escalating costs this winter. Councils will have to rob Peter to pay Paul as services could be cut to meet the gaps in funding.
“There is a desperate need to back our public services. Huge gaps in funding in the NHS and social care have left some of the most vulnerable people in our communities without the treatment and services they urgently need. The Scottish Government have failed to take the opportunity before them to step up and back public sector workers.”

COSLA released its ‘Budget Reality’ document last night in response to the Scottish Budget.
COSLA’s Resources Spokesperson Councillor Gail Macgregor said that COSLA Leaders will meet today to discuss the implications for Local Government and respond more fully then.

In a brief statement Councillor Macgregor, said: “Our ‘Budget Reality’ document is important as it sets out the facts about the Local Government Settlement.
“It appears to be a disappointing budget for the communities that we represent, as it does not give Local Government what we need to survive and nor does it meet our campaign aspiration to help those communities to ‘Live Well Locally’,
“Once more, our core financial settlement has been hit.
“That said, we will take time to consider the finer details of today’s announcement and the full implications for both ourselves and our communities.
“As a membership organisation, our Council Leaders will come together virtually tomorrow to consider the implications, before we make a more formal response following that meeting.”
The document can be viewed here.

Responding to the Scottish Government’s budget, which was published today, Peter Kelly (Director, Poverty Alliance), said: “Today’s Scottish Government budget contains a number of welcome commitments.
“Doubling the Scottish Child Payment from April, as we and so many others across Scotland campaigned hard for, will help stem the rising tide of poverty across the country. Introducing free bus travel for young people under 22 is also a positive step toward a transport system that can tackle inequality.
“But with over one million people in Scotland living in the grip of poverty, it is clear that we cannot let up. In 2022 we must see these actions built upon, with further steps taken to build a Scottish social security system that unlocks people from poverty.
“We must also go further in redesigning our public services, like by extending free bus travel available to all under 25s and to everyone on low incomes.”

Scottish debt help charity welcomes the doubling of the Scottish Child Payment in the Scottish Budget
Child poverty is rising in every local authority in Scotland. Even before the pandemic, one in four children in Scotland were growing up in poverty and food bank use has increased by 63% over the last five years.
The pandemic has made things even more difficult for those already struggling as it has disproportionately impacted people living on low incomes.
CAP Scotland National Director, Emma Jackson, says, “We are delighted to hear about the Scottish Government’s commitment to double the Scottish Child Payment for families with children under the age of six.
“This is the single most impactful action that will take us four percentage points closer to reaching our interim child poverty targets and signals that ending child poverty will be a defining priority for Scotland. It is encouraging to see Scotland leading the way with this unique payment for families.
“This additional income will make a significant difference for the families we work with at Christians Against Poverty (CAP) Scotland. Families like Holly’s, who experienced problem debt after an overnight reduction in hours at work. Coupled with ill health and the challenges of being a single parent, debt began to deeply impact all aspects of Holly’s life.
“Through working with CAP Scotland, Holly was able to access the right debt solution for her and begin a debt free fresh start. The additional £40 per month will mean not having to worry as much about keeping her home warm for her and her son or buying him more food.
“Yet the very real challenges of making a low income stretch far enough to meet essential living costs remains. We welcome the news of free bus travel for those under the age of 22, the extension of free school meals to older age groups and the accelerated roll out of the Scottish Child Payment to include all children under the age of 16 by the end of next year. However, we would urge the Scottish Government to do all it can to bring the roll out of the Scottish Child Payment forward.
“With the rising cost of living and the end to the Universal Credit uplift, many families are facing a significant struggle this winter. We’re concerned that even more people will be pushed into poverty. We are keen to hold the Scottish Government to their commitment that “we can’t leave anyone behind”.
“The announcements in today’s budget leave a risk that key groups could experience further hardship. For too many households we work with at CAP, like single adult households, there is insufficient income to cover everyday essentials – rent, food, fuel, toiletries – and borrowing money is often a necessity to survive. No one should be forced into problem debt in order to survive.”

The Scottish budget 2022-23 includes £150 million for walking, wheeling and cycling, an increase of £19.6m.
Living Streets Scotland, part of the UK charity for everyday walking has welcomed the significant funding and the impact it will have to make cleaner and healthier forms of transport.
The funding will put Scotland on course to ensure sustainable modes of travel get 10 per cent of resources by 2024-25. In addition, a significant increase in road safety funding is proposed. In their press release, Scottish Government says the funding aims to ‘progress ambitions to create an active travel nation, reduce car kilometres and progress towards net zero.’
Stuart Hay, Director, Living Streets Scotland said: “Today marks a fundamental and positive change in how transport is funded with a much greater focus on people walking, wheeling and cycling.
“Walking accounts for 22% of all trips, so it’s great to see spending levels reflecting this reality, switching from a focus on new road schemes that have resulted in congestion and emissions.
“The £150 million investment will make it easier, safer and more attractive for more people to choose cleaner ways to travel. This is vital in the face of a climate emergency and a crisis in public health brought about by inactivity.
“This level of investment means new projects, such as national action to get more children walking to school are possible. It also makes plans to cut traffic on Scotland’s roads and streets by 20% more realistic.”

Responding to the Scottish Government’s Budget for 2022-23, Dr Liz Cameron, Chief Executive of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce said: “Scotland’s economy is recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic faster and stronger than many expected, and this budget offered the Scottish Government an opportunity to accelerate this return to growth.
“Whilst there was much to welcome in this budget the Scottish Government should have gone further to support Scotland’s businesses, the drivers of economic growth.
“Many economic deterrents as a result of the pandemic remain in place, impacting on footfall on our town and city centre high streets, driving down demand in our vital tourism and aviation sectors, and the looming threat of a return to greater level of restrictions is holding back investment. The Scottish Government should have provided assurances for businesses that targeted financial support will be made available to those ongoing affected sectors to deliver a clear pathway to recovery.”
On Non-Domestic Rates:
“Businesses will welcome the extension of rates reliefs afforded to properties in the retail, leisure, and hospitality sectors for an additional three months, however, this should have gone further to give businesses the time they need to recover from this incredibly challenging period.
“Scotland’s town and city centres have already lost thousands of businesses over the past twenty months and prolonged periods of home working have made the trading conditions for brick-and-mortar retailers tougher than ever, and many ratepayers will question if this extension goes far enough to support them.
“It was also disappointing that the Scottish Budget failed to confirm whether or not the long awaited NDR Revaluation due to take place in 2023 will go ahead as planned.”
Training, Skills and Supply Chain:
“Scotland’s businesses are still experiencing challenges through supply chain connectivity problems, rising cost prices, inflationary pressures, and recruitment difficulties.
“Additional funding for training interventions at all levels is welcome news and investment in Scotland’s workforce drive up business capacity and improve investment opportunities.
“Cost pressures and supply chain challenges require urgent action from government and whilst we await further details in the forthcoming National Economic Transformation Strategy, it’s important Scottish Government act now, collaborate with business and begin to resolve these issues as a priority for our economy.”
Energy and Just Transition:
“The energy sector remains a critical part of Scotland’s economy and the funding commitments in the budget to support a Just Transition are a step in the right direction.
“To meet Scotland’s Net Zero ambitions and secure the future of jobs in the energy sector and North and North-East though, this investment and funding needs to continue to be stepped up, at pace, in partnership with industry to enable businesses to pivot successfully.”