Picturing Health is a photovoice project by Media Education and Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership.
The purpose of Picturing Health is to start a conversation with everyone in Edinburgh about how we see the future of health and social care. Health is a social issue which affects us all and the communities in which we live our daily lives.
People across Edinburgh were asked to take a photograph about what health means to them. These photographs tell a story about what health means to people in Edinburgh – what needs to change, what we cherish and what we want to celebrate and protect.
The Picturing Health exhibition launched last month and is now on the wall at Waverley Station. Orgainsers hope the pictures will generate conversation and inform health and social care services in Edinburgh moving forwards.
You can view these images at our exhibition at Waverley Station and in our online gallery at the updated picturing-health.com.
We would like to express our special thanks to everyone in Edinburgh who took photographs for this project. Your willingness to share your experiences creatively has brought this exhibition to life.
It’s also not too late to submit your own photograph and have your voice heard!