Blue skies and sunshine … but stay safe

Superintendent Tracey Robinson would like to remind everyone to follow the current guidance to protect the NHS, control the spread of  #Coronavirus and save lives.

She said: “The regulations are clear: people should only leave the house for very limited purposes, for example for basic necessities, for exercise or recreation, for medical needs or travelling for work which cannot be done from home.

“The Chief Constable has made it clear that we are asking people to take personal responsibility to do the right thing and remember the purpose of these measures is to aid the collective effort to protect the NHS and save lives by preventing the virus from spreading.

“Our officers will continue to engage with the public, explain the legislation and guidance and encourage compliance. We will use enforcement as a last resort only where there is a clear breach of the legislation.

“We recognise that people have made significant sacrifices until now and while the temptation may be to head straight for one of our beauty spots, we would ask people to use their judgement and avoid going to places which are normally busy during the good weather.

“Complying with the legislation about meeting only one other household outdoors at any one time and following the Scottish Government’s guidance about avoiding travelling long distances will stop our parks, beaches, lochs and hills from becoming over-crowded and help ensure appropriate physical distancing is maintained, reducing the spread of coronavirus.

“We want people to enjoy our outdoor spaces safely and our officers will be robustly tackling crime and anti-social behaviour in our communities.”

Cramond’s Glebe Road was closed to motor vehicles yesterday.

Too many cars were travelling down the road only to have to u-turn when the drivers realised car parks at the Cramond Inn and Cramond foreshore are currently closed.

Yesterday was Edinburgh’s hottest day of the year so far and all the popular spots saw a significant increase in visitor numbers.

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Edinburgh reporter and photographer