New strategic plan to support social services

The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) has published its new strategic plan setting out how it will support the continuing development and professionalism of the social service workforce while protecting the public through regulation.

As the social service workforce rises to meet the enormous challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic through their commitment and professionalism, the plan provides the foundation for growing recognition and value of the sector.

The plan has involving people connected to social services at the heart of delivering its work, to make sure the SSSC makes a positive and lasting contribution to the quality of services in Scotland.

We involved registered workers and other key stakeholders in developing the plan and our three strategic outcomes for 2020-23:

  1. People who use services are protected by ensuring the regulated workforce is fit to practise.
  2. The SSSC supports and enhances the development of the regulated workforce to deliver high standards of practice and drive improvement.
  3. Our workforce planning activities support employers, commissioners and policy makers to deliver a sustainable, integrated and innovative workforce.

This year is a significant milestone in registration of the social service workforce as it marks the completion of all the groups of workers required to register, meaning there are 160,000 people in many different services registered with the SSSC.

SSSC Chief Executive Lorraine Gray said: ‘Social service workers are facing the most challenging circumstances due to COVID-19 and I am proud to see the way they have responded, keeping their values, compassion and professionalism at the centre.

‘None of us could have imagined we’d be dealing with a global pandemic as we reached the final stage of registration, which is the achievement of the ambition to have Scotland’s social services delivered by a trusted, skilled and confident workforce. These aren’t jobs for just anyone – to be able to carry out one of these roles, people must hold the right values, skills and qualifications.

‘Reaching the final stage of registration means we can focus even more on our workforce development and planning work with the sector, so there are the right skills, qualifications and career pathways now and in the future.

‘We have a central role in delivering the Scottish Government’s National Health and Social Care Integrated Workforce Plan and keeping the promise to be part of the changes recommended by the recent Independent Care Review and I look forward to continuing to work with the sector in meeting these expectations.’

0031 – SSSC – Strategic Plan 2020-2023 V8 FV Web

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