USDAW calls for key worker clarity

Shopworkers’ trade union Usdaw continues to seek assurances from the Scottish Government that retail and pharmaceutical workers are covered by the key worker provisions.

Yesterday Usdaw and the Scottish Retail Consortium made a joint plea to John Swinney MSP, Deputy First Minister of Scotland and Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills:

Following the Scottish Government announcement of their key worker scheme, Stewart Forrest – Usdaw’s Scottish Divisional Officer has again written to the Minister saying: “I note that in the guidance published by the Scottish Government this afternoon, Category 2 workers include ‘those supporting our Critical National Infrastructure’.

“Food, including retail, supply and production is defined elsewhere by the Scottish Government as part of Critical National Infrastructure and therefore we are seeking urgent confirmation that these workers should be included in Category 2 of the key worker definition. We would also expect our members working the pharmaceutical supply chain to be included in this category.

“Could you provide clarity on this for our members and for the local authorities at the earliest opportunity, so that the supply of food and medicine in Scotland is not disrupted.”

Earlier this week USDAW issued an appeal for public support: 

Retail workers will play an essential role in getting the country through this crisis and they need your support. Here are some things that everyone can do to help:

  • We understand that it can be frustrating when shops are very busy, or you can’t get the items you want, but it is never acceptable to take this out on shopworkers or delivery drivers. It isn’t their fault, and they are doing the very best they can. Please treat our members with the courtesy and respect that they deserve. 
  • Please only buy what you need. Where supermarkets are placing restrictions on items, this is to ensure that everyone can get the essentials that they need. There is enough for everyone, if we all show some consideration for others. 
  • Please take precautions to limit the risk of spreading infection to shopworkers and others. Wash your hands before you go shopping, maintain physical distance and try to pay using your contactless card if possible, rather than cash. If you are able to go shopping alone rather than bringing your family with you, or to shop on behalf of friends and neighbours, this would be a good idea too.
  • If you are using supermarket deliveries, make sure that you inform the company beforehand if you are self-isolating. Please be understanding of the measures that delivery drivers are taking to protect themselves and you, such as doorstep only deliveries.

We are working with employers to ensure that our members have the support they need to limit the spread of the virus as much as possible.  

Some of the measures we are calling for include paid time off for sickness and self-isolation, ensuring that staff are not penalised under any absence policies for time off, access to handwashing facilities, hand sanitiser wherever available, and clean workplaces.

We are also expecting employers to take appropriate security measures to keep workers safe. Any member with concerns should contact their Union rep for advice.

We would like to thank all of those customers who have been understanding, patient and supportive towards our members during what has been a stressful and difficult time.

We would also like to express our solidarity with the millions of health and social care workers, who are working hard and putting themselves on the front line every day to help us all.

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