Pubs, restaurants, theatres, gyms and leisre centres have been ordered to close ‘as soon as possible’ by Prime Minister Boris Johnson. The UK is shutting down – and social life as we know it is changing forever.


Good afternoon and thank you for coming again,

Today I am joined by the Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak and Jennie Harries deputy chief medical officer.

Yesterday I set out the ambition of this government to turn the tide against coronavirus within 3 months. And I want to repeat that determination today.

We are going to do it with testing. We are going to do it with new medicines, and with new digital technology that will help us to see the disease as it is transmitted, and thereby, by eliminating it, to stamp it out.

And above all, now we are going to defeat this disease with a huge national effort to slow the spread by reducing unnecessary social contact.

And I want to thank everyone for following the guidance we issued on Monday:

to stay at home for 7 days if you think you have the symptoms,

for 14 days if anyone in your household has either of the symptoms – a new continuous cough or a high temperature.

To avoid pubs, bars, clubs and restaurants.

To work from home if at all possible.

Keep washing your hands.

I know it has been tough.

I know it has been inconvenient.

But these actions that we’re all taking together are already helping to take the strain off our NHS.

Bit by bit, day by day, by your actions, your restraint and your sacrifice, we are putting this country in a better and stronger position, where we will be able to save literally thousands of lives, of people of all ages, people who don’t deserve to die now.

People whose lives can, must, and will be saved.

And as we take these actions together and as we make these sacrifices, we can see the impact on the real economy.

Already, fantastic British companies, already under huge strain, big and small.

Workers who are finding that their jobs are under threat or are going, through no fault of their own. And to all of them, we in government say: We will stand by you.

And I say that to companies, remember our joint objective: to beat this virus. And we will do everything in our power to help.

And in just a minute, Rishi is going to explain how we are going to help workers of all kinds to get through this crisis,

Supporting you directly in a way that Government has never been done before, in addition to the package we have already set out for business.

And of course these measures are intended to be temporary and of course I am confident that, in time, the UK economy is going to bounce back.

Of course it is.

But I must be absolutely clear with you: the speed of that eventual recovery depends entirely on our ability, our collective ability, to get on top of the virus now.

And that means we have to take the next steps, on scientific advice and following our plan, we are strengthening the measures announced on Monday which you will remember.

And of course people have already made a huge effort to comply with those measures for avoiding unnecessary social contact.

But we need now to push down further on that curve of transmission between us.

And so following agreement between all the formations of the United Kingdom, all the devolved administrations, we are collectively telling, telling cafes, pubs, bars, restaurants to close tonight as soon as they reasonably can, and not to open tomorrow.

Though to be clear, they can continue to provide take-out services.

We’re also telling nightclubs, theatres, cinemas, gyms and leisure centres to close on the same timescale.

Now, these are places where people come together, and indeed the whole purpose of these businesses is to bring people together. But the sad things is that today for now, at least physically, we need to keep people apart.

And I want to stress that we will review the situation each month, to see if we can relax any of these measures.

And listening to what I have just said, some people may of course be tempted to go out tonight. But please don’t.

You may think you are invincible, but there is no guarantee you will get mild symptoms, and you can still be a carrier of the disease and pass it on to others

So that’s why, as far as possible, we want you to stay at home, that’s how we can protect our NHS and save lives.

To repeat, I know how difficult this is, how it seems to go against the freedom-loving instincts of the British people. And I also know much, right now, workers and business deserve the financial reassurance we are giving them.

But we will get through this.

We will get through it together, and we will beat this virus.

And to ram that point home: the more effectively we follow the advice that we are given, the faster this country will stage both a medical and an economic recovery in full.


In recent days, we’ve been asked to make changes to our lives that would have been unimaginable a few weeks ago.

COVID-19 is the biggest challenge of our lifetimes.

The number of cases is set to rise sharply.

We must do all we can to slow it down and save lives.

So I want to talk to you directly about what we can all do to help – and offer some words of reassurance in what I know is an anxious time.

All of us must act now to slow the spread of the virus.

Washing our hands regularly is important.

But we must also reduce the number of people we meet and come into contact with.

That means staying at home if you or anyone in your house has a high temperature or a new and persistent cough.

For all of us, it means working from home if possible; avoiding public transport and not socialising in groups.

We’ve also asked people to stay away from crowded places like pubs, restaurants and cinemas.

But I can confirm that, in light of advice this afternoon from our scientists and the Chief Medical Officer that there must be strict compliance for that to be effective. I am now asking restaurants, cafes, pubs, gyms and cinemas to close.

I know how difficult this is.

But it is vital to reduce our risk of getting the virus.

And to reduce the risk of infecting those who are most vulnerable of becoming seriously ill or dying.

In short, it will save lives.

It also gives our NHS the best chance of coping.

We’ve put the NHS on an emergency footing.

We’re taking steps to increase the capacity of our hospitals and intensive care wards.

But those who work in our health and social care services will be tested like never before.

Most of us have friends and family working in the NHS – my own sister and sister-in-law are among them.

The debt of gratitude we owe all of them is enormous.

COVID-19 is a health emergency.

But the steps we take to deal with it are causing disruption in our economy too.

Alongside your concern about the virus, many of you are deeply worried about your jobs and income.

The Scottish Government will do all we can to support you.

As government, we are asking you to take unprecedented steps.

So the level of support we provide to you must be unprecedented in return.

Finally, a crisis like this will have an impact on wellbeing and mental health.

To older people – we are asking you to stay away from your grandkids, from the people you love. That’s hard. But it is for your protection – so you can stay around to see them grow up.

To children – I know this is a strange time. You’re away from school, and won’t be able to spend as much time with friends. The adults around you are probably feeling a bit anxious too. So help them. Follow their advice. Study and do your homework. But don’t forget to have fun. And wash your hands.

And let’s all look out for each other.

At times of crisis, we need each other more, yet we’re being told to stay apart.

But we can still communicate and offer comfort.

Modern technology is sometimes a curse – it can now be a lifeline.

Phone or skype loved ones. Text neighbours or drop a note through their door to see if they need help. Maybe even write a letter to your grandparents.

Support your local business if you can.

But please, do not panic buy. There’s plenty to go round if we all act responsibly.

We are entering stormy waters, and I can’t tell you yet when we will reach dry land.

I can promise you that as your First Minister, I will do my utmost to lead us safely through.

But I need your help.

I need you to follow health advice.

And I need you to look out for those around you.

There’s no doubt that difficult days do lie ahead.

But I close on a note of hope and belief.

This crisis is reminding us just how fragile our world is.

But it is also reminding us what really matters – health, love, solidarity.

With compassion and kindness – and with the dedication and expertise of our NHS – we can and we will get through this.

Thank you, for all you are doing to help.

Chief Medical Officer Dr Catherine Calderwood said: “COVID-19 is the biggest challenge of our lifetimes, and with the number of cases set to rise sharply we must do all we can to slow it down and save lives.

“As well as continuing to wash hands more regularly and self-isolating if you or anyone in your house has any symptoms, we must also limit the number of people we come into contact with.

“That is why, in light of updated advice, we are now asking restaurants, cafes, pubs, gyms and cinemas to close. I know how difficult this is, but it is vital in reducing the spread of the virus.

“Most people have been following advice and guidance and we thank them for that. But these measures are being introduced to ensure that everyone follows the guidance which will, ultimately, save lives.”

In an unprecedented move, the government is to pay 80% of wages for employees unable to work due to the coronavirus pandemic, up to £2,500 a month, the chancellor has announced. 

The magic money tree is being tested like never before.


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