Careers Hive: Engineers, ears and inspiring careers

How Edinburgh Science Learning gets pupils into STEM with Careers Hive

  • Careers Hive is a free careers education event from Edinburgh Science Learning aimed at S1-S3 pupils which takes place at the National Museum of Scotland from 24th to 29th February 2020 with Saturday 29th being a general public Open Day.
  • Through a series of hands-on activities and discussions with young STEM professionals, Careers Hive provides students with new ways of thinking about their future careers.
  • This year’s programme includes discussions with the founder and director of Fodilicious, the UK’s first certified convenience foods that help those with IBS. Joining them is the founder of Seawater Solutions, whose idea of growing food with seawater addresses the degradation of land and the loss of biodiversity.
  • Over 3500 pupils from 40 schools around Scotland will take part in Careers Hive in 2020.
  • To further encourage teachers to engage with their students about STEM subjects, Careers Hive offers a free Teacher Afternoon on Friday 28 February.

Careers Hive is an annual, week-long free event run by Edinburgh Science Learning, the education arm of Edinburgh Science Foundation and one of the UK’s leaders in science education.

The organisation delivers projects to and for teachers and schools throughout the year which have reached more than a million pupils around Scotland over the past three decades.

Initially developed in 2016, Careers Hive inspires S1-S3 pupils to pursue a STEM-based (science, technology, engineering and maths) career through hands-on activities, workshops and discussions STEM professionals who are early in their careers. The event is designed to help young people realise what skills they possess that might be useful in a STEM career through fun and engaging workshops and activities,

This year the event takes place between 24 and 29 February at the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh and will welcome over 3500 pupils from 40 schools all around Scotland. The event is now fully booked with school visits but audiences are encouraged to visit the Museum on Saturday 29 February between 11am and 4pm which is the Careers Hive Open Day.

Joan Davidson, Head of Learning at Edinburgh Science, said: “We are so excited to be welcoming over 3500 of Scotland’s young people to the National Museum of Scotland for Careers Hive this February.

“Our aim over the course of the week is to open their eyes to the incredible opportunities available to them through their lives if they continue to study science, technologies and maths at school.

“We hope that by taking part in our massive range of engaging, hands-on activities and by chatting to professionals from the science, tech, engineering and maths industries that are early in their careers, they will think about some of the fascinating jobs that can be open to them in the future and the different education and career paths that lead there.”


Students get hands-on with STEM careers in the Grand Gallery with four themed zones. Throughout each zone students engage with professionals about their jobs, and experience tasks and activities related to different fields.

One of them is Hannah Costello, a British Heart Foundation-funded researcher at the University of Edinburgh, currently in the third year of a four-year PhD with the charity. High blood pressure is the leading risk factor for heart and circulatory disease in Scotland and Hannah’s research investigates the effects of stress and salt on blood pressure.

The zones and some of the activities are:

  • Build and Connect looks at our connections through the internet, keeping transport systems running smoothly, designing homes for a growing population and creating happy communities. This includes an activity showing how machines can run a production line efficiently, and engines that participants can take apart to see their inner workings.
  • Design and Play illustrates how good design can make a complicated task simple, how to turn an idea into reality, creating and manipulating our digital environments and how coding is changing the world; this includes a special appearance from Robotical’s Marty the Robot, a programmable robot with character.
  • Energy and Environment focuses on finding the right mix of energy sources from the environment, smarter ways to distribute energy and technologies that help create clean and green energy; and an augmented reality mapping activity to show how windfarm sites are developed and an activity measuring the infra-red radiation escaping from models to show how we can reduce the carbon footprint of our buildings.
  • Heal and Feed examines technology in health and wellbeing and the challenges around getting water where it is needed, feeding a growing population and dealing with disease and epidemics. As part of this, pupils will perform knee, head or abdomen surgery using real-life surgical equipment in E.R. Scottish Water will also be presenting a new activity showing how water gets to our taps and how to deal with waste.

At the centre of the exhibition the Think Tanksupported by Wheatley Foundation, hosts a ‘speed meet-up’ careers activity where students get face-to-face with those in the early stages of a STEM career, giving them the chance to hear about experiences and ask questions.

LIFE AFTER LEAVING SCHOOL supported by Royal Bank of Scotland

Students partake in a panel discussion with young STEM professionals to learn about their jobs, break stigmas and have their own say on important issues in the industry today.

Among others, this year’s line-up includes:

  • Yanik Nyberg, founder of Seawater Solutions. After seeing the destructive impacts of conventional agriculture and the threat of rising sea-levels in Scotland, Africa and Asia, Yanik came up with the idea of growing food with seawater to address the degradation of land and the loss of biodiversity. This system of farming creates wetland ecosystems on which food can be grown, while carbon is captured at a rate of up to 40 times higher than the same area of rainforest, and profits are over eight times more profitable than the average potato field.
  • Pooja Jain came to Scotland in 2011 to do a bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Sciences, followed by a master’s degree in Neuroscience by Research at the University of Edinburgh. Her research interests focused on “cognitive characteristics and interventions for neurological disorders”, including lab-based research into various aspects of Alzheimer’s disease. This interest now drives her business, Edinburgh-based CogniHealth, which is developing a “digital companion” called CogniCare for helping people with dementia and their carers.
  • Lauren Leisk is the founder and director of award-winning food start up Fodilicious Ltd. The young entrepreneur and Business Management graduate has valuable experience in the food industry. After suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) for many years, Lauren started Fodilicious to bring the UK’s first certified convenience foods to market helping those with IBS and gut health to find products for their diet that are also delicious and healthy for anyone to enjoy, thus fulfilling a huge gap in the UK free from food industry.
  • Michael Harkins, the Founder of Turtle Pack, an award-winning swimming aid for children 2+. Having graduated from Heriot-Watt University and worked as a swimming instructor for over a decade, Michael started Turtle Pack in 2015. “Swimming isn’t just a sport – it’s a life skill. I’ve always been passionate about teaching children to swim, whether that’s in lessons or by using Turtle Pack. The tools out there for parents and swimming instructors haven’t really changed in decades, but we understand so much more now about how children best learn new skills.”

An important goal of Careers Hive is to raise awareness amongst young people that there is not a set education or career path they have to follow to work within STEM industries. Many STEM professionals may have a background in something completely different, but they can still use those skills towards a successful science, tech, engineering or maths career.

There will be several speakers from Royal Bank of Scotland at the event, some of whom have not entered their current roles in tech through traditional career paths.

For example, one speaker, Michaela, originally graduated with a degree in Classical Music but after spending time working in university recruitment and admissions, she decided to begin to study towards a Computing and IT degree with the Open University in her spare time. She now works in the bank’s Digital A.I. team as a technical analyst.


The skills gateway workshop will see students explore how the strengths, skills and interests they have and will develop at school will help them tackle challenges in their future workplaces, and get them to think about how to relate the jobs of the future to the challenges of the years to come.

The informal environment simulates a fun and innovative workplace, where people with different strengths and skills work collaboratively and creatively to share ideas and solve challenges.

To encourage teachers to work with their students on STEM subjects, Careers Hive is hosting a Teachers Afternoon on Friday 28 February between 1.30pm and 3.30pm at the National Museum of Scotland.

The afternoon is open to all teachers, with different sessions for primary and secondary educators.


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Learn to Play Day

FREE music lessons for all initiative coming to Scotland

Learn to Play Day – a free national event to encourage everyone in the UK to start making music – is coming to Scotland this March.

Supported by Jools Holland OBE, and run by charity Music for All, the 2020 Learn to Play Day will take place on Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th March, and will see music shops, teachers, venues and schools throughout the county partner with leading musical instrument brands to offer thousands of FREE music lessons.

So far, participating venues include:

  • Eiger Music at Windsor Community Hall in Glasgow
  • Acoustic Music Workshop in Perth
  • Loch Leven Music Tuition in Kinross
  • Musicroom Edinburgh
  • Music Broth in Glasgow

Further venues are set to be announced over the coming weeks.

Since being launched nine years ago, the Learn to Play Day initiative has helped thousands of people pick up and play a musical instrument. Many had never played before, while others played as a child but gave up.

Held in partnership with the Musicians’ Union, the ‘Take It Away’ scheme and Making Music, the Learn to Play Day initiative has been growing in popularity with a record 10,000 free lessons held during last year’s event.

Jools Holland said: “As Patron of the Music for All charity, I’m delighted to lend my support to National Learn to Play Day on March 28th and 29th.

“It’s a pleasure to be able to share the joy of music, and this special day allows thousands to get involved as venues all over the country offer music lessons for free.”

Fellow artist Jamie Cullum added: “National Learn to Play Day gives everyone a chance to play an instrument, even if they’ve never played before.

“This wonderful day introduces thousands to the magic of music making, and often reunites people with a lost passion for playing. Get involved and perhaps discover a skill you thought you didn’t have!”

Paul McManus, CEO at Music for All, concluded: “While we all may have different tastes and preferred genres, there is no doubt that music is something that is universally loved around the world.

“Our Learn to Play Day events are all about spreading the joy of playing a musical instrument and inspiring those of all ages to take up something that will not only have health benefits for the future, but that also brings so many people together.”

To find a FREE music lesson near you, simply visit

New childcare academy course starts next month


  • Undertake free training requiring attendance of up to 30 hours weekly within a safe, friendly environment
  • Gain significant experience of working with children by undertaking a quality supported work experience placement within an early years care and education setting or an out of school care setting
  • Gain 2 Accredited SQA Units from the Social Services (Children and Young People) SVQ Level 2 Award
  • Gain employment in the childcare sector
  • Access a Young Persons Allowance of £55 per week for eligible 16 to 18 year olds (for a max of 26 weeks)
  • Progression onto our Modern Apprenticeship programme to gain the SVQ Level 3 Social Services Children and Young People Award.

Our next Childcare Academy starts on MONDAY 2nd March 2020

Why not come along to our Childcare Academy information session on Tuesday 25 FEBRUARY at 1pm?

This will last approx. one hour and will give you the opportunity to find out what is involved in our Academy programme, ask any questions and take away an application pack.

If you would like to find out more, please contact Audrey O’Neill (our Communications & Compliance Officer) on 0131 311 6931 or e-mail

Plans unveiled for Finance House on Orchard Brae

A former finance centre on Orchard Brae could be converted into 170 flats under plans to be submitted to the council by Queensferry Properties. 

The developers have submitted a Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) and plan to convert Finance House on Orchard Brae and add a new block to the rear to provide the flats.

The office block, which housed a Lloyds Black Horse call centre, has been lying empty since November 2018.

The site is being acquired by Queensberry Properties, a joint venture between housebuilders Cruden Homes (East) and land and property experts Buccleuch Property.

Queensberry Properties say together the converted building and the new block will create around 170 apartments, 25 per cent of which will be affordable housing.

Parking spaces on the site will be reduced from the 166 used by Lloyds to about 60 spaces, which the developers say will cut traffic flow through neighbouring streets. They have also committed to liaise with the City Car Club to explore the potential for new car club parking spaces on site.

Queensferry Properties held an exhibition of their plans at Orchard Brae House on Queensferry Road on 6 February. Around 150 residents attended the event.

A further exhibition is planned for March 19 when local residents and community organisations will have a further opportunity to view and comment on the proposals. Almost inevitably, traffic issues are likely to feature prominently.

Queensberry Properties director Steven Simpson said: “We’re delighted to have had the opportunity to put forward our proposals to the community and would like to thank all those who attended.

“Getting feedback from them and having their assistance in shaping the development going forward is vital.

“This is an exciting set of proposals to regenerate this derelict building. The site sits on a brownfield site at a time when there is a desperate need for housing, and the city council is looking for a greater focus on development on brownfield sites.

“We welcome all feedback from the community and look forward to ongoing engagement.”

The full description of the proposed development is:

‘Part demolition and conversion of existing building and erection of new development for residential accommodation with associated business, commercial, leisure, ancillary uses, public realm, hard and soft landscaping, access arrangements, parking and infrastructure’.

Gail digs deep for LOVE Gorgie Farm

Gail Porter met staff and volunteers to help out yesterday in advance of LOVE Gorgie Farm reopening on 29th February. Edinburgh-born Gail, like many, has fond childhood memories of the farm. 

A call for volunteers was issued earlier this month to assist in bringing the former Gorgie City Farm back to life, ahead of the farm re-opening its doors to the public as LOVE Gorgie Farm on Saturday 29th February.

LOVE Learning, an education and social care charity that supports vulnerable children, young people and adults by using innovative ways to engage them in learning. It announced it was taking over the city farm in January after the farm went into liquidation in November 2019.

Gail said: “It was a pleasure to meet Lynn, the new team at LOVE Gorgie Farm and the volunteers, all of whom are working so hard to bring the farm back to life.

“Like many people in Edinburgh and Scotland, I was saddened to see Gorgie City Farm go into liquidation last year after having made so many memories in the farm as a child.

“I am very happy that a charity like LOVE Learning decided to take over it and can’t wait to see LOVE Gorgie Farm reopen again.”

Lynn Bell, CEO of LOVE Learning said: “We are delighted to have welcomed Gail into the farm ahead of our grand reopening and glad to have learnt how much the site meant to her.

“We know how treasured and important the farm was the community and we want to bring this back to the people of Edinburgh as soon as possible.

“We are overwhelmed with the positive support LOVE Gorgie Farm has received from everyone since we announced we were taking over it last month. We are still looking for volunteers to come next weekend as there is a lot of work to get done prior to opening the farm doors on the 29th of February.”

Interested volunteers can still help on Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd February and those looking to do so should email

More money for Parental Support

An additional £7 million is to be invested in the Parental Employability Support Fund this year.

This additional funding will provide intensive employability support for parents both in and out of work, helping to tackle in-work poverty, and enhance links between local employability services and the expansion of Early Learning and Childcare in all 32 Local Authorities

The measures outlined in the 2020-21 draft budget will mean more than £16 million will be invested by 2022 to support low income parents address barriers to employment and to upskill while in work.

Communities Secretary Aileen Campbell said: “In Scotland we have set in statute our ambition to eradicate child poverty and we are taking firm action to deliver progress.

“Last week’s budget included £7 million of additional investment for the new Parental Employability Support Fund which will be delivered in partnership with local authorities across Scotland.

“This investment will deliver new and enhanced services, providing parents with tailored holistic employability support and linking with the opportunities that our massive expansion of Early Learning and Childcare bring.

“Increasing household incomes from work and earnings is one of the keys ways to effectively tackling poverty – our investment will help ensure parents can access the jobs available and progress within employment.”