Letter: Bin lorry crash anniversary


Next month is the fourth anniversary of the Glasgow bin lorry tragedy. Six people died and 17 were injured when a city council bin lorry cut a swathe through Christmas shoppers after the driver, Harry Clarke, fainted at the wheel. This was not the first time Clarke had fainted at the wheel, nor was it the first time pedestrians had been killed in similar circumstances.

Clarke was able to continue driving because he denied having had any previous fainting episode and there is no system in place to ensure a driver only receives a HGV licence if the DVLA has seen the applicant’s medical records.

This loophole means the tragedy could happen again, anywhere in the UK, at any time.

In the fatal accident inquiry which followed these six tragic deaths, Sheriff Beckett recommended that the Secretary of State for Transport should consult on the issue. At the moment, the UK Government and DVLA appear content to rely on increased guidance and awareness. This does not legislate for those who wilfully drive HGVs when they know they should not. And it will provide no comfort to the families of those who died four years ago.

Ronald E Conway

Scotland co-ordinator, Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL)

3 Alder Court, Rennie Hogg Road

Nottingham NG2 1RX

Catch Akala tomorrow

Scottish Book Trust, the national charity changing lives through reading and writing, has announced details of two events in Edinburgh featuring Akala as part of ‘Pitch It’, a new programme for Book Week Scotland 2018. 

The award-winning rapper, writer and activist will appear at an afternoon event hosted by Lighthouse Books at the Traverse Theatre, which is SOLD OUT and also at an evening event at the Scottish Poetry Library hosted by the Edinburgh Caribbean Association, tomorrow – Sunday 25 November.

Book Week Scotland, now in its seventh year, is a national celebration of reading and writing. It runs from 19 November to 25 November, linked to the theme of ‘Rebel.’

Akala’s Natives: Race and Class in the Ruins of Empire speaks directly to British denial and squeamishness when it comes to confronting issues of race, class and the legacy of empire. Lighthouse Books will run workshops and a school competition exploring these issues in advance of Akala’s visit. Two members from each workshop will then be invited to present a banner about a missing piece of history to Akala during a private discussion.

This will be followed by an hour long public event and Q+A at the Traverse Theatre: Akala: A real history of empire for the next generation.

Akala will then appear at the Scottish Poetry Library for Edinburgh Caribbean Association’s event, Speak Up! An evening with Akala featuring performances from local young people, a performance from Akala himself and a DJ set. It is hoped that the experience will encourage participants to claim space and develop the confidence to make their voices heard.

The two local hosts were chosen as part of ‘Pitch It’, a new programme for Book Week Scotland 2018, which invited libraries, community groups, organisations and individuals all over Scotland to pitch for one of four literary stars to pay them a visit. In addition to covering the authors’ fees, Scottish Book Trust has provided each successful host with £500 to help deliver their event.

Initiated by the Scottish Government and supported by £200,000 from the National Lottery through Creative Scotland Targeted Funding and £26,000 from SLIC, Book Week Scotland 2018 will be delivered by Scottish Book Trust from 19 November – 25 November.

For more information about Book Week Scotland 2018 and how you can get involved, visit www.bookweekscotland.com where you can find information about all the events taking place in your local area.

Marc Lambert, CEO of Scottish Book Trust, said: “We’ve been so impressed by the standard of pitches we received to host these authors. The energy and enthusiasm demonstrated by all applicants throughout this process is a great reflection on the health of book-loving communities all over the country.

“I want to congratulate each organisation that has been selected to work with us on a Pitch It event: I’m sure that the opportunity to host one of our handpicked line up of celebrated rebel writers will entertain and inspire.”

Noor Hermani, Bookseller at Lighthouse Books, said: “This chance for Lighthouse to work with Akala is a dream come true. So many of our events and books focus on attempting to represent the histories and experiences of people who are sidelined and considered ‘other’, whether because of race, gender, or class.

“We fundamentally believe that our role is to educate and include as many voices as possible in that education, and so the chance to pitch our ideas to one of our heroes has us dancing on the table!”

Lisa Williams, Director of the Edinburgh Caribbean Association, said: “This is a huge and exciting opportunity to host a youth event with Akala. As a hip hop artist, educator and historian, Akala is ideally positioned to relate to young people, and link with the work we have been doing around Black History education.

“His voice has helped to centre an important perspective on the intersection of race and class; knowledge that is often excluded from mainstream education. His dynamic personality, down to earth manner and deep understanding of his field encourages a culture of critical thinking and collaborative empowerment. This rare chance for young, often marginalised people in Edinburgh to personally connect with him and respond to his work will inspire confidence in their creative abilities, encourage them to speak up for social change and foster a love for literature in the widest sense.” 


Akala: A real history of empire for the next generation, Traverse Theatre, Sunday 25 November, 3.30pm – 4.30pm === SOLD OUT ===

Speak Up! An evening with Akala, Scottish Poetry Library, Sunday 25 November, 7.00pm – 10.00pm

Edinburgh to benefit from a new collaborative business initiative

A new business launched yesterday (22nd November) which will create the first network of Open Innovation Centres (OICs) across the UK. The OICs will boost innovation and knowledge exchange practices for businesses and regions. Continue reading Edinburgh to benefit from a new collaborative business initiative

Open Day at The Prentice Centre

TODAY: 10.30am – 12:30pm

Come along to our open day and support your local community centre!

Whether you pop in to our nearly new stalls, or grab a bite to eat, take part in our tombolas or for many of the childrens activities available. There are many things to keep you all amused.

Would be great to see you!!

Tonight at North Edinburgh Arts: Food Bank As It Is

Campaigners are calling for the Scottish government to do more to help tackle the suffering caused by changes to the UK benefit system, including the roll out of Universal Credit, in the run up to Christmas. Continue reading Tonight at North Edinburgh Arts: Food Bank As It Is