Full cast announced for Saturday Night Fever at Edinburgh Playhouse

Full casting for Bill Kenwright’s highly anticipated new production of Saturday Night Fever has been announced. Joining acclaimed dancer and actor Richard Winsor as Tony Manero, in his first leading role in a major musical, is: Kate Parr (Follies) in the role of Stephanie, Owen Broughton (Gus), Michael Cortez (Joey), Raphael Pace (Bobbie C) and Jared Thompson (Double Jay).  Continue reading Full cast announced for Saturday Night Fever at Edinburgh Playhouse

Scotland encouraged to take part in Cyber Awards

People from Edinburgh working to better the country’s approach to cyber security are being urged to apply to the Scottish Cyber Awards – with the application deadline looming. To reflect the indiscriminate and nationwide cyber threat, it is being hoped that the awards – now in their third year – will be the biggest and most diverse to date.  Continue reading Scotland encouraged to take part in Cyber Awards

Little Bear rescued following underground drama

(Bear’s a wee dug!)

Bear 2aFirefighters rescued a little dog trapped down an underground rabbit warren – by listening for his heart beat.The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service was mobilised to help the distressed pet after the alarm was raised at 12.26pm on Monday.

Crews from Linlithgow and Alloa attended the incident at a field in Falkirk Road opposite the Leisure Centre in Linlithgow, and they used specialist equipment to detect the faint sound of the Chorkie dog’s heart beat – after it had been stuck for four hours in the underground labyrinth.

The relieved little dog – named Bear – was rescued and given cuddles from the delighted firefighters. He has since been reunited with his owner and is fully recovered.

Watch Manager Alan Roy said: “This was certainly one of our most unusual callouts.

“The crew initially tried to find the dog by digging into the field without success – but we were determined not to give up on this brave little animal.

“The life detector listening equipment is used in urban search and rescue situations where we try to locate people in collapsed buildings.

“Using a series of sequences we were able to pinpoint the approximate location of Bear who was stuck down one of the rabbit warrens.

“We dug down and were able to retrieve the dog who appeared a bit bewildered but in good health.

“It was crucial we acted as quick as possible so the animal didn’t injure itself.

“He was hydrated with water after his ordeal and after some cuddles from the crew and his owner he looked set to go chasing the rabbits again.”


This is not the first time that firefighters have stepped into an unusual animal rescue.

They supported RZSS Edinburgh Zoo vets during a dental procedure involving Bertus the greater one horned Indian rhino in November 2016, drawing on their skills of searching collapsed buildings to safely manoeuvre the two tonne animal safely into the correct position for the operation.

Highly-skilled firefighters were also needed in East Kilbride in February 2016 when they teamed up with the farming community to battle through challenging conditions and save the life of a horse.

Firefighters, skilled in rope rescue and water rescue, worked to free the animal, a female named Flash Dance – weighing 440 kilos – from two feet of mud at the bottom of a slope. The crew then enlisted the help of a nearby farmer whose JCB digger was used to scoop away six feet of mud – allowing firefighters to get underneath the animal, secure ropes around her body and hoist her clear – She was tired, cold and dirty but otherwise uninjured.

Statutory responsibility for animal rescue lies with the Scottish SPCA however the SFRS will attend to support SSPCA colleagues where requested and particularly where members of the public may also be in danger.

Anyone who discovers an injured or distressed animal should call the Scottish SPCA Animal Helpline on 03000 999 999.



Forth Neighbourhood Partnership to discuss community planning

Forth Neighbourhood Partnership will meet to discuss community planning tomorrow (Thursday 23rd August) from 6.30 – 8.30pm in North Local Office, West Pilton Gardens. Continue reading Forth Neighbourhood Partnership to discuss community planning

JFK stage Tough Dugger event

On Sunday 19th August furry friends came together to take part in Hair by JFK’s ‘Tough Dugger’ fun agility course at the Bruntsfield Links, just across the road from their salon on 1 Bruntsfield Place. Hair by JFK is a dog friendly salon and have been huge supporters of the Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home charity for over 10 years, supporting the charity in any way they can.

On the day over twenty adorable dogs, all shapes and sizes rounded up and individually ran around Hair by JFK’s agility course with their owners. Every contestant who took part was timed and a prize was given to the dog that was fastest to complete the course, where pups flew over hurdles, whipped around poles, and jumped through hoops.

Tough Dugger rosettes were presented to the top five fastest dogs and rosettes and doggy beer and crisps sets donated by House of Hound were provided to dogs who won the ‘special categories’, which included dog with the waggiest tale, most appealing eyes, most handsome chap, prettiest girl and most well groomed.

All participants were also treated to goodie bags kindly donated by Dofos Pet Shop in Edinburgh, and the final donation amount of around £200 was given to the Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home from Hair by JFK.

Director of Hair by JFK, Karen Brown, commented, “This was the second year running of our Tough Dugger event to raise awareness and funds for the Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home, a charity we regularly work with and that is very close to our hearts at Hair by JFK.

“The event was a great success and we were thrilled that so many dog owners and their dogs from across the city attended to take part in the obstacle course and have some fun whilst raising awareness for the Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home charity, whilst also promoting a great way to keep dogs active and healthy!

“We also had some great companies that helped us make our event even bigger than better than last year including Josee’s Happy Hounds and Happy Hound Canine Massage who we can’t thank enough for their support. Dofos also provided us with some incredible goodie bags and House of Hound provided us with some lovely prizes for the day.” 

To make a donation via our event page to the Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home, please visit: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/hair-by-jfk-toughdugger

Working families falling short of minimum living standard

The overall cost of a child over 18 years (including rent and childcare) is £150, 753 for a couple and £183,335 for a lone parent. But work doesn’t pay low-income families enough to meet a no-frills standard of living, new research from Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) shows. Continue reading Working families falling short of minimum living standard