Your opportunity to influence Locality Improvement Plans

There are two more chances to help shape North West Edinburgh’s Locality Improvement Plan this week at community consultation events:

This evening at The Prentice Centre there’s a session on ‘North Edinburgh small area’ – that’s Muirhouse, West Pilton, Granton, Royston Wardieburn and Wester Drylaw to you and me, so it’s no’ that small! These traditional working class communities face a number of poverty-related challenges and tonight’s session will look at the draft action plan drawn up to tackle issues in ‘Greater Pilton’. Are the priorities right? Can the plan be improved? What’s missing?

Have your say tonight at The Prentice Centre, Granton Mains Avenue. The session runs from 5.30 – 8pm.

North Edinburgh small area –

Over recent weeks the North West team has taken the Locality Improvement Plan out for consultation at venues across the area. Sessions have been on themes – there have been sessions on Place; Community Safety; Employment, Training & Education and Children, Young People and Families.

Over recent weeks the North West Locality team has taken the Locality Improvement Plan out for consultation at venues across the locality. Sessions have been on themes – there have been sessions on Place; Community Safety; Employment, Training & Education and Children, Young People and Families.

Tomorrow sees the final themed session – this one’s on Health and Wellbeing and it takes place in Clermiston’s Rannoch Centre, Rannoch Terrace from 1 – 4pm.

Health & Wellbeing theme 

If you can’t attend these events there’s still time to express your views – click here


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Edinburgh reporter and photographer