Have your say on Lower Granton Road cycle path improvements

Wednesday 7 March 6.30 – 8pm

Royston Wardieburn Community Centre

Granton and District Community Council is to hold a consultation session to give local people an opportunity to find out more about proposed cycle path improvements on Lower Granton Road and to give their views on the plans.

CC secretary Mizan Rahman explained: “We have received numerous responses and enquiries from local residents and interest groups including Wardie Bay Residents Association (WBRA) and Wardie Bay Beachwatch. GDCC realises that meaningful engagement with the relevant stakeholders is essential prior to formal consultation.

“In view of this, we have arranged a pre-consultation meeting as below:

Lower Granton Road Cycle Path: Have Your Say
Date: 07 March 2018, Wednesday 

Time: 6.30pm (Tea/Coffee from 6.15pm) 
Venue: Royston Wardieburn Community Centre, 8 Pilton Drive North, EH5 1NF 

“The aim of this meeting is to enable local residents to have their say on the proposed project plan. A senior project officer from the City of Edinburgh Council has kindly agreed to attend this meeting. We welcome everyone who lives on Lower Granton Road and the wider Granton area, to come along and put forward their thoughts and ideas. Please note this is not an official consultation.”

Limited places are available at the venue, so booking is required. To register online: https://goo.gl/forms/AebnYnXww2TgeVsn2 

For more information please contact us via email: secretary@grantoncc.scot .

Please find our event on www.facebook.com/events/602765846730677

You’ll find pre-consultation questionnaire and relevant information here: https://grantoncc.scot/lgr-paths/ .


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