Celebrating diversity: International Mother Language Day

Dear Friends,

We would like to invite you to join the celebration of International Mother Language Day 2018.

Date: Wednesday 21 February 

Time: 11am – 1pm

Venue: Edinburgh City Chambers, 253 High Street EH1 1YJ

International Mother Language day (IMLD) was proclaimed by UNESCO and observed every year since 2000 to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism. UNESCO’s theme this year is linguistic diversity and multilingualism count for sustainable development.

Brief program of the day

                  11am – 12pm: Reception event @ European room, City Chambers

o   Hosted by Frank Ross, Right Honourable Lord Lieutenant and Lord Provost. A celebration of language diversity through multilingual cultural performances

12pm – 1pm: City chamber quadrangle (outdoor)

o   A tribute to the language martyrs of Bangladesh whose struggle for the Bangla language is the reason that the 21st of February was chosen by UNESCO for IMLD. We will be laying flower/wreaths on temporary memorial. No registration required.

Please book your place to attend the reception event starts at 11am

booking link: https://goo.gl/forms/u1BKgpZFhHtwTpvk1)

No booking is required to attend the second part which will start from 12 Noon at the City Chambers quadrangle (outdoors).

For more information or queries, please contact us by E-mail: imlsscotland@outlook.com, Tel; 0131 556 0441 / 07930 183352 Find us: http://www.facebook.com/imlsscotland

The event is free and open to everyone.

The event is organised in collaboration with: Councillor Donald Wilson, Convenor of the Culture and Communities Committee, City of Edinburgh Council in partnership with ELREC Routes to Roots, Council of Bangladeshis inScotland (CBS), Polish Cultural Festival Association, Bangla Scot News, Bilingualism Matters and the Edinburgh Chinese Arts Association.

IMLD poster2018

International Mother Language Group

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