New online money advice service from DWP

New budgeting support for Universal Credit claimants

Money Advice Service’s Online Money Manager is an interactive tool that offers personalised advice on making the most of your money while you’re on Universal Credit. It offers help and advice on a range of money topics including opening a bank account, keeping on top of bills and dealing with debt.

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Taking the time to dream: Future Me launched

The Scottish Government yesterday launched a new Future Me campaign as part of the Read Write Count early years initiative, encouraging families across Scotland to share their children’s dreams for the future. To mark the launch, children and parents took part in a Future Me session and reading from award-winning children’s author, Simon Puttock at Riverside Museum in Glasgow. Continue reading Taking the time to dream: Future Me launched

Future Me campaign launches this week

A new campaign encouraging parents or guardians to talk to children about their dreams for the future will be launched this week by the Scottish Government. The Future Me campaign aims to raise the aspirations of children and improve vital literacy and numeracy skills which will last a lifetime. Continue reading Future Me campaign launches this week

Culture Project Fund: applications close 10 March

The City of Edinburgh Council’s Culture Project Fund will in its first year focus on support for the performing arts. Grants of up to £5,000 will be awarded to organisations based in Edinburgh to help with the costs involved in developing new performing artwork. Continue reading Culture Project Fund: applications close 10 March