Edinburgh Wellbeing public social partnership (psp)
“Talk, Share, Plan, Repeat” Coproduction Events
Public Social Partnerships (PSPs) are about people working together to design what services and supports are needed to meet the need of people who have mental ill health, or mental health difficulties, and then building partnerships to deliver the services and supports. There will be two city wide events, the first to capture the main themes and the second to capture work across the city and to begin to make these links. The locality events will be focused more around understanding the needs of that particular community, opening up local dialogue, and building relationships for future partnership working.
To registers for one/or more events or general enquiries please email: EdinburghPSP@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk
- Locality – North West: 1st Feb, 11 – 2:30, Muirhouse Library
- City Wide: 8th Feb, 11 – 2:30, tbc
- Locality – North West: 22nd Feb, 11 – 2:30, Muirhouse Library