Learn something new this autumn

edinburgh (8)

Chanter for beginners, exploring local bridges, creative crochet and the history of Edinburgh are just some of the courses being offered in the new City of Edinburgh Council Adult Education Programme.

With hundreds of day, evening and weekend courses available for adults aged 16 and over, the programme really has something for everyone.

So if you’re looking to learn a new language, brush up on your artwork, meet new people or improve your job prospects then check out the courses which can be booked from today (Wednesday 10 August).

Booking online is the quickest way to secure a place on your chosen course and people are asked to be patient as demand is expected to be high.

Among the numerous classes being offered are art, crafts, creative writing, history, computing, cookery, health and fitness, languages, music, drama, walks and talks and much more.

Councillor Cathy Fullerton, Vice-Convener for Education, Children and Families said: “Every year, thousands of people of all ages and in all areas of the city take part in our adult education classes. Learning should always be enjoyable, and we hope that this programme will inspire people to learn something new or in more depth.

“There are many stimulating, creative and challenging courses and opportunities to suit a wide range of interests, purposes and abilities. This is the chance to learn a new language, play a musical instrument, find out more about Scottish literature or learn a new skill such as wood carving or creative writing.

“Research shows that people who are in lifelong learning are more likely to be employed, to remain in work and to be involved in their communities. It truly is about learning for life and it’s never too late to start.

“Plenty of flexibility is built into the programme as to where and when people can study, with opportunities to take classes at different schools and community centres across the city and they can also be a stepping stone on to further education or indeed into a new career.”

A full list of Adult Education Programme classes are available online or by phoning 0131 556 7978. You can pick up a brochure from your local library or community centre or click on the link (below).

As well as online enrolment, courses can be booked by post, phone or in person.

Also on offer are Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) courses at Higher and Unit levels, run by Edinburgh College.

Full details on all classes and how to enrol can be found here.


Have your say on city centre public spaces

Views sought on how best to use Edinburgh’s key public spaces


Residents, local organisations and businesses are being asked for their opinions on proposals to balance the use of civic spaces, both owned by the Council and not, in the city centre. 

Feedback from an online consultation will be used to inform the development of a Public Spaces Protocol, which will support Council decisions on the most appropriate use of spaces like the Grassmarket, the Mound precinct and the High Street.

Edinburgh’s status as a world renowned Festival City, World Heritage Site and visitor destination will be considered alongside residents’ quality of life, the requirements of established local businesses, as well as seasonal traders, and promoters or organisers of events and activities.

Transport and Environment Convener, Councillor Lesley Hinds, said: “As a capital city, Edinburgh boasts a wide range of attractive and accessible spaces in which the public can spend time and enjoy diverse and world-class events.

“In order to cater to all those who use these spaces, including residents, visitors, businesses and traders, as well as ensuring the fair and balanced staging of events across all the areas on offer, it is necessary that we establish a clear set of guidelines.

“By trialling a number of approaches across spaces in the city, I am confident that we will able to create informed and relevant criteria, and I look forward to hearing what the public think of our approach.”

Trials are already in place to test the different approaches to managing public spaces across the city. In George Street, a set of criteria has been developed to assess proposals put forward by event organisers for large scale festival-related events, while this summer in the Grassmarket a series of measures are in place to deliver a more coherent approach to managing activity in the area.

Evaluation is also currently underway on best practise for Castle Street, which was redeveloped in 2008 but is now considered under-used. Outcomes from this and the other two trials will contribute to the final Public Spaces Protocol.

The Public Spaces Protocol is part of the City Centre Programme, which incorporates a number of projects with a ‘place-making’ agenda. The Programme focuses on a vision for the city, ensuring that everyone who cares about the centre has an opportunity to have their say.

The Use of Public Spaces consultation is open until Tuesday, 6 September and can be accessed through the Council website.

Continue reading Have your say on city centre public spaces

Wunderbar: Octoberfest’s back!

Oktoberfest is coming back to Edinburgh for a ‘wunderbar’ long  weekend at Princes Street Gardens West.


The organizers of World Wide Oktoberfest tour have announced the official dates for Edinburgh Oktoberfest 2016. Princes Street Gardens West will be hosting the event from 5th -9th October. Continue reading Wunderbar: Octoberfest’s back!