Tonight: LOL for LGBT!


Dump your dreich and drookit doldrums and Laugh OUT LOUD with LGBT Youth Scotland tonight!

Support our Lothian LGBTYS team to work with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex young people enabling them to be included and celebrated at home, at school and in their communities. Laugh OUT LOUD is the first LGBT comedians event at The Stand welcoming you to be entertained by our five fabulous comedy hosts.

Online link to buy tickets, which will be collected at the venue on the evening and checked against our registrations of sale:

Online information about The Stand, extra tickets and concessions which will also be collected at the venue against registrations:

I’m going to Easter Road. Whether I’ll be laughing, well …!


News from Trinity Community Council


1602 ebulletin 1.1

waterfront hotel

This month, as well as discussing how we communicate with residents, we again include news of some developments to east and west of us – in particular the hotel proposed to be built next to Ocean Terminal (above).  Continue reading News from Trinity Community Council

Council funding: for some, the wait goes on

Reprieve for some but others still await funding decision


The city council has heralded a new way of distributing grants but some highly-regarded local voluntary sector projects still await the decisions that will determine their future. And with just six weeks before the start of the new financial year, management committees and voluntary boards across the city are faced with unpalatable choices: issue redundancy notices and risk losing staff or hope that all will be well with next year’s funding? Continue reading Council funding: for some, the wait goes on