Lazarowicz backs wildlife cybercrime crackdown

Mark Lazarowicz MP Backs Report Exposing Cruel Wildlife Cybercrime

IFAWMark Lazarowicz MP is backing a hard-hitting report by the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) that sets out – in often shocking detail -the scale of wildlife trade over the internet.

The report entitled ‘Wanted – Dead or Alive’ shows how thousands of endangered species are bought and sold on the Internet, many advertised without any form of supporting documentation.

IFAW found the legality of almost 13 per cent of the advertisements investigated warranted turning them over to law enforcers for further examination. However this may only be the tip of the iceberg as investigators focused on open-source websites.

The Edinburgh North and Leith MP is a member of the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) which has published a series of reports on wildlife crime.

Mark Lazarowicz said: “I welcome this report for shining a light on the murky sale of protected species and parts of them like ivory – it’s big business built on cruelty to magnificent but rare animals like tigers, bears and orangutans.

“When the EAC reported in 2012 we called for the Government to give the National Wildlife Crime Unit the funding it needs to be effective and we highlighted how the lack of certainty over its funding is making it especially difficult to attract staff and hampering its work on wildlife crime.

“I want to see the UK and Scottish Governments – which has responsibility for tackling this in Scotland – working closely together to shut down these practices – it’s a crime that crosses borders and wildlife that we treasure should not be traded online like any other commodity.”

The report calls for:

• A criminal offence created for those advertising a protected animal, or its parts

• Warnings on marketplaces online to make people searching for protected species aware that they might be breaking the law so they cannot plead ignorance

• Secure funding for the National Wildlife Crime Unit and a dedicated post for wildlife cybercrime.

Mr Lazarowicz has written to DEFRA calling for the Government to act.


Dr Owl's wise winter advice

Dr OwlDr Owl will soon be making an appearance in Edinburgh offering his “wise” winter health tips as part of a major public health campaign.

With Christmas only a few weeks away, NHS Scotland’s Be Health-Wise this Winter campaign is visiting the capital next Thursday (4 December)  to offer advice on some simple steps locals can take to help themselves and their families enjoy a healthy festive period.

Dr Owl is advising people to check they have cold and flu remedies in their medicine cabinet, make sure they have enough repeat prescription to last over the festive period, and to make sure they know when their GP surgeries are open over Christmas and New Year.

Staff from Scotland’s national telehealth service, NHS 24, will be on hand at the event to offer advice on how to stay well this winter and answer questions about winter health issues.

This year’s Be Health-Wise this Winter campaign is being supported by The Co-operative Pharmacy and winter health packs – containing an information leaflet, lip balm, hand sanitisers and plasters – will be available to visitors to the roadshow.

NHS 24’s Medical Director Professor George Crooks said: “The Be Health-Wise This Winter roadshow in Edinburgh offers the ideal opportunity for locals to take some time out from their Christmas shopping to get some important information about their health this winter.

“By preparing ahead, people can ensure they make the most of the festive period, by not allowing winter coughs and colds to spoil their holiday. Listen to the wise words of Dr Owl and make sure you have cough and cold remedies at home to deal with any winter ailments that may strike this winter.

“Your local pharmacist is also a good source of information and advice on what to have in your medicine cabinet. If you need to visit your GP, try to schedule an appointment before the festive period and make sure you submit your repeat prescription request in plenty of time and pick it up in plenty of time.”

Nisith Nathwani, Regional Development Manager for The Co-operative Pharmacy and General Council Member for Community Pharmacy Scotland, said: “We are very pleased to support NHS Scotland’s Be Ready for Winter campaign and our Co-operative Pharmacy branches up and down the country will be on hand to offer health advice and winter remedies to our local communities throughout the winter.

“Our pharmacists are trained to offer health and medication advice and should be the first port of call throughout the winter months.”

This year, GP surgeries throughout most of the country will be closed for four days at Christmas (25-28 December), before re-opening on Monday 29 December and again for four days at New Year (1-4 January), before re-opening again on Monday 5 January.

The national Be Health-Wise this Winter campaign is supported by NHSScotland in partnership with NHS 24, the Scottish Ambulance Service and all 14 Scottish Health Boards.

General advice and information on how to stay healthy this winter can be found at or contact NHS inform on 0800 22 44 88.

The Be Health-Wise This Winter roadshow will be at the Wester Hailes Healthy Living Centre on Thursday 4 December between 10am and 4pm.

Check you have cold and flu remedies

Many children and adults pick up common winter ailments such as a cold or flu-like illness. These can often be effectively treated at home with readily available medicine. Parents are reminded to restock their medicine cabinet with remedies suitable for children.

Use your local pharmacy

Your local pharmacy is an accessible resource for you and your family. Your pharmacist can offer advice or help if you have run out of any prescribed medication. You can also collect medicine for minor ailments or illnesses.

Make sure you have repeat prescriptions. Only order what you need and pick it up in plenty of time. 

If you, or someone you care for, require medicines regularly, check that you have enough and if you need more remember to order and collect repeat prescriptions in good time to ensure you or your family have enough medicine to last over the Christmas holiday period. Only order what you need.

Know when your GP surgery will be open

Your local doctor’s surgery will be open on Wednesday December 24th and will then reopen on Monday 29th December. This means there are four days when it is closed – Christmas Day, Boxing Day, Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th.

Doctors Surgeries will follow normal opening hours on Wednesday 31st December and will then reopen on Monday 5th January.