Letter: Offensive, Darling – bitter together

Dear Editor

I find it offensive that Alister Darling thinks that Scotland is not capable of self-government or of being a nation with full powers. How come small nations similar to Scotland can gain their independence and be successful, look after their people and economy without their neighbours ?

Lets look at what “Better Together ” has really done for Scotland. It has destroyed coal mining and ship building . It has given away our forests to the highest bidder,and our fisheries were sold down the river. Our whisky is taxed to the hilt . Gas, electricity,water and now the Royal Mail have all been privatised,but not for the benefit of ordinary people. Our hospitals ,schools and care homes can’t cope because budgets are cut year in, year out .
Scotland’s oil has been squandered to the extent that Mr Darling and his ilk say it’s running out, yet we are assured by experts there are still ample oil reserves. Denis Healey admitted to the people of Scotland that they were lied to in the 1970s about the oil supply running out then. New oil fields are being opened daily , weekly, monthly.
Under “Better Together ” Scotland has nothing – it all goes to Westminster! Our old , young unemployed , disabled ,  vulnerable are being driven into deeper poverty by a ‘better together’ UK Great Britain, whether you are a Tory, Labour or Lib/Dem.
As for George Osbourne telling the Scottish nation that should we get independence we would not be able to use the pound sterling? Have any Scottish people tried to exchange Scottish monetary notes in England ? It’s near impossible!
Another myth is having to use a Scottish passport to travel to England? Passports are not required to travel to the Republic of Eire. Yes identification is required but not necessary a passport.
As for defence Better Together have used their savage cuts to the MOD therefore Scotland has seen their regiments disappear. Teresa May’s recent comment that Scotland would be a target for terrorism. Scotland has been attacked once . We are more than capable of defending our country. How many times has England been attacked? Go back to the 1970s and as recent as the London bombings in 2012.
Any other nations who have gained their independence have never asked to be returned to their original countries.If the people of Scotland want more welfare cuts, ruled from Westminster, job losses, and unfair  treatment of our nation , then I dare you never to be poor, ill, young, unemployed  or old.
The Better Together  campaign are scaremongering our nation. Scottish people have to realise that in the referendum we are NOT voting for any political party but to have the right to rule our own country . All I have heard from political parties has been the back stabbing of Alex Salmond for suggesting we can achieve independence . Joanne Lamont is one of the worst offenders. Having listen to her at the Labour Party Conference she put down Alex Salmond 23 times . ” Better Together “?  More like “Bitter Together!”
Finally just to inform people I do NOT vote SNP – however I do  want independence.
Stand up, Scotland and be a proud nation!
Anna Hutchison (by email)
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Edinburgh reporter and photographer

One thought on “Letter: Offensive, Darling – bitter together”

  1. Ms Hutchison is to be congratulated for saying it how it is. The Labour Party hierarchy has not yet woken up to the fact the many of its members and voters have come over to the YES campaign for quite some time. She is absolutely right it – is not about voting for Salmond or the SNP – it is quite simply whether you want your country to be Independent or not. It suits Lamont and Labour to mislead and misinform because they are only interested in getting/keeping power at all cost and in their narrow blinkered view that means staying with Westminster. Look at all those West of Scotland Labour MP’s who would lose their jobs, Labour MSP’s don’t want them coming north and vying for their jobs at the next Holyrood election. There has been for some time now a Labour For Independence section of the YES campaign. There are members of all political parties and none involved. I have been out with Lib Dems, the aforementioned Labour people and Green Party members. In North Edinburgh and Leith there is now continuous campaigning and this will increase over the coming months. None of this is reported in the NEN or it’s blog. To get a true picture of what is really happening politically in North Edinburgh read the acclaimed Pilton Sucks blog. I don’t like the name but it tells it how it is. To find out about the YES campaign, google YES Scotland referendum or YES Edinburgh North and Leith on facebook. There is a stall tomorrow (Sat) morning at Foot of the Walk, and will be in Drylaw again soon. Thank you Ms Hutchison for your wise comments.

    Stuart Roy McIVOR


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