Detectives investigating the discovery of human remains on Corstorphine Hill in Edinburgh are appealing for help from the public in identifying the female victim. A member of the public reported finding part of the body last Thursday when cycling on Corstorphine Hill.
Since then a detailed and careful excavation of the site has been undertaken by forensic experts and a post mortem was carried out on Tuesday (11 June).
Detective Chief Inspector Keith Hardie of the Specialist Crime Division’s Major Investigation Team said: “The victim’s body had been dismembered before it was buried on Corstorphine Hill. We believed this may have been within a time frame of a matter of a few weeks but possibly as much as six months. This is a murder investigation and our immediate focus is on identifying this woman, and establishing the circumstances around her death. We need the public’s support to achieve this.
“This is someone’s daughter, it may be someone’s mother and I am appealing today to the public to consider if there is a mother, a daughter or a friend you have not seen or heard from for the past few weeks or months, and the person fits the following description I would urge you to contact us now.
“We know the lady was white, middle aged, slim and of medium build and short in height.. She has had significant cosmetic work on her teeth. We have also recovered a number of rings and two of these are distinctive, both are gold in appearance with one in the design of a daisy and the other is heart shaped. I feel confident that someone will recognise the description of the lady’s teeth and the rings, together with the general description of a slim middle aged lady who has disappeared.”
Mr Hardie is also convinced that the body was dismembered elsewhere and later taken to Corstorphine Hill. He is asking people who use this popular nature reserve to consider if they may have seen anyone who, on reflection, could have been involved in depositing the body in the area.
“Can you recall, anytime since the end of last year, seeing a person or individuals on the hill with particularly large rucksacks/backpacks or carrying tools, If so, please get in touch with us.”
Chief Inspector Murray Dykes, of Police Scotland Edinburgh Division, said: “This is a distressing case but I want to reassure people that it is also a very unusual one. Corstorphine Hill is very popular, well used and a safe place to walk, cycle and enjoy some leisure time. While there are very few reports of crime relating to that area, I have had high visibility patrols in place since Thursday to provide reassurance and these will continue for the time being. These officers will be engaging with members of the public and people can pass on information through them if they wish or at the Police Command vehicle which is currently situated on Balgreen Road.”