Swinney calls for welfare cuts U-turn

The Chancellor should use next week’s UK Budget to revisit welfare reforms which stand to place real strain and hardship on Scottish families, Finance Secretary John Swinney said today. Writing to the Chancellor ahead of Wednesday’s Budget, the Finance Secretary has highlighted the impacts in Scotland of the UK Government’s welfare reform programmes.

The letter sets out Scottish Government analysis which shows, for example, that whilst the bedroom tax will save the UKG money, this will be outweighed by the costs imposed on the Scottish economy. Over time the policy will remove £110m from the economy, through its impact in Scotland alone. This does not capture the wider social costs of the policy nor the distress and disruption that it will cause.

The letter also highlights that the full package of welfare reforms will present significant financial and operational challenges for all layers of government in Scotland. In his letter to the Chancellor Mr Swinney urges the UK Government to:

  • Provide immediate support for investment and jobs
  • Withdraw its bedroom tax policy
  • Take action on the distribution of European Structural Funds (ESF)
  • Improve access to finance for small and medium sized enterprises
  • Devolve responsibility for Air Passenger Duty to the Scottish Parliament

Commenting on his letter Mr Swinney (pictured below)  said: “Since 2010 the UK Governments fiscal policy has been premised on the need to maintain market confidence and the UK’s AAA credit rating. The Chancellor has chosen austerity over investment in growth and jobs and the cost has been the continuing deterioration in the public finances, prolonged recession and the downgrade of the UK’s credit rating.

“That cost is increasingly borne by the most vulnerable in our society and public services in Scotland urgently seeking to mitigate the worst impacts of the UK’s disastrous welfare reform programme. Scottish Government analysis shows that based on reasonable assumptions the projected UK Government savings from the bedroom tax are significantly outstripped by the net loss to the UK of over £100 million over the long-term. This policy is unfair, is unlikely to deliver savings in real-terms and cuts across devolved policies. The Chancellor should use his forthcoming Budget to withdraw it.

“While we welcomed the Chancellor’s partial recognition of the need for urgent investment to boost growth in the Autumn Statement. we again call on the Chancellor to use this Budget to provide a real stimulus and greatly expand capital investment With colleagues from Wales and Northern Ireland, I have also called on the Chief Secretary to the Treasury to invest in growth.

“Small and medium sized businesses are the lifeblood of Scotland’s economy. Growth will be led by the private sector yet it continues to be choked by half-hearted Coalition measures. Figures released last week on bank lending again confirm that the UK Government’s action to improve access to finance for the country’s small and medium sized businesses is failing to deliver. We continue to press the Coalition Government to go further and faster in improving access to finance.

“With the powers of independence Scotland would have the economic levers and the scope to tailor welfare policies in line with Scotland’s interests, to ensure that Scotland’s businesses and people no longer have to fund the failures of a UK Government.”



Crime cash seized in major police operation

Over £225,000 pounds of cash has been recovered from suspected criminals and £7 million worth of assets have been referred for seizure in one of the largest operations ever undertaken by police in Scotland.

Two vehicles were seized, £316,000 of drugs and £25,440 worth of stolen and counterfeit goods were also seized during the enforcement phase of the “Made From Crime?” campaign.

The initiative aims to target those making money illegally through crime, and for the past three days 400 uniformed and detective officers across the East of Scotland have been actively pursuing suspects.

The campaign was launched in January this year by Lothian and Borders Police, Fife Constabulary and Central Scotland Police and asked members of the public to come forward to the charity Crimestoppers and report their suspicions about people making money illegally.

Marketing materials and a 20 foot long Ad-Trailer were placed in key locations across the East of Scotland and special Facebook adverts that were geo-targeted to people living in the area ran through the six-week ‘intelligence-gathering’ phase.

Throughout the campaign, Crimestoppers reported a 31% percent rise in all calls across the East of Scotland area to the charity.

All of this intelligence was gathered and analysed by officers, before the latest enforcement action this week.

Between 7am on Wednesday 13th to 7am on Friday 15th March, 78 addresses were targeted and 74 people were arrested throughout Central Scotland, Fife and Lothian and Borders area.

The joint working between Central Scotland Police, Fife Constabulary and Lothian and Borders Police comes in advance of the Police Service of Scotland launching on 1st April. These forces will join to form “East Command”, and are already beginning to share services and resources under the Specialist Crime Division, a powerful new division to tackle serious crime.

Today (Friday 15 March) police will host a media conference at Lochend’s Ripple Project, a charity that has benefited from the Scottish Government’s CashBack for Communities Scheme, to discuss the results.

Detective Superintendent David Gordon, Head of Serious Organised Crime for the Specialist Crime Division in the East of Scotland, said: “This campaign was deliberately designed to be ambitious and tenacious and target criminals who believed they could live lavish lifestyles from the proceeds of crime. The response we had from local communities throughout the intelligence gathering phase was fantastic, and showed that they were not prepared to tolerate criminality in their area.

“The months of planning for the enforcement phase have paid off throughout the past few days, and we are delighted with the results, which is a fantastic start for the new Specialist Crime Division. Criminals have no regard for boundaries and borders and the SCD is giving us increased flexibility to go where they go, and target them where they operate in a leaner, meaner and sharper way.

“We will work with our partners in the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service to ensure those arrested in connection with the operation are faced with the full force of the law, and we will also work with the Scottish Government to ensure the money we have seized can be put back into communities.

“This is not the end of our activity and I would appeal to people to continue to come forward with this vital intelligence so that we can actively pursue those living beyond their means. We will not stand for criminality in our communities in Scotland.”

Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill said: “This important initiative has built on the good progress that was made a year ago when it was first launched and the achievements of these past weeks are to be welcomed. The work that has been undertaken by police in Lothian and Borders, Central and Fife has been assisted by members of the public who have provided information. I thank everyone who has assisted the police in this way.

“There should be no hiding place in our neighbourhoods for those who cash in on crime and this will continue to be a top priority for this Government and the new single police service when it goes live shortly.”

Kate Jackson, National Manager for Crimestoppers Scotland, said: “This has been a very successful campaign which has seen a significant and sustained increase in calls to the charity of 31% for the Lothian & Borders, Central and Fife areas of Scotland. Members of the public clearly want to make a difference in their area by reporting criminals and wrongdoing and don’t like to see anyone living off the proceeds of crime. I would urge anyone with information to continue to do this and to report it anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or online at the Crimestoppers website.”



Spring into a healthy Easter!

People living across the Lothians are being encouraged to put a “spring” in their step this Easter by preparing ahead for the holiday period.

The NHS Scotland Be Ready for Easter campaign is advising people to take a few simple steps to look after their health. By making sure they have a supply of over the counter medicines , knowing when their GP surgery is open and checking their repeat prescriptions, they can ensure they make the most of the Easter holiday weekend.

This year many GP surgeries across Scotland will be closed for up to four days from Good Friday (March 29) to Easter Monday (April 1).

NHS 24 Medical Director Professor George Crooks said: “After winter, Easter is the busiest time of year for Scotland’s health services. The Be Ready for Easter campaign wants to remind people of the small steps they can take to ensure illness doesn’t ruin their Easter.

“Being prepared by having enough repeat medication to cover you and having some simple home remedies available can make all the difference if illness strikes. It is also important to plan ahead for any required repeat prescriptions over the Easter break, so please order and collect in good time. We would also remind people of the wide range of health information available at NHS inform.”

Dr Alison McCallum, Director of Public Health and Health Policy, NHS Lothian said: “Although many GP surgeries will be closed at Easter, hundreds of GPs will be working throughout this period supporting out of hours services. Taking a few simple steps to be ready for the break means illness need not spoil the Easter break.”

The four key steps that Be Ready for Easter recommends this Spring are:

Restock your medicine cabinet if needed
Common ailments such as colds can often be effectively treated at home with readily available medicine such as pain relief, cough mixture and cold remedies. Parents are reminded to restock their medicine cabinet with child-friendly remedies.

Use your local pharmacy
Your pharmacist can offer advice or help if you need over-the-counter remedies or have run out of any prescribed medication. You can also pick up plasters and antiseptic creams to prepare for any minor accidents.

Make sure you have enough repeat prescription.
If you or someone you care for requires medicines regularly, make sure you order and collect repeat prescriptions in good time to ensure you have enough medicine to last over the holiday period.

Know when your GP surgery will be open
Your local doctor’s surgery may be closed for up to four days during the Easter weekend from Good Friday to Easter Monday (March 29 – April 1).

General advice and information on how to stay healthy this Easter can be found at www.nhsinform.co.uk or contact NHS inform on 0800 22 44 88.


Local canine theft spate is shaggy dog story!


Local Police have moved to reassure the public over a reported spate of dog thefts in the area.

Stories have spread on social media that dog owners are being targeted and robbed of their pets, but police say these rumours are unfounded and have ‘little basis in fact’ .

Police have investigated the number of such thefts that have taken place across the Force area since the start of the year, and enquiries have confirmed just three reports of dog theft this year.

Two of the stolen dogs have been reunited with their owners, while enquiries are ongoing in the other incident where a dog that was stolen at Marine Drive on February 5.  Police hope to trace the stolen animal and reunite it with its owner.

Sergeant Derek Duff said: “Over the past few weeks we have become aware of rumours of a spate of dog thefts in the west of the Capital, centred around the area covering Muirhouse, Silverknowes, and Cramond. These rumours have caused alarm to dog owners in the area, and we are taking this opportunity to reassure people that the rumours have little basis in fact.

“There have only been three reported dog thefts in the Force area since the start of the year, and almost all of the dogs have eventually been reunited with their owners, with the exception of one. We take any reports of dog theft extremely seriously, and we will carry out a full and thorough investigation when any such complaint is made.”


Granton’s last stop for Recycling Roadshow

Reduce Reuse Recycle Repair Roadshows are coming to a ribrary – sorry, library -near you!

Want to find out more about recycling? The city council’s recycling roadshow is out and about in city libraries and if you missed the Muirhouse, Blackhall, Stockbridge or McDonald Road events there is one last local opportunity to find out all about the  ‘four Rs’!

•Creative reuse maker and educator Jamie MacDonald will be running drop-in workshops, suitable for all the family – showing you how to create simple and playful decorative items from reused materials.

•Remade in Edinburgh will provide repair drop-in sessions, where people can bring in clothes and get advice on how to repair and transform them

•Changeworks will also be there to provide practical advice and informaiton on reducing waste

The roadshow will roll into

Granton Library on Tuesday 19th March from  3 to 5pm

Don’t miss it!

For more information visit: http://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/info/20048/waste_education/480/recycling_roadshows_and

What kind of Scotland do YOU want?

As you might know, Community Learning and Development (CLD) in Edinburgh has agreed to prioritise educational activities around next year’s referendum on Scotland’s independence – arguably the biggest decision that people in Scotland have been called on to make.

The Edinburgh Active Citizenship group (EACG) is running a series of free public seminars in the run up to the‘Big Vote’.

The first, ‘What kind of Scotland do we want to live in?’ is on Thursday 21st March, 7pm-8.45pm in the Godfrey Thomson Hall, Moray House. 

Our speaker is James Robertson, award-winning poet and writer of fiction. His novels, which often have political themes, includeJoseph Knight, The Testament of Gideon Mack and And the Land Lay Still. His next book, to be published in June, isThe Professor of Truth.

Come along to hear what James Robertson has to say, voice your views and raise your own questions. Bear in mind that 16 and 17 year olds will be entitled to vote too, so please also encourage the participation of youth groups/young people you know or work with.

Nancy Somerville

Community Learning & Development, City of Edinburgh Council

Tel: 0131 558 3545


Millions pledged for social housing

Councils will receive a share of £40 million to help families into hundreds of new social homes, Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed. The total funding package is expected to deliver around 1,000 homes, mainly for social rent, and support up to 700 jobs in construction and related sectors, over the next two years.

Local authorities will allocate £40 million to meet the housing needs in their areas.

Ms Sturgeon said: “This funding will deliver up to 1,000 affordable homes that meet people’s needs, a central focus of our housing polices and a principle that underpins everything we do. It will help realise our ambition of 5,000 council homes as part of wider plans to deliver more than 30,000 affordable homes during this Parliamentary term.

“Quite simply, investing in new homes helps people into work by creating a jobs spin-off with the employment and training that takes place during construction. This funding illustrates that despite the 26% cut to our capital budget by Westminster, the Scottish Government is determined to continue investing in new social housing. If we want a strong economy, we must have access to all of Scotland’s resources, not just the portion of Scotland’s resources that the UK Government chooses to give us.”

Pauline Mills, Land & Planning Director for Taylor Wimpey East Scotland said: “As one of Scotland’s largest house builders delivering high-quality new homes is our area of expertise, and the provision of social housing is an integral part of our business across Scotland. The announcement today of funds for Councils to provide more new affordable homes, highlights the importance of the house building industry and the key role that it plays in creating a positive impact on the economic landscape of Scotland.”

This funding package brings the Scottish Government’s budget for housing supply to almost £860 million over three years.

Affordable Housing Supply Programme (AHSP)


Search is on for city’s finest volunteers

Nominations now open for Inspiring Volunteering Awards

Edinburgh’s Lord Provost – and Volunteering Champion – Cllr Donald Wilson will honour some of the dedicated volunteers who give their time, energy and commitment to the people of Edinburgh at a special awards ceremony taking place at the City Chambers  during Volunteers’ Week on 3 June.

Edinburgh’s Inspiring Volunteering Awards are in their seventh year and nominations are being sought for anyone who has volunteered in Edinburgh for at least six months (and hasn’t already received an award).

This year will include a number of new special recognition categories for volunteers involved in certain areas of activity including:

  • Arts, Culture & Heritage
  • Charity Shops
  • Environment &  Conservation (volunteers engaged in environmental activities including education, conservation or gardening).
  • Fundraising
  • Health & Social Care (volunteers engaged in health and social care, including support work,      befriending or projects which reduce social isolation and help assist      independent living)
  • Sports (volunteers actively involved in supporting sports in their communities).
  • Organisational Governance (Trustees/Board Members)

There will also be special awards for outstanding contributions from a Young Volunteer (11 to 25 year old) and to recognise commitment by someone who has volunteered for 10 years the Long Standing Contribution to Volunteering Award.

All shortlisted nominations will be considered for the “Lord Provost of Edinburgh’s Inspiring Volunteer of the Year Award 2013.

Lord Provost Donald Wilson said: “There are thousands of dedicated and inspiring volunteers in Edinburgh selflessly giving up their own time to help and support others. These awards are simply one way of recognizing some of their tremendous work, and their contribution to the wellbeing of our city’s residents cannot be overstated. We got some outstanding nominations last year, and I expect we will get some great volunteers put forward again this year. I would encourage all organisations that involve volunteers in their work to consider highlighting some of the good work that goes on by submitting a nomination.

Kris Von Wald, Convenor of Volunteer Centre Edinburgh, added: “The Lord Provost has agreed to present these awards because he recognises how important volunteers are to Edinburgh and its residents. The Awards seek to acknowledge the hard work, commitment, energy and positive difference that volunteers make”.

Nominations can be made online at:http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/CLWG9QS


Investigation after male found with injuries

An investigation has been launched after a male was found with injuries at Northview Court on Pennywell Road this morning.

Police guard the outside of Northview Court. (Picture: Robert pearson)
Police guard the outside of Northview Court. (Picture: Robert pearson)

Scottish Ambulance Service has confirmed that a 46 year old male was taken to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary with injuries which included a nail lodged in his face.

More to follow.