Residents to fight City Park housing plans

Local residents will fight plans to build housing on City Park. A new Save City Park campaign group has been set up to challenge plans to build houses on the site off Pilton Drive North. The group says that the area needs it’s last remaining green space and could not cope with more traffic on roads and side streets.

Save City Park campaigners say that City Park – the former home of The Spartans –  ‘is a vital part of Edinburgh’s landscape and heritage and plays an important role in enhancing the city’s environment. It is one of an ever decreasing number of green “lungs” in a city of ever-increasing development.’

The group says that a plans by Link Group to build a mixed-tenure housing development on the City Park site would destroy the quality and character of the local area and put even more strain on already overstretched local services.

Falkirk-based Link Group employs 400 staff and celebrates it’s 50th birthday this year. The company is ‘one of Scotland’s leading providers of housing and related services’. The organisation’s website continues: ‘The Link companies help to deliver innovative regeneration projects in partnership with local communities, including health facilities, environmental initiatives, training schemes and financial inclusion projects. We are committed to the welfare of tenants and to the principles of social justice and inclusion.’

Interested members of the public will have three different opportunities to see and hear what is being proposed for City Park at a series of consultation events over the coming fortnight. Next Wednesday (24 October) Link will have a staffed presentation from 4.30 – 7.30pm at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre on Pilton Drive North and on Thursday (25th October) the exhibition moves on to The Spartans Community Football Academy off Pilton Drive, again from 4.30 – 7.30pm.

Link representatives will also be making a presentation to Granton and District Community Council’s meeting on Monday 29 October at 7pm in Royston Wardieburn Community Centre – this meeting is open to members of the public and all are welcome to attend.

The City Park campaigners concerns are highlighted on their new website which can be found at

 Has housing reached saturation point in East Pilton? Or is the need for more social and affordable housing more urgent than green space? What do you think – let us know! 



Ferry Road set for seven months of traffic misery


Traffic at the east end of Ferry Road will be severely disrupted for up to 28 weeks when Scottish Gas Networks begins major work to replace mains pipes at the end of this month. The company says the upgrade to the network is essential, but commuters and local residents look set for seven miserable months of road closures, parking restrictions, diversions and temporary traffic lights.

In a statement, Scottish Gas Networks said: ‘The existing metal gas mains and services in the vicinity of Ferry Road, need to be replaced with modern plastic polyethylene (PE) pipe to ensure a continued safe and reliable gas supply to the local area. We will be renewing 1.75km of gas mains.

This essential work forms part of our ongoing mains replacement programme developed with the Health and Safety Executive. Work will last for approximately 28 weeks and will be carried out by May Gurney on our behalf.

We have been working closely with the City of Edinburgh Council, Lothian and Borders Police and Lothian Buses to plan this project and minimise disruption as much as possible. We will continue to work with these organisations and local residents throughout the course of the project.

Works will begin on Ferry Road, at its junction with Madeira Street and will continue westbound towards Craighall   Road. The works will take place in four phases during which time there will be some temporary traffic lights in operation.

Phase 1 works will be between the junction of Ferry Road with Madeira Street and the junction of Ferry Road with Newhaven Road. This phase will last for approximately six – eight weeks.

During Phase 2 we will be working between the junction of Ferry Road with Newhaven Road and Bonar Place. This will take approximately 10 weeks.

Phase 3 will last approximately four weeks. Works will be on Newhaven Road, from the junction with Ferry Road to the junction with Pitt Street.

Phase 4 will also take place on Newhaven Road, between the junction with Bonnington Avenue and the junction with Stewartfield. During this phase there will also be some works on West Bowling Green Street. The phase will last for approximately six weeks.

Works will be suspended from Friday 21 December for the festive period. They will recommence on Monday 7 January.

To allow for the manoeuvre of heavy plant equipment and to ensure everyone’s safety there will be some parking restrictions in place during the works, as well as some local road closures. Local diversions will be in place where necessary.

All local shops and businesses will be open as usual. Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times and access for deliveries to businesses will be maintained where possible.’

While the company plans to mitigate problems for commuters, traders and residents, the scale of the work is going to have a major impact on Ferry Road and adjacent neighbourhoods.

Scotland Gas Networks’ Team Manager, Simon Kennedy said: “All our works are carried out in close consultation with the local Council and we will do everything we can to minimise disruption. We understand that people get frustrated by roadworks and thank them for their patience while we carry out these essential works.  The new plastic pipe has a minimum lifespan of 80 years. This means that when the work is complete, local residents will continue to enjoy the benefits of a safe and reliable gas supply for years to come.”

More information is available at



Drylaw planters defy deluge!

Bet you thought Drylaw’s meadow planting would be cancelled yesterday? Oh ye of little faith – they’re made of tougher stuff up Drylaw way! The Neighbourhood Centre’s gardening group was joined by colleagues from Royal Botanical Garden Edinburgh and together they braved the weather to start work on the paddy field and ornamental lake new meadow at the rear of the Centre!

Inside, meanwhile, altogether more sensible people from the Margarot Forrest Care Management team and clients enjoyed a nice warm cup of coffee and raised some money for Macmillan Cancer Support.

Two jobs in one!

Wednesdays and Thursdays are WE DANCE DAYS!

Wednesdays and Thursdays are We Dance Days at North Edinburgh Arts Centre!

Last May, North Edinburgh Arts – working with Imaginate and Dancebase – was awarded 18 months funding from Creative Scotland to host a dancer in residence. Funded through the pARTners scheme, the residency focuses on the health and wellbeing benefots that dance can bring to children, young people and their families living in Forth.

North Edinburgh Arts dancer in residence Skye Reynolds is now running dance workshops with children to explore and experiment with many dance forms and styles. On Wednesdays five to eight year olds from 10 – 11.15am and on Thursdays it’s eight to twelve-year olds from 4 – 5.30pm – so let’s dance!

Pudsey’s going the extra YARD for local project!

The Yard is a much-appreciated resource, and the local project received great news when they heard that the BBC had selected The Yard to feature in a Children in Need special edition of the popular DIY SOS show. All will be revealed next month …

The Yard is a purpose-built indoor and outdoor adventure playground for children and young people with additional support needs. The project, which is based in Eyre Place Lane, provides care, support, fun and friendship in equal measure while also promoting challenge and personal growth in an environment which values independence and celebrates the capabilities and achievements of each individual child.

During late September and October the city council has helped The Yard to find temporary premises to allow the project to continue to run as many of their services as normal while the building makeover has been underway at Eyre Place Lane – Friday, Saturday and October holiday drop-in sessions have operated at Craigentinny Primary School.

The Yard team will move back ‘home’ on Saturday 27 October so there will be no session on that date – normal service at The Yard, for drop-in sessions, resumes on Friday 2 November from 1 – 4pm.

The Yard received a visit from Canaan Lane school earlier this month. This is what they said:

Canaan Lane pupils and staff were thrilled to be special guests at The Yard special needs playground on Friday 5 October. The Yard has been selected as the BBC’s DIY SOS project for this year’s Children in Need programme. The sun shone on the day and we joined almost 100 other guests, families and children for ‘The Big Reveal’ – the moment when the staff, volunteers and other friends of The Yard were allowed in for the first time to see the transformation.

Pupils and staff enjoyed meeting Nick Knowles and his team as well as Pudsey Bear and some of the 200+ contractors and volunteers who gave their services free of charge for 10 days in order to carry out the work. There was a loud cheer as they all trooped into the Yard to be thanked for all they had done.
Some of our old favourite pieces of equipment are still there, like the wheelchair accessible swing boat, the slides and raised walkways, but all have been given a new look or been replaced. Now there is a sensory garden area, a water feature, sand pit, ample indoor play shed space as well as walkways and a solar dome. New garden and picnic areas have also been installed. The biggest hit for many of our pupils though was the set of working traffic lights complete with pelican crossing at the crossing point of two of the paths! The Yard’s indoor space has also been transformed there is a new wheelchair user accessible kitchen, a new multi-sensory room, art space and lots more.
We managed to collect lots of photographs and autographs as well as some Pudsey ears and a selection of hard hats while we were there! We’re also look forward to seeing ourselves on TV during the Children in Need programme on Friday 16 November!

Lunchquest: food for thought


We’re spoilt for choice when it comes to eating out in Edinburgh – even locally there a dozens of restaurants and cafes catering for all tastes and all pockets. Maybe there’s too much choice – and that’s where our friends at Lunchquest can help!

The Lunchquest blog, which has been established for over a year now, provides reviews of Edinburgh dining scene and it’s worth checking out before booking a meal – be it breakfast, lunch or an important celebratory dinner.

Lunchquest’s founders attended a recent NENgage social media session at Stockbridge library, and have kindly provided a review of a local cafe. To find out what Lunchquest reviewers made of Canonmills’ Circle Cafe, go to:

Police seek witnesses after Pilton fireworks incidents

Police are appealing for witnesses after a series of incidents involving the reckless discharge of fireworks in the West Pilton area. From Tuesday night into the early hours of Wednesday morning (October 16 and 17), there were a number of incidents reported to police involving a group of youths who were setting off fireworks.

The most serious incident happened just after midnight in West Pilton Drive, where a firework was forced into a garage adjoining a house, causing a fire to break out. The fire service was called to the property to extinguish the blaze, which caused limited damage. No one was injured in the incident.

DC Rachael Robertson from Lothian and Borders Police said: “Thankfully the fire was dealt with swiftly, however there was the potential for far more serious consequences as a result of this reckless criminal act. At present officers are carrying out enquiries in the area, including the use of CCTV, in an attempt to identify the youths responsible. We would appeal to anyone who witnessed any fireworks being set off in the Pilton area overnight to come forward. Anyone else who has any information that can assist us in identifying the youths responsible should also get in touch.”

Anyone with any information should contact Lothian and Borders Police on 0131 311 3131, or the charity Crimestoppers in confidence and complete anonymity on 0800 555 111.

Substituting goals for God … Peacock comes to Pilton

Former Premier League footballer Gavin Peacock will be talking about his football career, his life and being a Christian at West Pilton Christian Centre in West Pilton Park on Friday 26 October at 7pm.

The former Newcastle and Chelsea star became a TV pundit when his playing career ended, but then his life took a more spiritual turn …

Hear Gary’s story at West Pilton Christian Centre – telephone 0777 409 1834 for more information.


Jack and Jill’s Savvy Way to Survive Christmas!

Hate to mention it, but Christmas is coming (77 days and counting!) so it’s never too early to pick up a bargain …

Now that Summer is officially over and the Festive Countdown is underway, it’s time to start thinking about “The Savvy Way to Survive Christmas!”

It’s reported that the average family spend up to a whopping £700 over the festive period, while the smallest sum a UK family is likely to fork out is still a sizable £182.

But you don’t have to break the bank to give your little ones a Yuletide to remember.  You can make your money go further this festive season, by shopping for quality nearly-new items at your local Jack & Jill Market.  You can pick up everything from designer Christmas outfits, toys, books and gadgets to make their stockings bulge, or a star attraction for under the tree.

One happy shopper recently told us “This is the sixth market I have been to and every time I leave with a bag full of fantastic goodies for my boys which I am putting away for Christmas.  I will be all finished soon and will probably have spent under £100”

Our children don’t know or care that an item has been played with and loved before it reaches them.  If it’s New to them then as far as they are concerned it is NEW!

Cathy Uttley and Pauline Macmillan are Events & Marketing Managers for The Jack & Jill Market in Edinburgh.  Both have two young children, so they fully understand how unnecessarily expensive parenting can be.  Cathy said: “Hamish and Polly are growing so quickly that it just makes sense to buy nearly new”. Pauline added: “Liam and Lucy’s interests change so quickly that I really appreciate being able to keep them entertained with gently-used toys at bargain prices.”

Jack and Jill is not just about saving money: savvy Mums and Dads can free up cash in the attic at the monthly markets.  A recent stallholder said: “I am thrilled to have made over £300, that’s money which is going into the Christmas fund and will make a huge difference.”

There are lots of reasons why it makes money smart sense to shop at The Jack & Jill Market, this Christmas.  Here are just a few:

  1. Jack and Jill goodies are sold at a fraction of the high street price – Your money goes a lot further!
  2. Your money stays in the community – You are buying your items from local families and helping their family budget at the same time as yours!
  3. The thrill of the hunt – Scouring the Market for that must have item at an unbeatable price is exciting in a way retail shopping isn’t!
  4. It’s green – Buying nearly new cuts down on the enormous number of toys sent to landfill!
  5. It’s all under one roof –You can find everything you might need or want all in the same place and leave with it that very day!

With three more fantastic markets before 2013 is upon us, you have every opportunity to make sure that your tree is not the only green thing about your Christmas!  Come along to Meadowbank  Stadium, London Road, Edinburgh on 21st October, 18th November and 9th December (10:30am-1:30pm) and have a very Savvy Christmas!