Young carers are being urged to do something for themselves during this season of giving and get the financial support they are entitled to. Social Security Scotland is encouraging eligible people to apply for the £359.65 Young Carer Grant this December.
Young carers may look after family members, friends or relatives. Their caring role could involve supporting someone with a disability, illness or addiction; helping them with their mental health; helping or reminding them to take their medication; doing their shopping, cleaning or cooking; or translating for them, for example.
The latest figures for Young Carer Grant show that over 10,000 payments had been issued up to the end of September this year, totalling over £3.2 million, since the grant launched in Scotland in 2019.
Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice Shirley-Anne Somerville said: “December is a busy and expensive time for everyone, with young carers balancing their studies and/or work alongside their vital caring roles.
“We’re urging young carers to do something for themselves this festive season and check if they could be eligible for Young Carer Grant. As the cost of living crisis continues and people feel additional financial pressures in January, this money is designed to provide some recognition for the important role of unpaid young carers and allow them to take part in the same activities as their peers.
“Young carers aged 16, 17 and 18 can get this payment of over £350 each year as long as they remain eligible. They need to apply for the Young Carer Grant each year to get the payment.”
Max, who is a young carer for her mum, dad and brother, said:
“I spent the Young Carer Grant on driving lessons so I was able to drive my dad about as part of my caring role. I also bought loads of clothes and shoes just so I could have time to go out, dress up and have a bit of time for myself. It really made a difference that I had money for myself.”
Young Carer Grant is a yearly payment of £359.65 for young carers in Scotland.
To be able to get Young Carer Grant, you must be 16, 17 or 18 years old.
People can apply for Young Carer Grant online, via a paper application form or by calling Social Security Scotland free on 0800 182 2222.
To find out more information people can visit mygov.scot/young-carer-grant
Information on other support for carers is available at mygov.scot/help-if-youre-a-carer