Local author to launch debut crime novel

Local author Marianne Wheelaghan (pictured above) is launching her debut crime novel, Food of Ghosts, on Thursday. Marianne, who also runs a successful B&B, was a volunteer helper at a NENgage social media session in Stockbridge Library last month, and she’s delighted to share her latest news with NEN readers:
“I’m launching my debut crime novel, Food of Ghosts, on 8 November at Blackwell’s Bookshop, South Bridge (6.30pm). The event is FREE but ticketed, the tickets are available from the front desk. What will happen on the 8th: there will be a strong Pacific theme and I’ll say why I set my first thriller on a small coral atoll as far away as you can get from Scotland before coming back again!
“There will be bubbly and the opportunity to ask questions – as well as the chance to win a signed copy of the book. Food of Ghosts is my second novel, the first being the best-selling novel, The Blue Suitcase, which is based on my mother’s true-life story and tells the remarkable story of a teenage girl growing up in Nazi Germany.”
A tempting appetizer!