Wester Hailes to feature in National Architectural Exhibition

Wester Hailes will feature in a new exhibition called ‘What if…?/Scotland’ opening in V&A Dundee on 22 May which will explore the relationship communities have with their built environment.  

The project, commissioned by the Scotland + Venice partnership, is the creation of Edinburgh-based 7N architects together with Architecture and Design Scotland, Scotland’s design agency, and a number of local partners. Initially started in 2019 it paired five local people from Wester Hailes with five architects and designers to discuss how they would improve the spaces where they live and what their hopes, wishes and aspirations for the future are. 

The designer responded to the wishes of the people by proposing a way to make the hopes a reality – asking What if…?/.  The process was filmed by film maker Basharat Khan.

The exhibition of the wishes, alongside the films, were initially prepared for the Scotland + Venice exhibition for the 17th International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia in 2020 – the world’s leading architecture exhibition. 

However, with the 2020 exhibition postponed and uncertainty around travel in 2021 due to the on-going Covid-19 pandemic, the organisers were able to adapt the exhibition to premiere at V&A Dundee.

Connecting Wester Hailes

In Wester Hailes one of the key topics was around connections; connecting communities within the area and providing spaces for human connections. 

Emily Stevenson and Eoghan Howard discussed with Katie Hay from 7N how a footbridge across the Union Canal would provide a connection to green spaces which would enhance the lives of locals. 

Several groups discussed the derelict garage as a potential location for a community meeting place and how it was once an important part of the community and had the potential to be so again.

Leah Black from WHALE Arts, who hosted the workshops, said: ““It feels like a lifetime ago that Eoghan and I introduced a small group of local residents from Wester Hailes – Eunice, Emily, Bahiya, Ili, Chuks and Louize to the architects working on What If…? Scotland.

“We were delighted at WHALE Arts to play a part in making these introductions, however the success of this project was contingent on the generosity, open-mindedness and creativity of the group of local people who are passionate about improvements to the local area.

“The project was timely for us as we were working with Wester Hailes Community Trust, Ian Gilzean and partners on the beginnings of a Local Place Plan for Wester Hailes.

“This work on the LPP has continued to develop throughout 2020 and 2021 and we are thrilled at the notion of being able to incorporate some of these inspiring ideas into the long-term regeneration of Wester Hailes.”

Wester Hailes is one of five communities taking part in the project alongside Elgin, Annan, Paisley and Lerwick.  Dundee will be added in time for the opening at the V&A.

As well as themes individual to the local communities there were many overarching themes of regeneration of lost and iconic buildings, the issues of closed shops in High Streets, community spirit, pride in local areas and how to create a meeting space that’s accessible to everyone. 

In addition to the five films there will be an interactive installation called the Cloud of Dreams, where anyone attending the exhibition can submit their wish for their place.

Ewan Anderson of 7N Architects said: “When we first met with these communities in late 2019, who could have foreseen how much our lives would change? 

“It’s interesting that even prior to a year in lockdown, community and spaces to gather and meet were of common importance throughout Scotland. 

“I’m delighted we have found a home for the exhibition as it is important that these stories are told.  And how fitting that this exhibition examining our places and how design affects them will be presented at Scotland’s first Design Museum V&A Dundee.”

Exhibition dates: Sat 22 May – Sun 21 Nov 2021 – Free museum entry.

Booking open at:  www.vam.ac.uk/dundee

The Dragon of Profit and Private Ownership’s on parade at Canal View

May Day Celebration: Artists Walker and Bromwich present The Dragon of Profit and Private Ownership at Canal View Primary School in Wester Hailes. Continue reading The Dragon of Profit and Private Ownership’s on parade at Canal View

Doogie doodles at WHALE Arts

doogie doodle

EDINBURGH Social Enterprise Network (ESEN) decided to sprinkle some social enterprise sparkle with its Live the Good Stuff campaign yesterday – ESEN’s mascot Doogie Goodstuff supervised a mega doodle colouring-in session at Whale Arts to help tackle the Blue Monday blues!

Mondays in January are a time in the calendar seen as difficult for people to find that extra sparkle, so a number of Edinburgh’s social enterprises are gearing up to focus on health and wellbeing activities to re-invigorate this seasonal lull – as Christmas cheer is over, time and money may be tight and motivation low.

Live the Good Stuff is a campaign to promote Edinburgh’s many health and wellbeing social enterprises, one of which is MHScot Workplace Wellbeing which focuses on stress prevention and early mental health intervention in the workplace.

Commenting on the return to work and routine after a long festive break, Catherine Eadie, workplace Wellbeing consultant, said: “There are many combined factors that make those January Mondays a difficult prospect – everything from health issues, work and financial stress, childcare and caring concerns whilst fitting in some time to keep fit.

“Finding some tranquil time in the mix is very often the last thing to think about and applies to everyone whether they are working or not.”

Catherine added: “It takes time to work out the best plan of action but an easy step is to find a pastime that is simple to set up and a welcome distraction which can make all the difference whether it is walking, bird-watching, reading or creative colouring.

Linsay Chalmers, network coordinator at Edinburgh Social Enterprise Network, added: “We have a growing number of social enterprises in Edinburgh supporting people in the city to improve their physical and mental wellbeing, from pregnancy care through to stress management and healthy eating.”

There are over 200 social enterprises trading in Edinburgh, from cafes and retail, to creative industries and leisure – generating income and reinvesting their profits into the community for social or environmental benefits.