Maybury Primary School welcomes first pupils

THE First of its kind, Maybury Primary School has this week welcomed its first pupils – 25 excited P1 learners – into the brand-new school building. 

The group of children, who have been based at neighbouring East Craigs Primary School since August 2024 are the first intake at the new school which will offer capacity for up to three streams, including 630 primary pupils and 128 nursery pupils. The next group of children will join the new school in August 2025.

The school’s catchment area includes the new housing developments in Cammo and West Craigs.

Maybury Primary School is built to the Passivhaus standard, a highly energy-efficient construction method that regulates air temperature in classrooms, creating a more comfortable learning environment. This approach supports The City of Edinburgh Council’s 2030 net-zero target by significantly reducing the building’s energy consumption.

The new primary school is part of the Maybury Community Hub and is the first school in Edinburgh to share a campus with a medical practice. The hub will maximise the use of its buildings, allowing local residents to access services close to where they live in line with the 20-Minute Neighbourhood strategy.

Councillor Joan Griffiths, Education, Children and Families Convener said: “It is great to see that the new Maybury Primary School has welcomed its first group of learners into the building.

“The head teacher and her team have worked hard to ensure that the transition from East Craigs Primary School into the new school is smooth for the P1 children and I know that they are all excited to get settled into their new school environment.

“The new building has been constructed to be fit for the future and the ‘hub’ model means that the building can be used by the whole community, which is fantastic. The construction of Maybury Primary School is part of a broader initiative to meet the needs of new families who have moved into the area, alongside working to achieve the Council’s ambition to meet future demands and support community growth.”

SGN gas mains upgrade work on Glasgow Road begins on Tuesday

Gas network company SGN will shortly begin work to replace the old metal gas mains on Glasgow Road with new plastic pipes. This work is essential to ensuring the local community continues to receive a safe and reliable gas supply.

As part of a wider project in the West Craigs area, work on Glasgow Road will begin on Tuesday 2 April and should be completed in around two weeks.

Lane closures will be in place on Glasgow Road west bound, and Maybury Road south bound, both at the Maybury Junction.

This is a busy route and motorists are being urged to allow more time for their journeys and plan ahead, particularly during peak travel times. 

The work will progress as quickly and safely as possible and all efforts to reduce disruption are being made, including the work being undertaken within the Easter break.

SGN manages the network which distributes natural and green gas to approximately six million homes and businesses across Scotland and southern England. Our pipes deliver gas safely, reliably and efficiently to each of these customers.

We perform an essential 24/7 service to keep everyone in our communities safe and warm. If anyone smells gas indoors or outside, they should dial the National Gas Emergency Number on 0800 111 999* and an engineer will visit that location to carry out the required checks.

We’re committed to caring for our customers, especially those in vulnerable circumstances, working with specialist organisations on initiatives aimed at making a positive impact on society and improving the lives of the people in our communities.

Alongside the UK and Scottish Governments and the other gas distribution networks, we’re developing the world’s first zero-carbon gas grid and shaping a net zero future for the UK.

*Calls are free and lines are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. These calls are recorded and may be monitored