WOW! Scottish pupils start off the new school year on the right foot

Pupils in Scotland are starting off the new school year on the right foot by leaving the car at home for the school run and instead walking, wheeling, cycling or scooting to school.  

Over 280 primary schools in Scotland are taking part in WOW – the walk to school challenge from Living Streets Scotland, part of the UK charity for everyday walking.  

Pupils at St Brendan’s Primary School in Glasgow launched a new year of WOW yesterday with a celebration event where they were joined by Strider, Living Streets’ mascot.  

WOW rewards children who walk to school at least once a week with a collectable badge each month, with ten to collect across the academic year. 

WOW schools see on average a 13 per cent increase in pupils walking to school in Scotland with a corresponding drop in car use, helping to reduce congestion and increase safety outside the school gates. 

Stuart Hay, Director, Living Streets Scotland, said: “WOW is simple to run and pupils love to take part. Just a few minutes of a teacher’s day is all it takes to make a big difference. 

“We see a lot of dedication and enthusiasm from pupils and staff across Scotland and are thrilled that so many schools are taking part. We’re looking forward to families getting on their feet this year and experiencing the many benefits walking to school can bring to our health and happiness.” 

Mrs Gemma Rutherford, Headteacher, St Brendan’s Primary School, Glasgow said: “St Brendan’s is proud to host the launch of the Walk to School programme.

“Our pupils have been using the interactive WOW Travel Tracker for years now and they love having the opportunity to log their journeys each morning as they arrive at school in a fun, engaging and easy way.” 

Living Streets is being supported this year by children television presenter, Dr Ronx, who has joined the charity as the celebrity ambassador for WOW – the walk to school challenge.

The CBBC presenter and emergency doctor will promote WOW and the health benefits of walking to school for the 2022-23 academic year. 

Dr Ronx said: “I’m thrilled to be the new ambassador for WOW – the walk to school challenge from Living Streets.

“With notable increases in air pollution, rising childhood inactivity and post-lockdown poor mental health, encouraging children to be more active and ditching school run drives for more sustainable modes of transport is imperative.” 

Scottish Schools celebrate Walk to School Week

Pupils in Scotland celebrated national Walk to School Week (16-20 May) with a series of events and a special guest.  

Walk to School Week is organised by Living Streets, the UK charity for everyday walking.  Families are encouraged to walk, wheel, cycle, scoot or ‘Park and Stride’ for the week to see the big differences that come from small steps, from healthier and happier children to fewer cars outside the school gates.

Pupils at schools in Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Shetland, Stirling, Moray, Orkney, Renfrewshire, Thurso and Wick were joined by Strider, the Living Streets mascot for a series of events to celebrate Walk to School Week.

Living Streets is working with Scotland schools to deliver WOW – the walk to school challenge in over 120 schools.

WOW is a pupil-led initiative where children self-report how they get to school every day using the interactive WOW Travel Tracker. Pupils who travel actively at least once a week for a month are rewarded with a WOW badge.

Chris Thompson, Schools Manager, Living Streets Scotland said: “Walk to School Week is a fantastic excuse to celebrate the many social, health and environmental benefits that come from walking to school.

“Schools across Scotland are working really hard to get more active on the school run and reduce congestion outside the school gates. We were thrilled to take Strider along to meet some of the pupils swapping the school run for a school walk on what was Strider’s furthest visit north!”

Suzanne Carson Headteacher at Gilcomstoun School, Aberdeen City said: “It is wonderful to be part of a national campaign inspiring children to think about how they get to school while promoting their health, fitness, and mental welling which is a key focus area for our Eco Warriors and our Health and Wellbeing Ambassadors.

“As a city centre school we promote active travel – walk, scoot and if you need to come by bus or car, getting off the bus early or parking further away and striding the last part of your journey to school.

“We hope the enthusiasm for choosing greener ways to travel lasts beyond Walk to School week and that our pupils are encouraged to consider the importance of sustainable travel.”

Mrs Caroline Leask, Road Safety Lead, Sound Primary School, Shetland said: “Sound Primary School are delighted to be selected as Living Streets feature school and are thrilled to welcome Strider to launch the WOW challenge.

“Our pupils are enjoying taking part in the Walk To School challenge each day and earning their badges. The campaign has encouraged pupils to take more active journeys to and from school whilst also being ECO friendly in their travel options.”

Elaine Skinley, Road Safety Officer, Shetland Islands Council, said: “The WOW walk to school resource is great for schools as it increases active travel and encourages pupils to walk to and from school.”