The MoonWalk Scotland presents Stars on Stage

Breast cancer charity, Walk the Walk is calling on artists, singers and performers from across the country to take up the opportunity of performing on stage at The MoonWalk Scotland 2020. 

Whether it is singing in a choir, a solo, playing in a band or doing a soft shoe shuffle – for one night only, the stage could be yours!

Perhaps your specialty is something completely different – this is your chance to perform on Saturday 6th June in front of a large enthusiastic audience of walkers at Holyrood Park, Edinburgh, before they set off on their MoonWalk Scotland challenge.

By being part of Stars on Stage not only will you be showcasing your talents to many people, but also motivating them before their midnight challenge commences, you will be making a difference to people living with cancer in Scotland.

Nina Barough CBE, Chief Executive and Founder of Walk the Walk said:
“We are so excited to launch Stars on Stage at this year’s MoonWalk! We hope this encourages people from across Scotland to enter this night of opportunity.

“Open to anyone aged 10 and over, we want soloists, double acts, groups and troops to be part of what is going to be a fantastic evening which raises hundreds of thousands of pounds to support people living with cancer in Scotland. To find out more, visit our website”

This year marks the 15th MoonWalk Scotland. Since the event started in 1996, it has raised almost £22 million.

Don’t miss your opportunity to audition for Stars on Stage at this year’s MoonWalk Scotland. Closing date for applications is Friday 3 April 2020.

Find out more and sign up now:

Woman who battled breast cancer takes on MoonWalk Scotland

Kirsten Griew, 41, from Portobello, Edinburgh is hoping to inspire people to join her at this year’s MoonWalk Scotland, organised by breast cancer charity, Walk the Walk.

Diagnosed with breast cancer in October 2016, Kirsten was treated at The Breast Cancer Institute at Edinburgh’s Western General Hospital which has benefitted from several Walk the Walk grants, thanks to money raised through The MoonWalk Scotland.

The grant from Walk the Walk funded the renovation of Ward 6, a new theatre and renovation of the Mammography Unit at the Breast Cancer unit at the Hospital. As well as this, the charity provided a grant for 8 Cold Cap systems, special machines which are helping many people undergoing chemotherapy to retain their hair.

Kirsten said: “The nurses at The Breast Cancer Institute were amazing throughout my treatment and it was there that I first heard about the Cold Caps.

“The idea of losing my hair during chemo was horrible, so it was great to hear that there was a way of potentially keeping all, or some of it, by using the Cold Cap.

“It was at the hospital that I saw a leaflet for The MoonWalk Scotland. I’d heard about the event before and always wanted to take part, but seeing the leaflet and personally benefitting from services that have been funded as a result of people doing The MoonWalk gave me the motivation I needed to sign up.

“The MoonWalk is brilliant fun – it has such a wonderful atmosphere and the feeling as you cross the finish line is indescribable! Fantastic causes benefit from the money raised and help people just like me. I can’t wait to take part again this year!”

Now in its 15th year, The MoonWalk Scotland, has to date raised nearly £22 million. This money is granted towards supporting people living with cancer in Scotland.

The charity is celebrating all things ‘music’ at this year’s MoonWalk on Saturday 6th June –  Walkers could be inspired by pop stars, rock legends, disco divas or musicals, as they decorate their bras to showcase at one of Edinburgh’s most iconic nights.

Setting from Holyrood Park, Edinburgh, Walkers can take on one of four challenges at The MoonWalk Scotland; 10K New Moon (open to people aged 10 and over), Half Moon (13.1 miles), Full Moon (26.2 miles) or Over the Moon (52.4 miles).

Don’t miss The MoonWalk Scotland, Saturday 6th June. Power Walk through the streets of Edinburgh at Midnight wearing a decorated bra, as you raise money and awareness for breast cancer charity, Walk the Walk.

Sign up now: 

Men Get Breast Cancer Too

Ahead of World Cancer Day on Tuesday 4th February, breast cancer charity Walk the Walk is delighted to announce a partnership with the Male Breast Cancer Coalition in the United States.

The two charities are uniting in their mission to raise awareness that Men Get Breast Cancer Too.

Every year, 370* men are diagnosed with breast cancer in the UK and 81* men die of the disease. In the United States, 2,620** men are diagnosed annually, and 520** will die. Men face a higher mortality rate from breast cancer than women, due to a lack of awareness.

Walk the Walk has been working with a group of men for more than two years, highlighting that while the number of women diagnosed with breast cancer is much higher, it is a disease which can affect men as well.

The UK charity recently launched a downloadable awareness poster, encouraging men to “Check your Chest”, to spot the signs of breast cancer. Men taking part in Walk the Walk’s fundraising challenges wear a special pink t-shirt with a blue bra printed on it.

The Male Breast Cancer Coalition (MBCC) is based in the United States and shares the stories of men from all over the world, who have been diagnosed with breast cancer.

The aim of the MBCC is to provide resources for men and their families, navigating their way through what is usually a women’s only club. The charity visits high schools and colleges across the United States spreading the word and educating audiences.

Uniting together, Walk the Walk and the MBCC hope to reach millions more people across the globe with their awareness message.

Roy Collins (abovewas diagnosed with breast cancer in 2011 and has been working with Walk the Walk to raise awareness for the last couple of years.

He said: “I was really pleased to hear that Walk the Walk, who I have worked with for a few years helping to raise awareness of breast cancer in men, are going into partnership with the Male Breast Cancer Coalition.

“Anything that can help men feel less alone by sharing their stories and experiences is a great move forward in the fight against breast cancer. I hope this new partnership also encourages more men to check themselves for symptoms”.

Cheri Ambrose, Founder of the Male Breast Cancer Coalition said: “We are honoured to be joining forces with Walk the Walk to help promote awareness of breast cancer in men.  

“It is through education that we will be able to break the gender stigma that breast cancer holds and give men a fighting chance against the disease”.

If you’re a man who has had breast cancer, Walk the Walk and the MBCC would love to hear from you. Please email 

Moonwalker Lynn says she’ll go back for more!

From Girl Power … to Power Walking! As the internationally renowned Spice Girls finished ‘zig-a-zig-ah-ing’ the City of Edinburgh last Saturday night, another extravaganza was hitting the streets of the Capital – The MoonWalk Scotland.

The world famous decorated bras were the highlight of the night! Women and men were inspired by this year’s special “Circus” theme, creating colourful bras that had passers-by checking to see if the Big Top really had come to town!

Organised by breast cancer charity Walk the Walk, what at first glance may have looked like a bit of fun, really was a huge challenge. Children aged 10 and over walked 6.5 miles – many taking part in their first charity event – women and men walked half and full marathons and a few completed a double marathon 52.4 miles, all starting at Midnight!

Throughout the years, many celebrities have created bras to help Walk the Walk raise awareness, from the Spice Girls in 1997, to this year’s bras signed by The Proclaimers, Tunnock’s and Val McDermid and created by various designers.  These bras are used in exhibitions to highlight the fight against breast cancer.

Now in its 23rd year, Walk the Walk has raised over £131 million (£21.5 million in Scotland).

Helping to add to that total this year is Edinburgh woman Lynn Laing.

“I decided to do my first Moonwalk this year to celebrate me going into my 10th year clear of breast cancer in January next year”, said Lynn. “I have always wanted to do it my never thought that I would get round the course.

“I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer which had spread to my lymph nodes in January 2010. I had a right mastectomy, 6 rounds of chemotherapy, 4 weeks of radiotherapy and 18 sessions of the drug Herceptin.

“I was exhausted but just took it a day at a time though the toughest of times.  I am now going to be celebrating a decade soon which is something I did not think I would ever get to.

“I did the moonwalk with my friend and neighbour Colette – and I have signed up for next years to celebrate!”

Founder and Chief Executive of Walk the Walk, Nina Barough CBE said: “The MoonWalk Scotland 2019 was the most awe-inspiring night! Having all our ten year old walkers on the stage, full of excitement at their very first Walk the Walk challenge was just wonderful.

“I explained the importance of what the youngsters were doing and I think it shocked people to imagine that they will be in their forties by the time we expect to have a cure for breast cancer. I think that reason alone should keep people walking, so that we can give their generation the chance of life, which currently doesn’t exist.

“It was very clear that people had really trained and it was just so overwhelming impressive. Currently, we’re hoping to raise in excess of around half a million pounds – watch this space!”

From Girl Power to Power Walking: MoonWalk Scotland 2019

From Girl Power … to Power Walking! As the internationally renowned Spice Girls finished ‘zig-a-zig-ah-ing’ their fans in Edinburgh on Saturday night, another extravaganza was hitting the streets of the Capital – The MoonWalk Scotland!  Continue reading From Girl Power to Power Walking: MoonWalk Scotland 2019

International Women’s Day: an inspiring woman takes on The MoonWalk Scotland

This International Women’s Day breast cancer charity, Walk the Walk, is celebrating the achievements of some of the inspirational Walkers who are taking on The MoonWalk Scotland later this year. Continue reading International Women’s Day: an inspiring woman takes on The MoonWalk Scotland