Sacro seeks volunteer drivers

Edinburgh Travel Service postcard 2016-page-0

Do you enjoy driving? Have you got access to a car? Sacro are currently recruiting volunteer drivers for the Sacro Travel Service. The Travel Service transports people to the State Hospital at Carstairs and prisons predominately throughout the central belt of Scotland. Full training is given and expenses are paid.

For more information please contact  Joan Alexander, Travel Service Coordinator, Sacro: email or telephone 0131 622 7500.

Unsung heroes celebrated at Lauriston Castle


Edinburgh’s incredible volunteers were among the hundreds of people recognised for their crucial contribution to local life at the Lord and Lady Provost’s Community Garden Party, which was held at Lauriston Castle recently. Continue reading Unsung heroes celebrated at Lauriston Castle

Volunteer and help Scotland’s animals


The Scottish SPCA is appealing to kind-hearted people in Edinburgh to help raise funds for abused, abandoned and injured animals by volunteering. Scotland’s animal welfare charity is urging locals to get involved this Scottish Animal Week, which runs from 5-11 September, by shaking a collection tin in their area. Continue reading Volunteer and help Scotland’s animals

Many hands make light work in Muirhouse Avenue


There’s a mighty team effort taking place in Muirhouse Avenue right now. Muirhouse Centipede Project are putting the land not currently being built on to good use and are now preparing the ground for a community amphitheatre and performance area.

It’s a lot of work – it’s a lot of space! – but volunteers from Craigroyston Community High School, Tomorrow’s People, Scottish Widows, Community Action North, Scottish Gas, the Haven Project’s Dad’s Group and North Edinburgh Arts are really getting stuck in!

You’ll already see an amazing difference … and today 130 tyres will arrive for the next stage of the operation! Get involved!

More pictures on our Facebook page


PEP looking for volunteer drivers

Make a difference in your local community


Pilton Equalities Project is looking to recruit new volunteers to drive minibuses; D1 is required on your driving licence.

For more info contact Elaine Anderson at PEP, telephone 315 4466 or email

Driver only POSTER


Many thanks

More than five centuries donated by St Columba’s volunteers

St Columba’s salutes ‘great team of volunteers’


St Columba’s Hospice has been celebrating its many volunteers with special long-service awards ceremonies. In total, the people who have been recognised for their long service have given a massive 560 years to the Hospice! Continue reading More than five centuries donated by St Columba’s volunteers