Volunteers play a vital role in Edinburgh

Nigel Green, Royal Voluntary Service Operations Manager for Edinburgh, praises our vital volunteers:

As pressure on health and social care services increases, more volunteers are stepping forward to offer their time. Royal Voluntary Service, one of the UK’s largest volunteer charities, reported recently that more than 4.7 million people aged 55 and over said that they intend to volunteer in 2017. The charity supports 100,000 older people a month in the community, at home and in hospital and has a number of volunteers in Edinburgh (writes Nigel Green). Continue reading Volunteers play a vital role in Edinburgh

Muirhouse Community Shop: volunteers required

Can you help out in the Community Shop on Pennywell Road?

Why not volunteer with the award winning team at Muirhouse Community Shop?

Can you spare a minimum of 3 hours per week?

Do you want to help your own community?

Over 300 residents visit the shop each and every week and with your support we can deliver even more!

Contact the shop today and find out more




St Coulumba’s celebrates the dedication of it’s magnificent volunteers


St Columba’s Hospice has been celebrating its many volunteers with special long service awards ceremonies. In total, the people who have been recognised for their long service have given a massive 525 years to the Hospice. Continue reading St Coulumba’s celebrates the dedication of it’s magnificent volunteers

MiDAS training with PEP

MiDAS training at PEP: Friday 9 September


Accredited Minibus Training (MiDAS) – limited places still available for Friday 9 September 
Pilton Equalities Project (PEP) is registered with the Community Transport Association funded through the City of Edinburgh Council and recognised as the community transport operator for the North Edinburgh quadrant.  We are a partner of the Edinburgh Community Transport Operators Group (ECTOG) PEP, Dove Transport, SEAG and LCTS.
MiDAS is the nationally recognised Minibus Driver Awareness training Scheme, organised by the Community Transport Association U.K. (CTA) which promotes a nationally recognised standard for the assessment and training of minibus drivers. It is a membership based scheme that is designed to enhance minibus driving standards and promote the safer operation of minibuses,
It comprises low cost classroom-based training, plus an on-road driving assessment, as well as oponal Passenger Assistance training (PAT’s) for drivers who will be transporng passengers with disabilities.
a) Aged over 21 years
b) Held a full Driving Licence for 2 years
As places are limited, for further information on any of our courses call our trainer Theodora Hidalgo on 0131 315 4466 or email pepequalities@btconnect.com
PEP applies a good practice model ensuring the Health & Safety of its passengers