Lend a hand at MS Therapy Centre makeover

The Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Therapy Centre in Leith is undergoing a makeover on 8,9 and 10 February and is looking for around 20 volunteers who can spare a few hours to help with decorating.

The refurbishment is the first in more than a decade and has been made possible thanks to the generosity of local tradesmen. Johnstone’s Paints, Edinburgh and Ideal Carpets, Musselburgh are among the local businesses that have donated materials and given their time free of charge.

Nancy Campbell, Operations Manager, MS Therapy Centre said: “The place needs brightened up. We haven’t been able to afford to for the past ten years, as the centre costs so much to run, but thanks to the support of local tradesmen, we are about to see a transformation.

“We are, however, looking for people who are handy with a paintbrush and don’t mind helping out for a few hours. There is a lot of painting to be done, but I am sure it will be worth the effort and that our clients are going to love the new look. We are trying to create a more welcoming and therapeutic environment. “

One of the services offered at the MS Therapy Centre is hyperbaric oxygen therapy. This takes place in a large decompression chamber, similar to the ones divers use. This is also part of the make-over plans, as Nancy explained: “We’ve commissioned a local artist to paint the outside of the chamber and create a ‘bubbles’ effect. Our clients talk about ‘going for a dive’ when they head into the chamber, so we have used this idea and I think it will make everybody smile when they see it.”

Once the internal makeover is complete, the centre is hoping to start on the outside of the building and is looking for a local artist to help in creating a graffiti-style mural for the steel shutters.

Volunteers who can help with the repainting are asked to contact the MS Therapy Centre on 0131 554 5384.

Times of the makeover:

Friday 8 February 2-6pm

Saturday 9 February 12-6pm

Sunday 10 February 12-6pm
