First Minister: ‘Independence can strengthen and embed democracy in Scotland’

The only way Scotland can ensure decisions are taken in the best interests of its people is with independence, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said yesterday, as new analysis was published showing the extent to which the UK Government can override decisions taken by the Scottish Parliament.
The second paper in the Building a New Scotland series, Renewing Democracy through Independence, outlines how under the current system it is still only the UK’s Government and Parliament that can make decisions about certain issues that impact significantly on people’s daily lives in areas such as:
- whether Scotland should be in the EU; devolution did not protect Scotland from being taken out of the EU against the clear views of the majority (62%) of Scottish voters in the 2016 referendum, nor from the “hard” form of Brexit imposed by the UK Government
- key energy policies, such as levels of support for renewable projects, and an overall energy strategy that reflects Scotland’s net zero targets
- on cutting or increasing taxes, pensions and benefits like Universal Credit; the Scottish Government spent £100 million to mitigate the effects of UK Government austerity policies in 2019 alone and protect low-income families in Scotland
- powers over migration – despite Scotland being the only part of the UK where the number of people of working age is expected to fall over the next 25 years, meaning we need to attract talent from overseas.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “Today’s paper focusses on democracy and democratic renewal. It exposes the significant and increasing democratic deficit that Scotland suffers as part of the Union.
“It shows that, far from being abstract, this inbuilt deficit has real life consequences for individuals, families and businesses across Scotland – from the impact of austerity to the implications of a Brexit we did not vote for.
“And it argues that only independence can both strengthen and embed democracy in Scotland – and provide a secure foundation from which to overcome challenges and fulfil our potential.
“This discussion could not be more timely or urgent. The democratic deficit Scotland faces is not a recent phenomenon – it has been there throughout devolution – but the evidence of it now is starker than ever.
“The fact is independence is not just the best route to renewing and securing democracy in Scotland – which is, in turn, so essential to building the economic and social future we want. Independence is the only credible route.
“That is why offering Scotland the choice of independence – a policy mandated by the Scottish people – is so essential.”
Renewing Democracy Through Independence
The Scottish Tories are clear in their opposition to Ms Sturgeon”s priorites:

Scottish Liberal Democrats deputy leader Wendy Chamberlain MP said: “This week we saw the worst ever waiting times in our A&E departments and soaring demand for foodbanks in Scotland.
“Energy bills are sky rocketing and families are struggling to put food on the table.
“It is clear that the cost of living crisis and the A&E crisis require our governments to focus on the problems affecting people now and get to work on fixing them.
“Yet today, Nicola Sturgeon instead decided to announce the latest entry in her series of papers for an unwanted independence referendum.
“Rather than spending taxpayers’ money on this series of vanity publishing exercises, the Scottish Government should be putting every penny to work to help people with the cost-of-living crisis.
“That’s where the energies of every minister should be focused, not on independence.”
AN Edinburgh Labour MSP has lambasted the Scottish Government’s record on the health service.

Commenting on the Scottish Government’s response to A&E waiting times, Foysol Choudhury MSP said: “The Scottish Government’s announcement of £50 million to address A&E waiting lists is both inadequate and poorly targeted for the scale of the crisis the NHS is now in. We are told it includes ‘alternatives to hospital-based treatment’ but given little detail about how this will be implemented or fit in to our existing care system.
“The crisis in the NHS is not limited to just A&E departments – it is systemic. I now regularly hear from constituents who cannot get NHS GP, dentist, or audiology appointments. When people are increasingly struggling to access primary care, it is no surprise that A&E departments are feeling the strain. Earlier this year I raised with the First Minister the fact that almost two fifths of cancers in Scotland are only being diagnosed at A&E, which is a sad indictment of the state of primary care in our country.
“I recently wrote to the Cabinet Secretary for Health & Social Care about the inaccessibility of GP appointments, with many of my constituents frustrated at what they feel is a morning telephone lottery for appointments. I was very disappointed by the response I got back, which suggested that my constituents should complain to their GP’s practice manager, as if this were not a systemic problem repeated in GP services across Lothian and indeed Scotland.
“It is simply not good enough for the Scottish Government to pass the buck to NHS staff on these issues, particularly when there is already poor morale within the health service as patients are increasingly frustrated by waiting times. The crisis of access across the NHS is putting lives at risk. The Scottish Government must now act to remedy it.”