Tribe becomes first boutique fitness chain to create a fever-free zone with pioneering technology

Adoption of Fever Free Zone (FFZ) will instil confidence as well as support business continuity and the avoidance of further closures

Fitness centres across Scotland have been amongst some of the worst affected as a result of lockdown restrictions

Temperature checks on entry, activating a six-hour pass will inspire confidence and afford both customers and staff, a safer environment for activity

Boutique fitness chain, Tribe has become the first wellness business in Scotland to adopt a pioneering technology developed by Medical doctor, clinical epidemiologist and public health consultant, Dr Paul Nelson.

The early adopters will afford their customers and staff the confidence of a Fever Free Zone across their three Edinburgh studios situated in the New Town, Quartermile and Leith Walk.

Tribe MD James Wilson said: “Fever Free Zone have enabled us to adapt to the new normal. As you would expect from a wellness business, the health and wellbeing of our members and staff is paramount.

“So it was a logical and progressive step to enlist the expertise of Dr Paul Nelson to ensure all of our studios are fully equipped with Fever Free Zone during what has been the most challenging episode we’ve ever faced into.

“Our clientele are passionate about wellness and want to resume that valuable part of their daily lives as quickly as possible, but they also want reassurances that they will be perfectly safe in doing so, which is where Fever Free Zone has played a pivotal role.” 

The boutique fitness chain re-opened their studios last week after months of closure due to C19 and have received a strong positive response with many classes already fully booked. Welcoming around 22,000 unique users each year, they have also been able to bring back instructors and staff from furlough to prepare for such footfall.

Dr Paul Nelson commented, “Our technology supports responsible businesses to become gatekeepers to the economy as well as reassuring customers of a fever free space in which they can spend their time.

“The six-hour temperature checks should serve as a strong reminder that the right to enter economically vulnerable spaces and ultimately the shape of our future is tied to our individual responsibility to do what we can, not to infect others.”

Emma Fraser, Head of Operations – “I think it is not only important for the staff, but we can also portray to the clients and confidently say that we are taking all the safest precautions that we can. It is really empowering for not only the team, but for the clients as well.”

Fever Free Zone could be the missing piece for the eradication of C19. The simple integrated symptom screening membership service designed to enable businesses and customers to reduce the risk of exposure to people with Covid-19 is completely non-invasive and simple to operate.

Temperature checks on entry, activating a six-hour pass will afford shop workers and patrons a safer environment inspiring confidence and boosting economic activity. If high temperature is detected, the shopkeeper will encourage the person to go home and the app will prompt them to pass on details to the contact tracing services (if they agree), who will get in touch with the person to be sent a test.

Government guidelines should be followed at all times, such as wearing a face covering and maintaining social distancing guidelines. For more information visit:

View the Tribe re-opening video here: