EVOC thinkSpace event


EVOC thinkSpace event: A Fairer Scotland

Friday 9 October, 9.30am – 12.30pm, EVOC OfficeEVOClogo

We would be delighted if you join EVOC’s Fairer Scotland thinkSpace and hear speakers from the Scottish Government and the Third Sector consider the questions in the current consultation:

  • What are the main issues that matter to you?
  • What do you think needs to be done to create a fairer Scotland?
  • How can you and your community play a role in helping to shape our future?

We invite you to bring two other stakeholders from your organisation, e.g. service users and/or trustees.

Robin McAlpine of the Common Weal will be speaking on People Power plus we have facilitators confirmed from Citizens Advice Scotland, Crisis Edinburgh and One Parent Family Scotland.  Ella Simpson, EVOC’s Director will be leading the discussions on what we can do in Edinburgh and how we can feed back into the consultation process. 

You can book places at: http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/evoc-thinkspace-fairer-scotland-tickets-18434528170

View the Fairer Scotland thinkSpace Programme.

june details

REMINDER: Voluntary Sector Forum

The October meeting of Forth and Inverleith VSF was brought forward as the meeting was scheduled to take place during the school holidays.

The new date is Tuesday 6 October 1-3pm, at Pilton Community Health Project.

Compact Voice: EVOC seeks your views

EVOClogoGot 10 minutes to help Edinburgh’s Third Sector plan our next 10 years? Find out more about Compact Voice & respond to our online survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/CompactVoiceOne


Our Health, Our Care, Our Future

Friday 22 August, 9.30am – 12.00noon

NHS Lothian are currently consulting on their Draft Strategic Plan for 2014-2024.  EVOC is delighted to host a thinkSpace event to look at the plan and its proposals

Visit http://www.evoc.org.uk/thinkspace for full information and to register for the event