Stay at Homers turn to new interests

Bored Britons are switching off their TVs and finding new ways to entertain themselves during lockdown with a new study revealing the nation’s most popular isolation hobbies.

Penny pinching experts from used Google trends data to research which affordable new hobbies the UK public are adopting from their homes.

They found increasing numbers of us are turning away from our screens and finding new ways to stay entertained as the lockdown continues.

As well as classic hobbies such as baking, gardening and DIY, many of us are using the lockdown to learn a new language or get fit with home workouts or yoga sessions.

A spokesperson from NetVoucherCodes said: “Many people have a lot more time on their hands right now than they are used to and as the lockdown continues increasing numbers are switching off their televisions and finding more interesting ways to keep themselves entertained.

“The perfect hobby is one that lets you tap into some of your energy and creativity but doesn’t tap into your wallet in a significant way. Families up and down the UK need a break, and hobbies provide them the chance to have fun and relax.

“Immersing yourself in a new hobby can be really good for mental health and helps reduce stress, which is really important at the moment.

“Using Google Trends’ search data in the UK over March and April, many hobbies had increased search interest. Using this we calculated the percentage increase in interest in those topics, and identified the date of peak popularity.

“Alongside ‘How to make a facemask at home’ and ‘How to claim 80% of wages’, here are the results of the UK’s most searched isolation hobbies, along with tips for getting started with each.”

  1. Learn a Language

The UK population doesn’t have to give up on their dreams of becoming fluent in a second language. As we are all in lockdown, many Brits are prioritising learning a new language.

With the most searches occurring on 29 March, the great thing about learning a new language is you can set your own pace and milestones. Consequently, you won’t get a failing grade if you don’t reach your goals.

There are many apps that are free which give great introductions to a new language, whether it be Italian or German. You may not have spoken French or Spanish since school, but there’s no reason why you can’t finally master speaking a new language this year.

  1. Training With Resistance Bands

With gyms and health clubs closed due to COVID-19, the UK is looking for alternative ways to keep up with their fitness and training programmes. In the world of weight training, resistance bands tend to fly under the radar. But due to current circumstances, they are perfect for home workouts for all levels.

With peaked interest for both weight training and resistance bands on the 22nd March, using resistance bands can hit all muscle groups and you can progress difficulty really easily. Not to mention they are lightweight, easy to store and relatively inexpensive.

  1. DIY

DIY is always a popular pastime for Brits, but we have seen a steady increase in interest throughout April as lockdown measures are continuing. This is a perfect time to pick up those jobs you’ve been putting off for ages, and if you are unsure on how to do something, buy a book on DIY, or research through YouTube.

You can still get deliveries and do click and collect to buy the tools you need. It’s a good opportunity to start a new project and you’ll learn a new skill while improving your home!

  1. Yoga

With mental health and wellbeing at the forefront of the UK’s minds, it is no surprise to learn that interest in Yoga peaked in March. Studies have shown practising Yoga regularly can help with anxiety, improve your concentration, ease pain, and boost your cognitive health overall.

Before you dive into a sun salutation or downward dog, have a look through YouTube videos to learn the basics. Starting small is actually a good idea if you want to make yoga a part of your regular routine.

  1. Baking

Baking might seem a little intimidating for first-timers out there, which is why many are starting with basic recipes such as Banana Bread. The UK has seen a remarkable peak in searches for both baking and more specifically Banana Bread in March and April.

Alongside Banana Bread, there are a wealth of beginner bakes for Brits to start out on; Victoria Sponge, Brownies and Cupcakes are all relatively straightforward household favourites.

  1. Gardening

Gardening is a great exercise for both the body and the mind. Usually associated with the older generation, interest in gardening is now peaking.

Whether we’re planting new flowerbeds, nurturing an allotment (following Government guidelines) or simply tending to indoor plants, the UK is finding that gardening is more than a hobby and can provide food for the family at a fraction of the cost. Online gardening centre Gardening Express has seen a huge rise in sales since lockdown began.

Growing your own vegetables also eases concerns over food availability as lockdown has slowed distribution of some crops.

Get stuck in when you’re stuck at home!

A series of fun and free online activities to keep residents of all ages active and busy during the coronavirus lockdown has been devised by Schools and Lifelong Learning officer Callum McLeod and his council colleagues.

Callum and his colleagues came up with the idea of putting together activity packs for children, young people and families to use at home to keep them physically and mentally active during the lockdown.

Whilst doing their research they realised many of the top tips were websites so they created an online directory of fun activities which started increasing in size until it eventually ended up as a dedicated page on the Council website.

The top tips include a wide range of advice for families starting with babies/infants, then moving onto children up to 12 years followed by general sites for learning and sport suitable for a range of ages right up to adults.

Some of the titles include: Mummy Bubble, Busy Toddler, Cosmic Kids Yoga, Activity Village, Live Bold and Bloom, EpicDash and Ted Talks.

Callum, who is usually based in the Council’s South East Lifelong Learning office in Gilmerton, is now working from home in north Edinburgh with his family, trying out new and different ways to support each other.

Callum, who was based at Broughton Community High School before redeployment as part of city council’s ‘transformation’ initiative, said: “It didn’t take long for us to realise that there would be families all over the city stuck in front of the telly or computer, potentially climbing the walls or bored to tears, so why not put something together for the families to keep them occupied in fun ways.

“It soon became apparent that it was far easier (and far safer in terms of the virus) to put everything online so people could pick out activities to suit their different needs.”

Every time Callum circulated a list of possible links he was deluged with replies including further suggestions – to the extent he is currently working on Version 6 of his helpful guide!

Callum added: “It’s been a massive collective effort from many, many people working together, and putting a silver lining on what could be quite challenging times.

“We soon realised the potential out there for families to turn a ‘challenging time’ into some ‘quality time’. There should be something there for everybody – so why not check out the links for yourself?”

Frazzled parents and holiday blues: holiday competition

Edinburgh mums and dads could be in for a treat this summer, as Drayton Manor Park is giving away £500 cash, as well as FREE theme park tickets and hotel stays to parents who are frazzled by the summer holidays.

The giveaway comes after a survey by the family attraction found that Edinburgh parents will last fewer than three weeks into the summer holidays before they start feeling completely fed up – and one in five confess they find it the most STRESSFUL time of the year. Continue reading Frazzled parents and holiday blues: holiday competition

Pets At Home to host free workshops across Scotland this Easter

The Easter holidays are fast approaching and can prove a challenge when it comes to finding fun activities for the children. Pets at Home has the answer, with its free interactive ‘My Pet Pals’ workshops, held in store between 30th March and 14th April. Continue reading Pets At Home to host free workshops across Scotland this Easter

See Your City, Hear Your Stories: free tour of hidden Edinburgh

On 1 July 2018 Edinburgh’s award-winning storytellers, Mercat Tours, are offering residents with an EH postcode the chance to rediscover and enjoy their City by taking part in an exclusive free tour of hidden Edinburgh – entitled See Your City, Hear Your Stories. Continue reading See Your City, Hear Your Stories: free tour of hidden Edinburgh

Where is Scotland’s top picnic spot?

The Shortlist For Scotland’s Best Picnic Spot Has Been Announced

  • Last year’s winner was the Fairy Pools
  • Picnic Week aims to cultivate pride in the local area
  • Winner to be announced during Picnic Week

It’s National Picnic Week from the 15th-24th of June, which aims to promote areas of natural beauty to get the UK into the great outdoors this summer, enjoying some great food and great company. Continue reading Where is Scotland’s top picnic spot?