Boost your motivation this Autumn

Early nights, getting in touch with nature and building exercise into the day could help boost motivation as the chilly days set in.

The health and wellbeing experts at Testogen have put together their eight top tips for those wanting a natural boost as the days get shorter and colder.

Getting to bed early, eating well and exercising during daylight hours are among the advice suggested by the experts.

Other suggestions include looking at exercise routines, changing workout times and training with a friend.

A spokesperson for Testogen said: “A dip in motivation at this time of year is only natural. The days are shorter, the mornings darker and the temperatures are dipping. The good news is there are lots you can do to give motivation a boost.

“Heading to bed a little earlier, getting out and enjoying nature and setting time aside to do the things you enjoy are all easy changes to make.

“It’s also important to think about your exercise regime too. If you train outdoors, think about when you train – daylight hours are best where possible – and consider partnering with a friend to make training in the cold a little more bearable.”

Here are Testogen’s tips for boosting motivation this Autumn:

1. Go to bed early

Autumn and winter are great seasons to catch up on sleep and recuperate. Make a conscious effort to go to bed earlier – not only will a decent night’s sleep increase your motivation, it will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to face the day. Remember to avoid looking at any tech for around an hour before going to bed and leave them out of the bedroom.

2. Enjoy nature

Take a walk and enjoy everything around you. The changing colours of leaves, the misty, magical mornings and bright chilly days. The fresh air and time to think and clear your head will do wonders for your motivation.

3. Training changes

Your training schedule will need to change to take into account the shorter days. If you train outdoors, try to stick to daylight hours and where you can, train with a friend. Having a training buddy is great for motivation.

4. Build activity into your day

Try building activity into your day rather than trying to cram it in before or after work. Use the hour’s lunch break to go for a run, take a brisk walk or hop onto your bike. A short workout will leave you feeling refreshed for the afternoon.

5. Eat well

Think about what you eat, make sure your diet is balanced and enjoy plenty of fruit and vegetables. The odd over-indulgence is fine but remember everything in moderation.

6. Accessorise your home

Now’s the time to declutter, pack away all the summer clothes and furnishings and bring out the winter ones instead. Cosy blankets, rugs and autumnal candles will create a welcoming space.

7. Layer up

Whether exercising or relaxing at home, pile on the layers to stay warm. If you’re training, light layers which you can peel off as you warm up are the way to go. If you’re at home, cosy jumpers are a must.

8. Make time for you

Always set time aside for yourself, especially if you’re constantly juggling work, family and activities. Use the time to do something you enjoy – a walk with friends, watching your favourite series or having your own mini pamper session.