Take-5 Tuesday at PCHP

Take-5 Tuesdays is on tomorrow at PCHP at 10am. Drop in to learn more about eating a healthy, balanced and sustainable diet on a budget.

We share lots of tips on shopping, peparing, storing, cooking – all with a view to saving money and wasting nothing. This week we’ll be making the finest tomato sauce, the most versatile sauce their is. We’ll talk about the base of all good sauces #Sofritto

Will it become a chilli, or a ragu, or a soup? Who knows… come along and find out! Everyone is welcome and if Tuesday doesn’t suit you, we’re on at the same time on Thursday. We cook, and you are welcome to either stay and eat together, or take it away to enjoy at home!







Take 5 Tuesdays at PCHP

If you’d like to know more about healthy, sustainable and affordable food that is also DELICIOUS, then this is the group to come along to.

Anyone living in the area is welcome to join Sally on Tuesdays at 10am for this relaxed but fun activity.

We’ll start preparing and cooking from 10am, then at around midday we can either sit and enjoy the food together, or you can pack it up and take it away!