Family Action announces new support for those affected by adoption before it’s too late

Family Action announces the expansion of its FamilyConnect service, managed by the country’s largest adoption support agency PAC-UK, to support people affected by adoption and to help reunite families before it is too late. 

FamilyConnect was launched by national charity Family Action in 2020 and is delivered by its adoption support agency, PAC-UK. The online resource was developed to support people looking to find out about their history, their family members and to gain understanding about why they were separated from their birth family. 

With funding from Adoption England, FamilyConnect will now provide a funded intermediary service for adult adoptees, and birth parents/relatives who were affected by adoption pre-1976, and who wish to reconnect with each other. The service has also been expanded to offer a specialist telephone advice line and additional online resources for birth parents/relatives and professionals.  

Sir David Holmes CBE, CEO of Family Action said “I am proud to be able to announce the launch of this enhanced support from FamilyConnect and I am grateful to Adoption England for the additional funding that has made this possible.

“We know from the number of enquiries we receive that there is a huge need for good quality and accessible adoption support services, and we have seen huge demand for the support provided by FamilyConnect since we launched the service four years ago. 

“I am delighted that we are now able to offer even more support and practical help before it is too late for many families. I hope that this positive investment in FamilyConnect will pave the way for further investment in vital adoption support services, like this, in the future.” 

Birth mother Jill Killington was reunited with her son following a forced adoption in 1967. Jill said: “The services available through FamilyConnect are extremely important to support families disconnected by the adoptions of the past to navigate the often-emotional journey of reconnection and reunion.

“Adoption for so many birth parents and adoptees inevitably leave scars – some we can hope to heal, sadly others might take a lifetime to bear.  It is still painful.   

“Time is not on our side.  Many birth mothers are now in their late 60s, 70s, 80s and beyond.  And very sadly many will end their lives still being affected by their terrible loss, unless they and their children receive the support they deserve and need to make that first step to recover from the trauma of the past.” 

FamilyConnect is an 18-month pilot that includes, intermediary services for adoptions that took place between 1949 and 1976*1, (subject to eligibility criteria being met), a specialist telephone advice line on services and funding available, and new online resources for birth parents/relatives and professionals. 

Emma Crowther-Duncan, North Adult Services Regional Manager at Family Action/PAC-UK, said: “For people to have access to funded intermediary services, through FamilyConnect, will help those people who were not able to access this service previously, due to cost.

“FamilyConnect helps remove a barrier that shouldn’t exist and allows people the freedom of choice, it sends the message that “we are invested in you, your story and your future”.  

Jill Killington concludes: “We can never change the past, but hopefully with FamilyConnect, there is much-needed support for those affected by adoption both now and in the future.” 

FamilyConnect was originally developed with the insight and leadership of experts Sir David Holmes CBE, Julia Feast OBE, University College London’s MIRRA project and the Care Leavers’ Association.   

For more information, including current advice line opening times:   


Phone: 0300 1800 205   

More than just a Store: National Pet Shop Day to celebrate services and solutions on the high street

Despite pet shops and stores having the trust of most UK pet owners, 62.50% of those based in Scotland are still opting to consult a vet for guidance on tackling common minor health issues such as fleas, as evidenced in Johnson’s Veterinary Product’s purchasing habits report. 

It is this startling fact that has led Johnson’s to announce the launch of the UK’s first ever National Pet Shop Day, as a way of celebrating the huge breadth of support, products, services and advice that high street retailers are able to provide direct to pet owners who have concerns about their pet’s health and wellbeing. 

Taking place on 13 July 2023, pet shops and stores across the UK will throw open their doors and invite pet owners to come in and discover more about how they offer viable, affordable options for dealing with commonly occurring minor healthcare ailments such as fleas, ticks or worms. 

It is hoped the occasion will encourage pet owners to discover, or in some cases rediscover, the value that local pet shops can provide, marking the beginning of a positive, long-term relationship that will encourage owners to think twice when seeking help in caring for pets. 

Paul Gwynn, Managing Director at Johnson’s Veterinary products, explained: “Pet shops and stores are the local health and wellbeing hubs of the pet world, but we find that many people are often so rooted to their longstanding routines, that they perhaps don’t even consider that they can also get experienced advice or assistance about a whole host of frequent minor pet health issues whilst picking-up their other pet essentials in store.

“There is a lot of value to be discovered by visiting local pet shops and stores and consulting experienced in-store staff, as they have a wealth of knowledge within their teams that has been built over many years, in some cases decades.

“They can often help to spot the signs of and give advice about issues such as fleas, ticks and worms, and therefore are well placed to provide practical advice and product solutions for both these, and a range of other, more general, wellbeing concerns directly in store.

“With National Pet Shop Day, we want to mark the ongoing, positive contribution that these pet shops and stores make to society, and in doing so provide animal lovers with the confidence that they can handle their pet’s conditions effectively and efficiently, without always breaking the bank. These retailers are far more than a point of purchase – they are the bedrock of the pet owning community and are always ready and willing to help.”

“We are confident that the day will be beneficial for everyone participating, representing an important first step towards building relationships between shops and pet owners, whilst opening the door to affordable pet care.”

For more information about National Pet Shop Day, or to search for retailers participating locally, please visit

Charity launched due to increased calls to cyber and fraud helpline

First of its kind charity formed to support people through cyber and fraud crime

A new national charity has been launched to support members of the Scottish public who find themselves victims of a cyber or fraud crime.  

The Cyber and Fraud Hub was formed by Cyber and Fraud Centre – Scotland in response to a rapid increase in calls from concerned members of the public to its incident response helpline a collaboration between leading Scottish cybersecurity organisation the Cyber and Fraud Centre – Scotland, Police Scotland and the Scottish Government, which was originally set up to support businesses through a cyberattack. 

Last year, calls to the Cyber and Fraud Centre incident response helpline doubled, with 

60% of calls coming from concerned members of the public seeking advice following a suspected cyber or fraud crime.  

Businesses will continue to be supported through the Cyber and Fraud Centre – Scotland with advice, intelligence and training, while the newly launched Cyber and Fraud Hub will offer tailored support through reporting and legal guidance, victim assistance, and recovering funds as well as improving the public’s understanding of cyber and fraud crime.  

The Cyber and Fraud Hub will be the first charity in Scotland to offer this level of bespoke victim and advice support to individuals and will allow a greater number of people to access wraparound support at a time when they are most vulnerable. 

The Cyber and Fraud Hub was spearheaded by a dedicated team who gave up their spare time to make the charity a reality. The team includes; Angie Lees, Declan Doyle, John Callagy, Jude McCorry, Alex Dowall and chair, Paul Atkinson. 

Jude McCorry, CEO of Cyber and Fraud Centre – Scotland, said: “I recently saw a quote saying “The Fight against fraud is everyone’s problem, but no one’s priority” and we have seen this play out over the last year.

“In launching the Cyber and Fraud Hub, we have now made it our priority, but we need others, including senior figures in financial services and government, to make it their priority too.  

“The Cyber and Fraud Hub will meet a vital need for support for individuals who find themselves in the daunting situation of being a victim of a cyber or fraud crime, the impact of which can be immense, mentally and financially. 

“We’ve built strong relationships with our colleagues at Police Scotland and the banking sector to support our business community to be more resilient and we wanted to extend this support to the growing number of individuals who find themselves personally compromised as a result of this growing threat.  

“Members of the public require a different type of support to get them through a cyberattack, where they are supported as victims of a crime as well as going through formal criminal proceedings.

“The Cyber and Fraud Hub team have the knowledge, skills and expertise to allow them to listen and provide reassurance as well as the tools to get people back on their feet.”  

Assistant Chief Constable Andy Freeburn said: “I am delighted to be appointed as a Trustee of the Cyber and Fraud Hub and have seen at first hand the success of collaborative working to combat fraud and keep people safe in the digital world.    

“The Hub will be an invaluable resource and complement the support available from Police Scotland.  It will deliver first-class education and partnership programmes to help communities and individuals build resilience against cybercrime and fraud and offer specialised support to those who have become a victim of cybercrime.” 

If you, or someone you know, has been a victim of cyber or fraud crime, you can call the Cyber and Fraud Hub on 0800 1670 623, or visit  

Award-winning architecture firm appointed by group working to save The George Cinema in Portobello

Glasgow-based, award-winning architecture firm Loader Monteith has been appointed to lead a design team undertaking detailed feasibility work on a community cinema project in Portobello,

The commission, by The Friends of George (FoTG) group, is supported by the award of a grant from The Architectural Heritage Fund.

The design team’s work will dovetail into an in-depth commercial and operational assessment being undertaken by independent cinema consultants, Mustard Studios, whose work is being funded by a grant from the Scottish Land Fund.

Loader Monteith approached Stefanie Fischer, a leading cinema architect within the UK’s independent cinema sector to join their team as a subconsultant. Her expertise as a cinema architect complements the expertise of Loader Monteith Architects as conservation architects.

The appointment of the Loader Monteith led team builds on a long running campaign by FoTG who have been working to save the art deco former cinema from demolition. With strong support from within their community, FoTG hope to acquire and restore the C-listed building, and operate it as a cinema for the community. These latest commissions will develop and refine the group’s ambitious plans and will also include input from educational and film industry partners.

Mike Griffiths, Friends of the George Chair said: “We are delighted to be able to appoint such an expert team of professionals to develop and refine our proposals as we continue to point the way towards a positive future for The George not only in the heart of the community of Portobello, but more broadly, to play a role in the cinema sector in Scotland.

“The consultants we have working on this bring extensive expertise and experience to the project and will be led by a firm of architects with a burgeoning reputation for exciting contemporary architectural design, deployed to breathe new life into historic buildings.

“We’re extremely grateful for the financial support we have received from the Architectural Heritage Fund, the Scottish Land Fund and our benefactor Victoria Schwab.”

Iain King, Specialist Conservation Architect and Director at Loader Monteith, said: “We are pleased to have been selected as the lead architects, alongside our expert team of consultants, to support the Friends of The George in developing the proposal for the George Cinema.

“Despite the building currently being on the Buildings at Risk Register, it benefits from strong community support and the dedication of the Friends of The George, a group committed to preserving this Art Deco gem and restoring it as a sustainable, independent cinema.

“We look forward to collaborating with them on this important project.”

Last year, Friends of The George Limited had the cinema building formally valued by a firm of professional surveyors and made an offer to purchase it as a “restoring purchaser”, based on that valuation. Funds for purchase were very generously offered by benefactor, writer V.E Schwab.

This offer was rejected by the current owners of the building who have tried – and failed – twice in recent years to secure consent to substantially demolish The George and develop the site with luxury flats.

Most recently, last October, Historic Environment Scotland (HES) published their decision notice on the application by the current owner to have The George ‘delisted’.  HES confirmed that the building continues to meet the criteria of special architectural and historic interest and so there will be no statutory change to the current ‘C’ listing designation.

Recent silent, community protests, independent of the FoTG group, have called on the current owner of the building to clear up the mess outside of the cinema and to address the continued neglect and dereliction of the building.

Marco’s hits the bullseye with new interactive darts

Plus, Marco’s announces new sponsorship deal with Disability Darts Scotland champion

It’s official – the game of darts is soaring in popularity! Dubbed the ‘Luke Littler effect’, a whole new generation has been inspired by the teenage champion to grab the arrows and aim for a bullseye. And now Edinburgh is getting in on the action thanks to a brand new interactive area unveiled this week at Marco’s Pool Hall and Pizza Bar. 

Forget images of pensioners and pork scratchings – the game of darts has been brought right up to date for Gen Z bar sports fans thanks to Marco’s new high-tech darts area which features state-of-the-art computer vision technology.

Their dartboard reacts to players’ performances with animations, plus players can check their stats and take group selfies – elevating the game to a whole new level of entertainment. From beginners to pro’s, Marco’s offers a unique social gaming experience for darts players of all skill levels. 

And to inspire even more people to try their hand at a game of arrows, Marco’s has just announced they will be sponsoring the Scottish darts protégé, Robert Sutherland Junior.

Hailing from West Lothian, Robert is the current Disability Darts Scotland (DDS) champion. He proudly captained the Junior Darts Corporation (JDC) Scotland B Team in Gibraltar in 2023, where his team was placed third in the world.

He clinched the World Disability Darts Association (WDDA) runner-up place at the Professional Darts Corporation (PDC) Matchplay Championships 2023 and also captained the DDS Scotland Team at the 2024 European Championships. 

Reacting to the news of his sponsorship deal, Robert said; “I’m thrilled to have the support of Marco’s. It comes at an exciting time in my career and I’m fully focused on taking darts as far as possible.

“I hope I can show other people that darts is a challenging, fun and inclusive sport that anyone can try their hand at.”

Speaking ahead of the unveiling of the new interactive darts area at Marco’s, owner Paul Demarco said; “It’s fantastic to see a younger generation discover darts for the first time and I’m confident that anyone who tries our interactive dartboard will be hooked!

“The beauty of the game is that anyone can have a go. No doubt Robert Sutherland Junior will inspire many more to take up the sport and we’re proud to support him on his journey to international success.”

The new interactive darts area at Marco’s is the latest addition to the popular Edinburgh entertainment venue which features 18 9ft professional American pool tables, a cocktail and pizza bar, and a private hire karaoke room.

A special introductory darts offer is available for a limited time only – £5 per person per hour, with a minimum of four people per booking.

To experience the thrill of interactive darts for yourself, book here.

LifeCare offers free relaxing activities for local unpaid carers

This Carers Week (10th – 14th June) local charity LifeCare Edinburgh is highlighting the support offered to unpaid carers every week of the year

 Are you an unpaid carer? Do you support another adult – friend or relative – due to their age, illness or disability?  Then this could be for you!

LifeCare Edinburgh understands how important it is for unpaid carers to get a well-deserved break.  The charity offers a range of respite services such as their registered day clubs, outreach care, help at home and meals on wheels services. The charity also offers a fantastic range of free drop-in activities designed for unpaid carers to relax, do something for them and meet others in a similar position. 

Join LifeCare to try a new activity or get back to something you love. All unpaid carer activity sessions take place in the LifeCare Hub on Cheyne Street and run through the week at different days and times.  

Why not pop along to Zumba on a Monday 6pm, Watercolours on a Tuesday at 11am, Painting and Sculpture for Beginners on a Thursday at 11am or Yoga on Sunday at 5pm?  Everyone that joins a class receives a voucher for a free tea or coffee in the charity’s community café CafeLife based within the hub.

Thanks to these activities, carers report feeling supported, connected, valued, refreshed and overall they feel better equipped to continue in their caring role.  One carer recently told us “I feel like myself again”

All activities are drop-in, no need to book, and are completely free thanks to funding from The Short Break Fund and LNER Community Fund.  You’re welcome to bring along the person you care for.  

To find out more drop in to the hub on Cheyne Street, call 0131 343 0940, email or visit

We can’t wait to welcome you!

Football activity club funding doubles to £4 million

Support to help families on low incomes with childcare

Football clubs and trusts across Scotland will receive additional funding to boost efforts to eradicate child poverty.

In the capital, four clubs – Spartans Community Foundation, Big Hearts, Hibernian Community Foundation and Edinburgh South Community FC – will all receive substantial government support.

The Scottish Government will double its investment in the Extra Time Programme, a joint initiative with the Scottish Football Association, from £2 million to £4 million for this financial year.

The funding will support more free before and after school clubs, and holiday clubs for children from families on low incomes.

By giving around a projected 3,000 children each week free access to sport and other activities which wrap around the school day, the funding will help more parents to enter or sustain employment or training. 

First Minister John Swinney made the announcement during a visit to Pollok United’s after-school activity club where he heard about the contribution innovative childcare options are making to the eradication of child poverty.

Mr Swinney said: “We know funding from the Extra Time Programme is enabling football clubs and trusts to provide really valuable childcare options, particularly for families from low-income households who are most at risk of living in poverty.

“By removing barriers to affordable and accessible childcare, we will contribute to the eradication of child poverty. I will shortly set out further views on this crucial issue in Parliament.  

“At the Nethercraigs Sports Facility, I saw children enjoying a healthy snack and fun activities including arts and crafts and sports. Parents have told Pollok United the service helps with food and childcare costs, relieving pressure on stretched family budgets.

“Like many others, I will be supporting Scotland at Euro 2024 when it gets underway in Germany this week. But the Extra Time Programme is a reminder that local football clubs are supporting communities here at home – providing valuable services beyond matchday. They understand the value of that support for local families, and they are well placed to provide crucial facilities and services.”

SFA Chief Executive Ian Maxwell said: “We are delighted to announce this additional funding in conjunction with the Scottish Government to extend the Extra Time Programme.

“The benefits have been clear to see and it’s vital that we continue to offer support for families to allow children and young people to access as much physical activity as possible.

“As well as the thousands of children who will engage with the game, clubs are often the heartbeat of their local communities and it’s just as important that we offer more opportunities for parents and carers too. This programme is a great example of how impactful the power of football can be.”

A Spartans spokesperson said: “We are delighted to be part of this delivery in North Edinburgh, supporting families in our community and providing after school and holiday clubs for young people.”

Pollok United Community Engagement and Funding Lead Deborah McCabe said: “Pollok United is delighted to be involved in this innovative Scottish Government and SFA collaboration.

“It has enabled us to provide a service that not only supports families during this cost of living crisis by offering free childcare provision, it also demonstrates that grassroots football organisations are well placed to deliver successful wider socio-economic support within communities, resulting in meaningful outcomes for those involved.”

EXTRA TIME funding:

ClubRegionProject Budget
Aberdeen FC Community TrustNorth£108,600.00
Broxburn United Sports ClubSouth East£149,700.00
Celtic FC FoundationWest£84,608.00
Dundee United Community TrustEast£89,130.00
Dundee United Sports Club 1984East£143,136.20
Dundee West Community TrustEast£104,010.00
Edinburgh South Community FCSouth East£135,000.00
Falkirk Community Football FoundationCentral£149,884.34
Glenrothes Strollers Community FCEast£134,335.00
Heart of Midlothian Football ClubSouth East£158,250.60
Hibernian Community Foundation LtdSouth East£149,844.00
Inverness CT Community DevelopmentNorth£250,772.00
Montrose Community TrustEast£100,185.00
Morton in the CommunityWest£82,946.25
Motherwell FC Community TrustCentral£120,066.50
North Kelvin Sports Development GroupWest£131,214.00
Partick Thistle Charitable TrustWest£183,238.47
Pollok UnitedWest£61,610.00
Queen of the South Community TrustSouth West£112,000.00
Queens Park FC FoundationWest£79,218.40
Rangers Charity FoundationWest£126,289.00
Spartans Community FoundationSouth East£178,544.00
St Mirren FC Charitable FoundationWest£151,300.00
Wasp Community ClubCentral£110,811.00
The Killie CommunitySouth West£53,923.45
Ayr UnitedSouth West£226,630.00
Blantyre Soccer AcademySouth West£126,220.00
Cumnock Juniors Community EnterpriseSouth West£31,000.00
Inverkeithing Hillhead Swifts / Blairgowrie and Rattray East£80,000
Ross CountyNorth£55,384.10

£250,000 Humanitarian Emergency Funding for Kenya

Emergency funding to support people affected by severe flooding in Kenya

External Affairs Secretary Angus Robertson has pledged funding of £250,000 to aid charities responding to those affected by the severe flooding in Kenya through the Scottish Government’s Humanitarian Emergency Fund (HEF).

Oxfam and Islamic Relief will receive £125,000 each to support thousands of families affected by the flooding with their immediate basic needs, including food, shelter and clean water. The funding will also support services to raise awareness and prevent gender-based violence.

Nearly 1.6 million people across East Africa have been affected by recent heavy rains, flash floods and landslides. In Kenya, 315 deaths have been reported and more than 58,000 families are estimated to have been displaced.

Mr Robertson said: “Our thoughts are with the families of those who have lost loved ones and the thousands of families whose homes have been substantially damaged by the severe flooding across Kenya.

“The £250,000 funding pledge to aid charities responding to the crisis through the Humanitarian Emergency Fund demonstrates the Scottish Government’s commitment to providing essential assistance to people in need.

“This funding will play an important role in addressing the immediate needs of those affected by the flooding, including helping to provide access to food, shelter and clean water.”

Oxfam in Kenya’s Humanitarian Lead Mat Cousins said: “The Scottish Government’s contribution is a lifeline for many families in Nairobi’s informal settlements who have lost everything to the floods.

“This funding will not only address immediate needs such as clean water and shelter but also provide crucial support for women and girls facing heightened risks of gender-based violence. We are grateful for this solidarity in such challenging times and hope it inspires other governments to provide similar life-saving support.”

Islamic Relief Regional Community Fundraising Manager Nadeem Baqir added: “This funding will serve as a vital lifeline for the many families impacted by Kenya’s flood crisis, aiding in the recovery and rebuilding of lives and livelihoods.

“The world’s most vulnerable communities are often the first to suffer from climate-related natural disasters, and we are thankful for the Scottish Government’s commitment to supporting those in greatest need.”

Edinburgh family hails son’s ‘Happy Place’ at The Yard’s Charity Ball

Over £80,000 was raised for a disabled children’s charity during its annual star-studded fundraising ball at the weekend.

Almost 300 people turned out for the Secret Garden-themed black-tie affair, The Yard’s Big Fun Raiser, at Prestonfield House Hotel, Edinburgh on Saturday 1 June 2024, raising funds through tickets, a raffle and silent auction.

The Yard works with children and young people aged 0-25 with Additional Support Needs through adventure play sessions in Edinburgh, Dundee and Kirkcaldy. 

The service offers creative and inclusive play experiences in a well-supported environment, alongside wraparound support for the whole family, with a varied programme of drop-in, respite and transition youth clubs, early years, specialist sessions with schools, family play sessions, plus inclusive play and disability training.

Celine Sinclair, CEO of The Yard, said, “Since opening our secret garden at Canonmills our dreams have taken root and flourished. We’ve grown, extending our arms to over 2600 young people annually across Edinburgh, Dundee and Fife.

“Now, we’re actively working towards spreading our unique model of family support and service excellence even further across Scotland.

“Thanks to the incredible generosity shown at The Big Fun Raiser,  we can unlock the potential of countless more families across Scotland by expanding The Yard’s reach and opening the doors to even more secret gardens of support, joy, and friendship.”

Edinburgh Mum Megan Davidson whose son Toby (5) attends The Yard, gave a speech highlighting the importance of the charity to her family.

Megan said, “Toby is unique, creative, fun and loving, and big brother to Phoebe who is two, going on 25. Toby is also autistic and has a chromosome duplication.  When he started playgroup, Toby really struggled and his behaviour was challenging. Although the staff were amazing, I dreaded pick-up and what they might say. Then, one day, a member of staff told us about The Yard. At that point, he hadn’t been diagnosed but that wasn’t an issue and, what’s more,  I could take Phoebe too!

“From our first visit, the nerves began to get lighter and Toby was having so much fun. I was no longer the odd one out; everyone got it! They offered us support, advice and friendship.  There is nowhere else you will find such selfless people; the team are 100% there for the children and he adores them. The Yard is his ‘yes’ place, his safe space, his happy place where he can be himself and celebrated for who he is.

“It’s also a place where Phoebe is included alongside her brother. Her experiences and the friendships she is forming are making her an advocate for inclusion. I wish all children had the opportunity she has had.

The Yard saved me; it gave me a place to heal when I needed it the most. It has educated me and, most importantly,  made me see just how beautiful our children are and that the world is better for having them in it.”

For more information, visit