‘Abandoned by the Council’

Re-open People’s Story Museum NOW, says STUC

The Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) has written to Cllr Cammy Day, City of Edinburgh Council Leader, urging the Council to urgently re-open the People’s Story museum.

The museum has been closed in advance of a debate on a proposal for the temporary closure of the museum.

STUC General Secretary Roz Foyer said: ““The People’s Story is unique in Edinburgh, the only place in Scotland’s capital city that documents the experience and conditions of working class people in the city.

“We are deeply concerned that the council has pre-empted the debate on a proposed temporary closure and has already closed the museum’s doors, depriving locals of access to one of the only free attractions in the city centre.

“The old town has been laid bare by corporate developers and over tourism, driving locals out as prices soar. This museum documented the experiences of working class Edinburgh and needs investment. Instead, it has been abandoned by the Council.”

Lothians MSP Foysol Choudhury, Shadow Culture Minister for Scottish Labour, has urged the First Minister to protect Scotland’s museums and culture sector, following the proposed closure of The People’s Story Museum in Edinburgh until April 2025.

“The People’s Story Museum is the only museum in Edinburgh dedicated to teaching the history of working-class people, it would be a great loss to the city and Scotland, depriving the public of a chance to discover history they can identify with.

“I have written to Councillor Cammy Day, Leader of Edinburgh City Council, following the proposed closure of the People’s Story Museum for seven months due to an “urgent” need to cut costs.

“I am asking the Council to delay its decision on this proposal to look at all alternatives to ensure The People’s Story can remain open.

“For years Scottish Labour has pressed the Scottish Government to resource our councils properly, we are now seeing the consequences with more and more being forced to close museums and cultural venues. I will continue to press the Scottish Government to ensure there is sufficient investment in our museums.”

The People’s Story Museum was opened in 1984 in the Canongate, to create a collection which reflected the working-class history of Edinburgh and the city’s proud history of protest and organising for the rights of people at home and around the world.

Ms Foyer’s letter in full: